Related but of interest regarding MGmirkin's observation of the the Lichtenberg figure in the shock patterns. Speculative but perhaps ELF waves are involved:
I found myself comparing the major quake (1:48) and subsequent aftershocks to the discharging of an acrylic Lichtenberg figure:
Jan. 3, 2008 — Using a novel device that simulates earthquakes in a laboratory setting, a Los Alamos researcher and his colleagues have shown that seismic waves--the sounds radiated from earthquakes--can induce earthquake aftershocks, often long after a quake has subsided.
Stresses on the photoelastic granules in the photo show up as brighter colors, with red showing the regions of highest stress. When forces are applied to granules beneath a plate in the earthquake machine, stresses propagate through the granules, creating "force chains," like the tracks of red visible in the image. (Credit: Bob Behringer)
The research provides insight into how earthquakes may be triggered and how they recur.
In a letter appearing in Nature, Los Alamos researcher Paul Johnson and colleagues Heather Savage, Mike Knuth, Joan Gomberg, and Chris Marone show how wave energy can be stored in certain types of granular materials--like the type found along certain fault lines across the globe--and how this stored energy can suddenly be released as an earthquake when hit by relatively small seismic waves far beyond the traditional "aftershock zone" of a main quake.
Perhaps most surprising, researchers have found that the release of energy can occur minutes, hours, or even days after the sound waves pass; the cause of the delay remains a tantalizing mystery.
Earthquakes happen when the Earth's crust slips along cracks, known as faults. Major faults can be found at the junction of independently moving masses of crust and mantle, known as tectonic plates.
Each earthquake releases seismic waves--vibrations at the cusp, or below the range of human hearing--that travel through the Earth. These waves can trigger aftershocks in a zone several to tens of miles away from the radiating main earthquake, known as a "mainshock." Most aftershocks usually occur within hours to days after the mainshock.
Researchers often have assumed that seismic waves beyond the immediate aftershock zone were too weak to trigger aftershocks. However, Gomberg and others have proven that seismic activity sometimes increases at least thousands of miles away after an earthquake.
"At these farther distances, earthquake triggering doesn't happen all the time," said Johnson. "The question always was why? What was going on in certain regions that lead to triggering? The challenge was whether we could go into the laboratory and mimic the conditions that go on inside the Earth and find out."
The answer to the challenge lay at Pennsylvania State University, where Marone had developed an apparatus that mimics earthquakes by pressing plates atop a layer of tiny glass beads. When enough energy is applied to the plates, they slip, like tectonic plates above the mantle.
Johnson wondered whether sound waves could induce earthquakes in such a system. His colleagues originally believed sound would have no effect.
Much to their surprise, the earthquake machine revealed that when sound waves were applied for a short period just before the quake, they could induce smaller quakes, or, in some instances, delay the occurrence of the next major one. The sound waves seemed to affect earthquake behavior for as many as 10 earthquake events after they were applied.
More surprising still, the team found that the granular beads could store a "memory" even after the system had undergone a quake and the beads had rearranged themselves.
"The memory part is the most puzzling," Johnson said, "because during an earthquake there is so much energy being released and the event is so violent that you have to wonder, why doesn't the system reset itself?"
The research has helped confirm that earthquakes are periodic events and that sound can disrupt them.
But catastrophic events in other granular media--such as avalanches or the sudden collapse of sand dunes--could help provide clues into the physics of earthquakes, and could help Johnson and his colleagues begin to unravel the mystery of stored memory in granular systems.
"What we've created in the laboratory has provided the basis for an understanding of dynamic triggering of earthquakes, something that has mystified people for years," said Johnson.
Other institutions besides Los Alamos National Laboratory involved in the research include Penn State, the University of California-Santa Cruz, the University of Wisconsin, the United States Geological Survey, and University of Washington
From: john x [mailto:jxyd2001@...] Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 6:39 AM To: Subject: [intalek] ELF ENERGY-AQUINO-EARTHQUAKES.I think you must reaf this..
Dear All.
Here in Greece since 1980, began a discover about the prediction in earthquakes with date and time ( this is not a joke, be careful I know very well what I am writing. ).This discover relates with the electrical signals where are generated by the great pressure between the lithosferes of the inner earth.Two different teams, today are working on this project.The one team with header of the Project Dr.Thanassoulas ( Geophysicist ) has today as he maintains the keys to the prediction of the earthquakes.I do not want to make you suffer from my words about this project and for this I will give you in the end of this letter the link to read about this amazing project.The reason of this e-mail is, there is a great correlation about Aquino's ELF and Gravity Shielding ( I can consider that as a Gravitational anomaly of the matter and this is for a specific purpose ) and the effects related with earthquakes, according to my point of view.Specifically Dr.Thanassoulas has made a map with black dots, which represent all the Gravitational anomalies in the whole area of Greece.And the strange and very exciting thing is, that all the earthquakes appeared in the past and present on these dots and they cannot appear anywhere else on the map, but just on these dots.
Now we come to the hot piece of this subject.The electrical signals called V.A.N ( from the Initial of the Discoverers ) are generated from the effect of piezoelectricity in the rocks with quartz incredients.These signals has been replicated in laboratory in early '80s.This is the one view of the generation of the signals.Also it is a fact that these signals are in the range of 0-2Hz.And to detect these signals you need to make a capacitor with long plates plunged down 30 meters at least from the surface of the earth.Because of the large masses and the violent fact of an earthquake, which releases an enormous amount of Energy, I can make the following thoughts.Dr.Aquino creates this coherence in my mind:ELF WAVES-HIGH PERMEABILITY MASSES-ABSORPTION OF ENERGY BY THEM-CHANGE OF THE GRAVITATIONAL MASS ( GRAVITANIONAL ANOMALY )-GRAVITY SHIELDING.And Dr.Thanassoulas makes this coherence in my mind:BIG MASSES-MOVEMENT OF THEM ON THE LIGUID IRON OF THE CORE OF OUR PLANET-COLLISION-RELEASING OF ENERGY-RELEASING ELF ENERGY ( If we supposed that these signals of 0-2Hz are induced to the plates of the Capacitor as I sent before, which that means that the plates act as an antenna )-APPEARANCE OF THE EARTHQUAKE EXACTLY IN A PLACE WITH A GRAVITATIONAL ANOMALY.What is the common between this two coherences?In Dr.Thanassoulas effects looks like we have the opposite phenomenon of Dr.Aquino.That means for Dr.Aquino from ELF ENERGY, we go to the GRAVITATIONAL ANOMALY OF MASS an for Dr.Thanassoulas from the GRAVITATIONAL ANOMALY OF MASS, we go to the release of ELF ENERGY.I think you can understand the coherence.
These are my thoughts about the two similar phenomena.I know very well from the Internet at least for Dr.Aquino's effect there has not been a replication yet from other experimenters.And more I think that these thoughts of me maybe are some small evidence for the hunt of truth of the Aquino's Theory.If anybody has made some thoughts about the above, I would like to read about them.The link for the earthquake prediction and the page of Dr.Thanassoulas is the follow:
Wow - ya think? Now, where have I read references like that before?
Re: Electric Earthquakes
WHAT CAUSES EARTHQUAKE LIGHTS? by Miles Mathis ... As I have already implied, earthquake lights are very conspicuous raw data themselves, which tell us that seismic waves are electromagnetic waves. Yes, these electromagnetic waves then cause material waves in solids and liquids, but the solid and liquid waves are secondary. They are not uncaused, or caused only by motion. Both the motion and the solid and liquid waves are caused by electromagnetic waves. So again, current science is upside down. It tries to explain electromagnetic waves in the earth or the atmosphere by solid waves, when the reverse is true: it is the electromagnetic waves that cause the waves of ground, water, and air. ... Notice that this chain of reasoning of the mainstream begins with an assumption that seismic waves cannot be electromagnetic waves. Why would they assume that? Well, they assume it because up until the last fifty years, and even into the present decade, no one has wanted to admit the presence of the charge field as a major player except in quantum interactions. If you start to admit the charge field as a major player in quakes, you have to start fielding questions about the charge field affecting celestial equations, and that is the last forbidden topic. The big boys don't want you messing with their celestial equations, which they got straight from Newton, Laplace, Lagrange, and the other demigods of physics. Unfortunately, we now have recent experiments that show that quakes are indeed caused by E/M potential differences. One of these same Japanese authors, N. Takeuchi, showed in 19953 and 19984 that seismic activity was directly linked to electromagnetic potential. ... We already know that animals use the E/M field in a multitude of ways, and there is even a scientific term for it, "magnetoception." It has been shown in everything from bacteria and fungi to crocodiles and bees, though perhaps its most famous user is the homing pigeon ... Many readers will pass by this as a joke, but they just haven't done their research. If you go to this widely available National Geographic article** (which comes up first on a search), you will learn enough to open your eyes, perhaps. I will circle two things in it. One,
There have also been examples where authorities have forecast successfully a major earthquake, based in part on the observation of the strange antics of animals. For example, in 1975 Chinese officials ordered the evacuation of Haicheng, a city with one million people, just days before a 7.3-magnitude quake. Only a small portion of the population was hurt or killed. If the city had not been evacuated, it is estimated that the number of fatalities and injuries could have exceeded 150,000.
I have recently become of the opinion that earthquakes are very definitely electric. And not just in the sense that they produce electricity. Rather, they are themselves produced by electricity. You can find the full write-up here:
Earthquakes are not the consequence of the catastrophic release of potential stored in the elasticity of the crust, because the crust simply isn't elastic. Rather, under stress it fractures, which is an irreversible deformation that stores no energy. So quakes can only be caused by some other energy conversion. But what other energy could there be?
Earthquakes are accompanied by distinctive EM phenomena, so electrostatic potentials are definitely present. Existing EM models use some sort of piezo effect, but the quartz crystals in the crust are randomly oriented, and shouldn't produce any net piezo effect.
Is there another possibility?
I've been studying "pressure ionization" in a different context (i.e., solar theory), and was encouraged to apply those principles to tectonics. The results have been very interesting. The basic idea is that under extreme pressure, all matter becomes positively charged. Put simplistically, electrons can only exist as free particles or in specific electron shells, and if the atoms are pushed too close together, the shells fail, liberating the electrons. In a closest-packed arrangement, the electrons are expelled altogether, and congregate just outside the ionized matter, attracted by the electric force to the ions, but unable to neutralize them because there isn't the room for electrons between the atoms. Hence the core of the Earth should be positively charged, while the crust should be negatively charged, as it is under a lot less pressure, and can absorb the excess electrons from below.
The first thing that we get from this model is an explanation for how the asthenosphere can "flow" under great pressure. Granites and basalts normally become more brittle with pressure. But if the rock is under sufficient pressure to become ionized, the loss of valence electrons will weaken the crystal lattice, and thus enable plasticity.
Things get more interesting when we apply these principles to earthquakes. It is well-known that the crust buckles under pressure before a quake. And there are a variety of EM phenomena that vary directly with the degree of buckling. In the present model, the buckling of the crust reduces the pressure in the lower lithosphere and in the asthenosphere. As a consequence, rock that had been ionized can now be neutralized. Hence there will be a flow of electrons, laterally and vertically, into the de-pressurized rock. This would be the electric current that dings the field meters.
But that's just the beginning. I followed it all of the way through, and I think that I've identified a force feedback loop that is actually responsible for the quake. If tectonic pressure causes the crust to buckle, and if de-pressurization in the underlying rock enables charge recombination, and thus an electric current, then the electric current will cause ohmic heating in the crust, which will cause the crust to expand, which will make it buckle even more. And, of course, buckling was the prime mover, so this is a positive feedback loop. A runaway crustal expansion, initiated by tectonic pressure but augmented by ohmic heating, is just the sort of mechanism that would cause the catastrophic failure of a fault.
So it appears that earthquakes are, indeed, caused by electric currents.
Kuril islands earthquakes electrical trigger
Kuril islands earthquakes with Mag 4.0+ for the last 3 days.
2013-02-28 14:05:51 UTC after 23 ( 12 + 11 ) hours 2013-03-01 12:53:54 UTC 2013-03-01 13:20:51 UTC after 34 ( 12 + 11 + 11 ) hours 2013-03-02 23:32:59 UTC
This is suggesting to external ( electrical ) trigger. Electrical current between the Sun and the partner star. It is flowing along the ecliptic and through the Earth. With Earth's orbital movement, each day, we are getting into denser flux. Up to a peak in the middle of May.
Prince William Sound, Alaska - Mag 9.2 1964 March 28 conjunction - Mercury, Jupiter - 30.03.1964 difference -2 days
Sumatra - Mag 9.0 2004 December 26 conjunction - Mercury, Venus, Pluto - 29.12.2004 difference -3 days
Great Tohoku - Mag 9.0 2011 March 11 conjunction - Mercury, Uranus - 10.03.2011 difference +1 day
Miyagi - Mag 7.1 2011 April 7 conjunction - Mars, Uranus - 05.04.2011 difference +2 days
Santa Cruz Islands - Mag 8.0 2013 February 06 conjunction - Mercury, Neptune - 06.02.2013 difference - 0 days
Kuril Islands - Mag 6.9 2013 February 28 conjunction - Venus, Neptune - 28.02.2013 difference 0 days
Venus, Uranus - 29 March 2013 Venus, Mars - 10 April 2013 Mercury, Uranus - 20 April 2013 Mercury, Mars - 07 May 2013 Mercury, Venus, Jupiter - 27 May 2013 - most powerful combination, should be felt days in advance.
Earthquake Magnitude 6.7 -Finschhafen, Papua New Guinea
Event Time 2013-03-10 22:51:56 UTC 2013-03-11 08:51:56 UTC+10:00 at epicenter
Weaker connection from Neptune to internal planets then on 28 Feb, 2013. ( Kuril Islands 6.9 M ) viewtopic.php?f=4&t=11052
Re: Electric Earthquakes
More research on the Oklahoma 2011 quake discussed earlier in this thread:
Mar 26, 7:04 PM EDT
Report: Big Okla. quake in 2011 likely man-made
AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki
WASHINGTON (AP) — An unusual and widely felt 5.6-magnitude quake in Oklahoma in 2011 was probably caused when oil drilling waste was pushed deep underground, a team of university and federal scientists concluded.
That would make it the most powerful quake to be blamed on deep injections of wastewater, according to a study published Tuesday by the journal Geology. The waste was from traditional drilling, not from the hydraulic fracturing technique, or fracking.
Not everyone agrees, though, with the scientists' conclusion: Oklahoma's state seismologists say the quake was natural.
The Nov. 6 earthquake near Prague, Okla., injured two people, damaged 14 houses and was felt for hundreds of miles in 14 states, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was the largest quake in the central part of the country in decades and largest in Oklahoma records, experts said.
The study by geophysicists at the University of Oklahoma, Columbia University and the USGS says that a day earlier there was a slightly smaller quake in an old oil well used to get rid of wastewater, right along a fault line. That smaller quake triggered the bigger one, and a third smaller aftershock.
The location of the tremors right at the spot where wastewater was stored, combined with an increased well pressure, makes a strong case that the injections resulted in the larger quake, they said.
This area of Oklahoma had been the site of oil drilling going back to the 1950s, and wastewater has been pumped into disposal wells there since 1993, the study authors said. Water and other fluids used for drilling are often pumped more than a mile below ground.
The report said there was a noticeable jump in the well pressure in 2006. USGS geophysicist Elizabeth Cochrane described the pressure increase from injections as similar to blowing more air in a balloon, weakening the skin of the balloon
"We have a lot of evidence that certainly leads us to believe" the quake was caused by the injections, said Cochrane, a study co-author.
The evidence isn't as complete as other smaller earthquakes that have been linked conclusively to injections of waste, such as those in Arkansas, Colorado and Nevada, said co-author Heather Savage of Columbia.
But with the quake at the "right place" at the well, the increased pressure and the other smaller quakes across the region triggered by injections, "it becomes compelling," she said.
A National Academy of Sciences study last year documented 60 small injection induced quakes in the United States in the last 90 years, mostly in California, Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma and Ohio.
In a statement, the Oklahoma Geological Survey said the interpretation that best fits the data is the quake "was the result of natural causes" but needs further study. The state officials cited new 3-D seismic data, a time lag between injection and the quakes, and the orientation of the faults to say it was natural not induced.
Just being in the right place isn't proof enough, said Austin Holland, seismologist for the state agency. There are few places in Oklahoma where you can have an earthquake that's not near an injection well, he said.
Three outside scientists contacted by The Associated Press said the researchers made a strong case for a likely man-made cause.
"I think they made the case that it is possible; it's probably even more than possible," said Steve Horton, director of the Center for Earthquake Research and Information at the University of Memphis. "They have a very reasonable conclusion."
They're getting close to figuring it out. They just have to factor in the EU/ES behavior. They're not doing that yet.
Tolenio advised me that Oklahoma will tend to see earthquakes around 13 days after a spike in the K index to at least level 3.
I have been tracking CMEs as reflected on the X ray flux charts on, the K index spikes on the same site, and earthquakes in Oklahoma. From my observations, more often than not, Oklahoma earthquakes of any consequence do tend to follow that pattern.
According to my archives, there was a level 7 (strong storm) spike in the K index about 13 days prior to the big quake they are talking about. However, just because there is a spike doesn't mean that we are guaranteed to have an earthquake in Oklahoma. The energy can end up in the southern hemisphere, and there will be a noticeable quake in South America around the same longitude as Oklahoma, if the energy (plasmoid) goes that direction.
I think the connection with injection wells (not frakking, as they mentioned in the article) is caused by the fact that petroleum is less electrically-conductive than things like oilfield brine. IMHO, what happens is that if you force brine into a fracture that previously held petroleum, you have created a circuit for electricity to follow the next time charge-equalization is needed in the area. The concept of IC chips comes to mind.
I stumbled upon this article that vaguely connects the rotation speed of Earth's inner core and earthquake doublets: Sounds to me like variations in electrical supply to a homopolar motor! Looking forward to hearing what your views are on this /MK
Re: Electric Earthquakes
I am curious as to how well (or even *if*) today's monstrous quakes in the Sea of Okhotsk off Russia (the largest of which - so far - is an M8.3, and extremely deep - way down at about 600KM) can be associated with the recent multiple big CMEs.
If I remember correctly, we had 4 X-class blasts yesterday, although I don't have the data handy.
Earthquake lights linked to rift environments
Earthquake lights linked to rift environments, subvertical faults
SAN FRANCISCO – Rare earthquake lights are more likely to occur on or near rift environments, where subvertical faults allow stress-induced electrical currents to flow rapidly to the surface, according to a new study published in the Jan./Feb. issue of Seismological Research Letters.
From the early days of seismology, the luminous phenomena associated with some earthquakes have intrigued scholars. Earthquake lights (EQL) appear before or during earthquakes, but rarely after.
EQL take a variety of forms, including spheres of light floating through the air. Seconds before the 2009 L'Aquila, Italy earthquake struck, pedestrians saw 10-centimeter high flames of light flickering above the stone-paved Francesco Crispi Avenue in the town's historical city center. On Nov. 12, 1988, a bright purple-pink globe of light moved through the sky along the St. Lawrence River near the city of Quebec, 11 days before a powerful quake. And in 1906, about 100 km northwest of San Francisco, a couple saw streams of light running along the ground two nights preceding that region's great earthquake.
Continental rift environments now appear to be the common factor associated with EQL. In a detailed study of 65 documented EQL cases since 1600 A.D., 85 percent appeared spatially on or near rifts, and 97 percent appeared adjacent to subvertical faults (a rift, a graben, strike-slip or transform fault). Intraplate faults are associated with just 5 percent of Earth's seismic activity, but 97 percent of documented cases of earthquake lights.
"The numbers are striking and unexpected," said Robert Thériault, a geologist with the Ministère des Ressources Naturelles of Québec, who, along with colleagues, culled centuries of literature references, limiting the cases in this study to 65 of the best-documented events in the Americas and Europe.
"We don't know quite yet why more earthquake light events are related to rift environments than other types of faults," said Thériault, "but unlike other faults that may dip at a 30-35 degree angle, such as in subduction zones, subvertical faults characterize the rift environments in these cases." [...] While the 65 earthquakes ranged in magnitude, from M 3.6 to 9.2, 80 percent were greater than M 5.0. The EQL varied in shape and extent, though most commonly appeared as globular luminous masses, either stationary or moving, as atmospheric illuminations or as flame-like luminosities issuing from the ground.
Timing and distance to the epicenter vary widely. Most EQL are seen before and/or during an earthquake, but rarely after, suggesting to the authors that the processes responsible for EQL formation are related to a rapid build-up of stress prior to fault rupture and rapid local stress changes during the propagation of the seismic waves. Stress-activated mobile electronic charge carriers, termed positive holes, flow swiftly along stress gradients. Upon reaching the surface, they ionize air molecules and generate the observed luminosities.
I'm wondering though, how they prevented a sample bias from occuring here, haven't been able to find the article itself. But there is an interesting supplement below, with the selected cases from the study.
INTRODUCTION This supplement includes a complete description of 60 of the 65 earthquakes associated with luminosities that are listed in tables 1 and 2 and located in figures 1 and 2 of the article. A more detailed description of earthquake lights (EQL) is also given for the other five cases that are already described in the paper. These descriptions of earthquake and accompanied EQL are a necessary complement to the analysis and interpretation given in the paper. The references for this supplement are given at the end of the text. Numbers after each title correspond to the listings in Table 1 (earthquakes from the Americas) and Table 2 (earthquakes from Europe). DESCRIPTION OF OTHER EARTHQUAKES ASSOCIATED WITH LUMINOSITIES
Shelgeyr wrote: I am curious as to how well (or even *if*) today's monstrous quakes in the Sea of Okhotsk off Russia (the largest of which - so far - is an M8.3, and extremely deep - way down at about 600KM) can be associated with the recent multiple big CMEs.
If earthquakes are actually triggered by telluric currents that graduate to plasma discharge channels, any disruption to the electric balance of the planet could help set off a quake. The stress being relieved might be tectonic, but the "reliever" might be the explosiveness of a confined electric current, like a lightning strike with its associated percussive boom, traveling through rock instead of through the air.
HESSDALEN A PERFECT "NATURAL BATTERY" This brief article proposes a working hypothesis for the development of a physical model to explain the origin of the Hessdalen phenomena. It speculatively suggests that the local characteristics of the valley lead to the production of cold plasmas and/or ion bubbles, by means of chemical effects and thanks to the self-consistency due to the polar properties of water. Plasmas/ion bubbles move along the lines of force of an electric field produced by the "natural battery", which in turn originates from the peculiar geology of the valley. The cold plasmas excitation and emission might be generated by a recombination mechanism, triggered by solar wind/cosmic ray particles. Conversely, the emission might come from free-free mechanisms, interactions between the bubble particles and the natural battery electric field. The latter hypothesis seems to be preferred, yet the available measurements are insufficient to draw conclusions. All these theories must be tested with dedicated observations, to be carried out in the radio, infrared and visible bands with high frequency resolution, wide-band instruments.