The recent M9 Tohoku Japan earthquake of March 11, 2011 was the largest recorded earthquake ever to hit this nation. We retrospectively analyzed the temporal and spatial variations of four different physical parameters - outgoing long wave radiation (OLR), GPS/TEC, Low-Earth orbit tomography and critical frequency foF2. These changes characterize the state of the atmosphere and ionosphere several days before the onset of this earthquake. Our first results show that on March 8th a rapid increase of emitted infrared radiation was observed from the satellite data and an anomaly developed near the epicenter. The GPS/TEC data indicate an increase and variation in electron density reaching a maximum value on March 8. Starting on this day in the lower ionospheric there was also confirmed an abnormal TEC variation over the epicenter. From March 3-11 a large increase in electron concentration was recorded at all four Japanese ground based ionosondes, which return to normal after the main earthquake. We found a positive correlation between the atmospheric and ionospheric anomalies and the Tohoku earthquake. This study may lead to a better understanding of the response of the atmosphere /ionosphere to the Great Tohoku earthquake
Re: Electric Earthquakes
Yeah, I find it interesting they think the increased electrons and infrared radiation is due to released radon gas prior to the earthquake in this article. How does the earth release gasses before it starts moving?
A recent interview with Prof. Pulinets can be viewed here: Among other things, he makes clear in this interview that it is possible to know that an earthquake will occur sufficiently ahead of time to be able to move people out of harms way.
Jon Silveus said:
To deny that we have the ability to project complementary or resonant frequencies well beneath the ground surface is irresponsible but most of our behavior is such, and we rationalize such irresponsibility by pointing out it's in response to other irresponsible or inaccurate arguments. To argue to what extent this technology can be used, particularly in regards to accuracy, would be the realm of proper civil scientific discussion, though I don't know how tightly a clamp the information from such facilities endures in the intellectual circles. Therefore, significant independent treks into this realm are required.
To assume that any who would partake in such technological ventures is "evil" also lacks a great deal of human behavioral understanding, though it would also seem wilfully ignorant to pretend no such bad seeds exist at all. For instance, if our military were exploring such venues then would it not be logical to assume other militaries are as well, and are our militaries not a nationalistic polarity of "us vs. them" hence deriving the necessity to consider the opposing side "evil"? Even dismissing that polarized generalization there will always be those within a culture whose motives are drastically different than their surroundings. This is where transparency, accountability, and checks & balances hold their weight. This is contrary, though, to our society becoming ever more militarized & proprietary.
Bah, I went a bit off topic without extensively making the connections, but erase it I will not.
I tend to agree with Jon
Re: Electric Earthquakes
Recent EARTHSCOPE activities have been concerned with monitoring earthquake-related parameters from using surface stress (INSAR) to deep borehole stress measurements (SAFOD). In this paper we draw attention to other parameters possibly related to earthquakes (EQ) that can be monitored from the ground and from space. Specifically,we propose to initiate a similar activity under TERRASCOPE or under some other future mission concept. Recent field studies and simultaneous satellite observations add confidence to reported observations of electromagnetic (EM) emissions before large earthquakes. There is likewise mounting evidence that, prior to seismic activity, electric fields are transmitted from the ground into the atmosphere, that thermal anomalies may become observable, that ions may be emitted from the ground, that the atmospheric conductivity is affected, that the ground potential may change locally or regionally, etc. Some authors have considered the possibility of an inverse connection - from the atmosphere to the ground, causing seismic activity. Increased lightning activity, due to growing seismic activity, and the large currents thus induced may have an effect on the fracturing or microfracturing of rocks, focusing the EQ energy release [Pulinets, 2000]. Several ongoing international satellite missions, COMPASS (Russia, Poland, 2001), DEMETER (France, Japan, Russia, 2002) and VARIANT (European Space Agency, Ukraine, 2001), are aimed at retrieving ionospheric plasma anomalies that may be related to EQ activity (M>5). A recent experimental study [Freund, 2000] has indicated a direct connection between stress applied to rocks and the generation of charge carriers, causing electric currents and affecting surface potentials. These new results may intensify the interest in future similar studies. [........]
Ouzounov/NASA have confirmed strong coupling of lithosphere to atmosphere to ionosphere March 1-11, 2011 over the vicinity of the great Japan earthquake. We know there were a pair of X class CME's launched and arriving to Earth during this time. Billions of tonnes of hot, charged solar plasma will have been launched at 2200 km/s to accelerate towards this receptively coupled conduit down through an inviting hole in the magnetosphere and directly into the Pacific plate. What more powerful connection between Sun and Earth could be imagined? Perhaps a combination of Earthly and solar effects combined to result in the historic 9.0 Japan Quake of 3-11.
Respectfully, Dotini
Re: Electric Earthquakes
Real-time Magnetosphere Simulation for the month of March, 2011 UT-
Another phenomenon noticed: an experimenter along the eastern Mediterranen noticed, when a quantity of C4 was exploded, to test a seismic network, the Earth's magnetic field was disturbed some 30KM away. I wonder-a plasma blast in the local field, generates a magnetic pulse? Who knew?
Ionospheric airglow signature of tsunami waves confirmed
Researchers at the University of Illinois have become the first to record an airglow signature in the upper atmosphere produced by a tsunami using a camera system based in Maui, Hawaii.
The signature, caused by the March 11 earthquake that devastated Japan, was observed in an airglow layer 250 kilometers above the earth's surface. It preceded the tsunami by one hour, suggesting that the technology could be used as an early-warning system in the future. The findings were recently published in the peer-reviewed Geophysical Research Letters.
The observation confirms a theory developed in the 1970s that the signature of tsunamis could be observed in the upper atmosphere, specifically the ionosphere. But until now, it had only been demonstrated using radio signals broadcast by satellites.
"Imaging the response using the airglow is much more difficult because the window of opportunity for making the observations is so narrow, and had never been achieved before," said Jonathan Makela, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and researcher in the Coordinated Science Laboratory. "Our camera happened to be in the right place at the right time." Tsunamis can generate appreciable wave amplitudes in the upper atmosphere – in this case, the airglow layer. As a tsunami moves across the ocean, it produces atmospheric gravity waves forced by centimeter-level surface undulations. The amplitude of the waves can reach several kilometers where the neutral atmosphere coexists with the plasma in the ionosphere, causing perturbations that can be imaged.
On the night of the tsunami, conditions above Hawaii for viewing the airglow signature were optimal. It was approaching dawn (nearly 2:00 a.m. local time) with no sun, moon or clouds obstructing the view of the night sky.
Along with graduate student Thomas Gehrels, Makela analyzed the images and was able to isolate specific wave periods and orientations. In collaboration with researchers at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, CEA-DAM-DIF in France, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisais Espaciais (INPE) in Brazil, Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, and NOVELTIS in France, the researchers found that the wave properties matched those in the ocean-level tsunami measurements, confirming that the pattern originated from the tsunami. The team also cross-checked their data against theoretical models and measurements made using GPS receivers.
Makela believes that camera systems could be a significant aid in creating an early warning system for tsunamis. Currently, scientists rely on ocean-based buoys and models to track and predict the path of a tsunami. Previous upper atmospheric measurements of the tsunami signature relied on GPS measurements, which are limited by the number of data points that can be obtained, making it difficult to create an image. It would take more than 1,000 GPS receivers to capture comparable data to that of one camera system. In addition, some areas, such as Hawaii, don't have enough landmass to accumulate the number of GPS units it would take to image horizon to horizon.
In contrast, one camera can image the entire sky. However, the sun, moon and clouds can limit the utility of camera measurements from the ground. By flying a camera system on a geo-stationary satellite in space, scientists would be able to avoid these limitations while simultaneously imaging a much larger region of the earth.
To create a reliable system, Makela says that scientists would have to develop algorithms that could analyze and filter data in real-time. And the best solution would also include a network of ground-based cameras and GPS receivers working with the satellite-based system to combine the individual strengths of each measurement technique. "This is a reminder of how interconnected our environment it," Makela said. "This technique provides a powerful new tool to study the coupling of the ocean and atmosphere and how tsunamis propagate across the open ocean."
Tsunamis send electric signals through the ocean that appear to be sensed by the vast network of communication cables on the seabed, according to a new study led by Manoj Nair of the University of Colorado and NOAA.
Nair and his colleagues used computer models to estimate the size of an electric field created by the force of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami as it traveled over major submarine cables. Salty seawater, a good conductor of electricity, generates an electric field as it moves through Earth's geomagnetic field.
"We estimate that the 2004 tsunami induced voltages of about 500 millivolts (mV) in the cables. This is very small compared to a 9-volt battery, but still large enough to be distinguished from background noise on a magnetically quiet day," Nair said. "By monitoring voltages across this network of ocean cables, we may be able to enhance the current tsunami warning system."
I have problems trying to find things online.....But, if you google "earthquake, damage, cost, Indonesia, and the date", you should get that information.
cart before the horse
Tsunamis can generate appreciable wave amplitudes in the upper atmosphere – in this case, the airglow layer. As a tsunami moves across the ocean, it produces atmospheric gravity waves forced by centimeter-level surface undulations. The amplitude of the waves can reach several kilometers where the neutral atmosphere coexists with the plasma in the ionosphere, causing perturbations that can be imaged.
This "explanation" is absolutely riotous. It's mind-boggling that the "airglow layer" is said to be caused by a wave of water under it. Clearly the "airglow layer" is a manifestation of the electric currents driving the tsunami.
Oklahoma earthquake
Its been a while since I have visited these forums, however, recent events have brought me back here to the knowledge available in these forums. We just had the strongest earthquake to ever hit Oklahoma which caused damage near the epicenter. This was the second one in 24 hours. Although I don't have a ton of data to go off of here are my initial thoughts. There are many here that are far more resourceful than me so I would appreciate all input.
The first earthquake was about 2:20 am central time and a 4.7 magnitude center north of Prague Oklahoma. This appears to be shortly after a huge polar euroption on the sun. The one tonight was a 5.6 and center in the same area. My initial thoughts are that the first may seem to be caused by the explosion on the sun. Although it was not directed at us the loss of charge from the sun would have an effect her almost immediately due to the birkeland current connecting us to the sun. The CME was not directed straight at us it would pass our general vicinity about this time. I would imagine this to be the cause of the second. I also think the increase in earthquakes recently, in oklahoma, is due to the drought. I imagine since we have had virtually no storm season and no tornadoes that the typical charge transfer is not occurring in this area. I would imagine this would increase the differential present in Oklahoma cause we didn't have the storms and tornadoes to help keep things equalized. When such an event as has occurred on the sun happens, there is a larger differential present than normal and the normal mechanism for equalization is not present (moisture in the atmosphere to collect and transfer the charge as storms). I also find there may be a connection to the shift in the jet stream causing the storms we have had in oklahoma to in the far east and the fact that what quakes we have had, which are typically small enough to not be felt, have moved from the Ames area east to near Prague. The very large sunspot that exploded recently (AR1339) will be facing us in the next few days. Should there be another explosion I would image to expect more or larger earthquakes here. Hopefully the chance for rain monday will be storms which should help to normalize the charge differential. Anyways, let me know what you think of all this and if there is any info/data you can provide which may indicate future occurrences.
Re: Oklahoma earthquake
May as well make the connection the recent dust storm...
Monday night's dust storm in Texas was the biggest dust storm to come through the U.S. in decades.
Re: Oklahoma earthquake
I wasn't aware of that in Texas. Interesting! I think the fact that we are leaving the solar minimum is the obvious cause for the change in weather and earthquake patterns. I imagine things will only continue to strengthen as the sun we move further into the solar cycle.
Re: Oklahoma earthquake
As far as I've seen, the exact nature of the relation between solar activity and earthquakes is still ambiguous, though there is something there.
The most recent reference to a study I've seen was by a Japanese team, where they showed that the statistical correlations show more quakes when there are fewer sunspots, though this correlation is the strongest for "mega earthquakes." The article said the results were supposed to be released a few days ago.
Sunspots gradually increase and decrease in number in a cycle of about 11 years, and cause changes in the earth's atmosphere. The research team investigated the possibility that they could also produce changes beneath the earth's surface, and compared data on the number of sunspots between 1963 and 2000 and the 327,625 earthquakes of magnitude 4 or more that occurred during this period.
The study found that 65 percent of the earthquakes with magnitudes between 4.0 and 4.9 occurred during the periods with the fewest sunspots (each lasting about two years). The figure was around the same for earthquakes with magnitudes between 5.0 and 7.9. However, the figure was higher for the 28 mega earthquakes with magnitudes in the 8.0-9.9 range, with 79 percent of them occurring during periods with the fewest sunspots