Make it easier to navigate with pull-down menus.
© Developer
'13-02-06, 23:32
St. Louis area

It's hard to navigate this site and to find what I'm looking for.

You could have a topic search box for topics we already know of.

You could have drop-down menus to explore topics.*6713

You have levels of topics arranged as follows:

QDL / Articles / Science / Theoretical / Introduction / Moderator's Workbench / Discussions / Problems

You could allow drop-down menus to appear under any topic that we hover our cursor arrow over.

It's better to have them drop down just by hovering the arrow over a topic, rather than clicking on the topic

And when a menu drops down, it would be good to be able to move the arrow down over the list of subtopics and to have submenus appear as we hover over each subtopic. And ditto for sub-subtopics etc.

'13-02-07, 11:25
Baltimore, MD, USA
This is a cool idea. I'll give it some thought. I assume that this would only apply to the top title line, or perhaps to any line (including reports) where the full path is specified.
'13-02-07, 11:28
Baltimore, MD, USA
Lloyd said:
1. It's hard to navigate this site and to find what I'm looking for.
This is a cool idea. I entered a wish list item for this, since it's going to take some thought.
QDL / Forums / QDL Itself / Wants & Wishes / Make it easier to navigate with pull-down menus.
'13-07-06, 11:54
Baltimore, MD, USA
Done. Now you can click on the slash anywhere in a path to get a pop-up that shows all of the items at that level. Click on one of them to go straight there.
Thanks, Lloyd!

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