© Lloyd
http://milesmathis.com/charge2.html (What is "Charge"?)
- *In my UFT paper [] I showed that what we have always called the gravitational field at the macro-level is in fact a compound field that includes both gravity and the "charge" field.
- Newton's gravity equation can be expanded, with G as the transform between the two fields.
- Once we re-expand the equation, we find that "mass" is hiding two separable features, and that one of them goes to one field and one goes to the other.
- *Specifically, if we write mass as density x volume, the volume goes to the gravitational field and the density goes to the charge field (or what I call the foundational E/M field).
- *Gravity is no longer dependent on density; it is proportional to volume or radius, and nothing else.
- *Density is important only in the E/M field.
- The way that all this impacts the problem of charge is that we can now re-define the charge field as a bombarding field only.
- It is always repulsive; never attractive.
- It is caused by radiation of these messenger photons, which I am going to re-dub B-photons (for bombarding photons).
- The repulsion is caused by an old-fashioned force by contact.
- Of course this means that the B-photons are not virtual: they have energy, mass equivalence, and even radius.
http://milesmathis.com/double.html (The Double Slit Experiment)
- I have proved in several previous papers that the charge field, if defined mechanically, must have mass equivalence.
- If it has mass equivalence, it must have materiality.
- *In other words, the field that mediates the charge between proton and electron must be made up of discrete particles itself.
- What is now called the messenger photon cannot be a virtual particle with no mass or energy.
- It must be a real particle and create a real field.
- In my most recent paper on this subject I have already given this messenger photon a new name (the B-photon) and a definite radius (G times the hydrogen radius),
http://milesmathis.com/charge.html (Electrical Charge)
- we are taken back to the spin of the elementary particles in the repulsing objects.
- It would appear that the spin causes the ejection or radiation.
- This would mean that charge is caused by spin; but charge is not spin.
- *Charge is the mass or momentum of the ejected gas or radiation [of photons].
http://milesmathis.com/stack.html (HOW TO BUILD A NUCLEUS without a Strong Force)
- *The first postulate is that the E/M field is caused by an emission field.
- *Protons must be emitting something in order to create the repulsion.
- *The second postulate is that quanta are spinning.
- In fact, I have already shown that baryons (protons and neutrons) have four stacked spins.
- These stacked spins are fully capable of explaining all the characteristics now given to quarks, without a quark model.
- It is these spins which will allow me to build the nucleus without the strong force.
- To begin, we will look only at the outer or z-spin of the baryon.
- The proton and neutron are both spinning, and since they are approximately the same size, their z-spins will have approximately the same angular momentum.
- What makes the two particles so different is that the proton is emitting a charge field and the neutron is not.
- The neutron is swallowing its charge field, since the photons cannot navigate the maze of spins.
- *The four spins of the neutron bring the photons back to the center, while the four spins of the proton allow the photons to escape.
- I have diagrammed this in previous papers.
- What this means for our analysis here is that the proton must be treated as an extended particle, while the neutron is treated as a discrete particle.
- In other words, in this first part of the analysis, the neutron is treated mainly as a z-spin, while the proton is treated as a z-spin plus the shell of emitted photons.
http://milesmathis.com/elecpro.html (Unifying the Electron and Proton)
- My explanation begins by importing theory from my paper on superposition.
- *There I showed that the mysteries of light motion and interaction could be explained by stacked spins, each spin outside the gyroscopic influence of inner spins.
- I showed the existence of four spins, of relative size 1,2,4, and 8, each orthogonal to neighboring spins.
- In other words, most photons are spinning every way they can spin, axially and in the x, y, and z planes.
- *In my paper on QCD, I applied this to baryons, showing that baryons also had all possible spins.
- In that paper I unified the proton and the neutron, showing that the difference between the two is only a difference in z-spin.
- That is, the particle at the center of every baryon is the same.
- Only the spins are different.
- I will show in a subsequent paper how this applies to mesons as well.
- Mesons are these same baryons stripped of outer spins.
- This unifies all hadrons.
- In this paper, I will show that the electron is also this same baryon stripped of outer spins.
- In this way, I will prove that electrons, mesons, neutrons and protons are all the same fundamental particle.
- The electron with all spins has an energy of 16,385.
- The electron with no spin has an energy of 1.
- The electron with axial spin has an energy of 9.
- If we divide 16,385 by 9 we get 16,385/9 = 1820.56
- We may therefore deduce that the electron at rest is spinning only about its own axis.
- An electron with all possible stable spins is a proton, anti-proton, or neutron.
- An electron with no z-spin is a meson.
- This number is very close to the atomic mass unit or Dalton which has a value of 1822.
- My margin of error may be explained by the presence of the gravitational field at the quantum level, but I will save that analysis for another paper.
- I will be asked how the electron can show a wave motion with only an axial spin.
- I have already shown that the wave characteristic of matter and of light is caused by stacked spins.
- But here we have only the first spin.
- How is the wave expressed?
- Well, it isn't expressed by an electron at rest, and we are comparing rest masses here.
- The electron must be moving to express a wave.
- If the electron begins moving and expresses a wave, of course it must have a second spin.
- It must get this spin from collision, we assume.
- And this second spin will add to the energy and therefore the apparent mass of the electron.
- A moving electron will become a sort of stable meson.
- As you can see from the math above, we can predict that it will have an energy about 7.2 times (65/9) that of the electron at rest.
- So in the first instance, the moving electron is not gaining energy only from Relativity.
- It is primarily gaining energy from x-spin.
http://milesmathis.com/photon.html (Unifying the Photon with other quanta)
- The [photon] mass should be proportional to the energy, but the energy is determined by both a and x-spins.
- The a-spin corresponds to the radius, but the x-spin is twice the a-spin.
- So, we have found a mass of the photon of 2.77 x 10^-37kg.
- From a previous paper, we know that the radius of the photon must be G times the proton radius, which gives us 2.74 x 10^-24m.
- Because if we use my simple equation from my first paper on G (relating mass and radius to surface acceleration), we get a = 4mG/r^2 = 9.8m/s^2
- The photon, like the proton and the Earth, has a local acceleration at its surface of 9.8!
- I have shown that the photon is two full levels below the electron and three levels below the proton.
- Why don't we find a stable particle with a mass 1/1821 that of the electron mass, which would be 5 x 10^-34 kg?
- If that were a photon, it would have an energy of 4.5 x 10^-17 J, and a frequency of 6.8 x 10^16/s.
- So the answer is, we do have a stable particle at that mass equivalence: it is just an ultraviolet photon.
- As the photon gather[s] spins, it stops acting like a simple particle with linear motion and starts acting like a little engine.
- The spins allow it to trap other photons.
- Specifically, the z-spin is orthogonal to the linear motion, which allows it to act like a scoop or an intake valve.
- Photons with only axial spin cannot resist this intake, and they are temporarily absorbed by the photon with z-spin.
- *Intake of small photons begins to slow the large photon and it begins to turn into an electron.
- *It gains mass and loses velocity.
- *At some point it takes its fill of small photons and they start to spill out once more.
- The large photon has become an engine, driven by small photons.
- It is now an electron.
- This photon exhaust of this little engine is what we call charge.
- *If you have enough of this exhaust, it begins to directionalize the residual photon wind, and this photon wind is what we call electricity.
- The spin of the photon wind is what we call magnetism.
http://milesmathis.com/magneton.html (The Bohr Magneton and Bohr's second and third biggest mistakes)
- Finally, let's check that value for the electron radius.
- Actually, what I found [before] is the radius of the outer spin.
- The electron in orbit has both an axial spin and an x-spin.
- Therefore the radius of the electron proper is: r.e = 1.12 x 10^-17m
- But the x-spin radius, 2.24 x 10^-17m, must be the effective border of the electron, since due to the end-over-end spin, the mass will inhabit this entire radius, during motion.
- In another paper, I found the radius of the proton to be about 10^-13m, and the proton is known to have a mass of about 1836 times the electron.
- Using those numbers, we get r = 5.45 x 10^-17m Which is very close.
- We can use my number to re-estimate the radius for the proton, assuming it has the same density as the electron.
- r.P = 4.11 x 10^-14m