General Discussion
© Science Admins
This thread is for any chit-chat, when you can't think of a reason to start a new thread, but you have something to say anyway. ;) Posts into this thread can always be moved to new threads, if a discussion gets going on a specific topic that deserves its own thread.
'13-05-12, 13:02
St. Louis area

BH is interested in joining and asked for periodic reminders, so I thought it may be good to send out a monthly newsletter to mention interesting developments to people.*9931 Dave Talbott has something like that for news about the Thunderbolts forum and website.

'13-05-13, 02:46
Charles Chandler
Baltimore, MD
Lloyd said:
I thought it may be good to send out a monthly newsletter to mention interesting developments to people.
This is a cool idea. It will take a lot of work. One idea would be to mention in the newsletter when threads have been summarized. In other words, get the material for the newsletter from what has popped up in discussions, and summarize it. We have discussed threads summaries for other reasons, so here's another reason for doing them.

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