  1. Who should be the Aether Team administrator?
    1. Sebastian (Developer)
    2. Brant ()
    3. Lloyd ()
    4. other ()
  2. What about the image currently at the top of this article?
    1. Keep ()
    2. Remove (i.e., no image) ()
    3. Don't care (Developer)
    4. Ether without the "A" :-) (SebastianG)
    5. other ()
  3. Which flavor of aether do you most prefer?
    1. Robert Distini's Ethereal Mechanics (SebastianG)
    2. Paulo & Alexandra Correa's Aetherometry ()
    3. Miles Mathis ()
    4. other ()
  4. Who else should be invited into this team?
    1. EU members (SebastianG)
    2. NPA members ()
    3. other ()
  5. Suggestions
    1. other ()

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