Review Paper
© Science Admins
'13-05-04, 07:38
St. Louis area

Maybe one or more of us can come up with a simplified but fairly complete short paper on the major problems with various solar models as well as promising alternative perspectives that could be referenced.... And maybe the solar model discussion could branch off of that paper.  I'll think about that probably later today.

'13-05-11, 05:25

I like the idea of a paper... For what we are doing it would almost be considered a review of solar model with the addition of new ones...*9934

Then write another paper discussing the merits of a particular group of new models after you tell them why there is a need for a new model.

'13-05-13, 02:51
Charles Chandler
Baltimore, MD
Brant said:
I like the idea of a paper... For what we are doing it would almost be considered a review of solar model with the addition of new ones...
I totally agree. I think that what I've been doing with the Individual Models and Tabular Comparison documents could grow into a formal review paper, and this would be extremely useful, for all of us. I'm thinking that each model should get a page or two to describe the essential tenets, including images where appropriate, so that the models are fairly represented. Weaknesses should be detailed in an objective tone. As new models emerge and/or change, the review paper should be updated.

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