© Lloyd


1. Variables in Physics Equations Must Have Dimensions
I show that you can't assign a cardinal number to a point, which begins the  revolution in both physics and mathematics. The point and the instant are  jettisoned from physics, and all math and science since Euclid must be  redefined.

2. Unified Field Theory
In my Unified Field Theory, using Newton's gravitational equation as a  compound equation, I separate out the foundational E/M field and then  reunify, including Relativity transforms. In a related paper, I show that G  acts as a transform between these two fields. Likewise, I pull apart  Coulomb's equation, showing that it is another unified field equation in  disguise. In another related paper I show that this foundational E/M field is  emitted by the central wall in the double slit experiment, creating the  interference pattern before a single photon moves through the apparatus.

3. The Copenhagen Interpretation of Superposition is False
Superposition is explained mechanically and visually, in a rather simple  manner. Using the gyroscope, I physically create x and y spins and draw the  physical waves created. This explains the wave motion, it dispels many  statistical mysteries, and it falsifies the Copenhagen interpretation. Using  this same spin model, I am able to show the make-up of all fundamental  particles, including the electron and proton, without quarks. I am able to  unify the electron, proton, neutron, and all mesons, by developing a simple  spin equation. With four stacked spins I can produce all known particles and  effects.

4. Calculus Must Reject Zero Differentials & Infinities
Calculus is redefined on the finite differential, which will revolutionize  the teaching of calculus as well as QED and Relativity. In fact, the fields  of all higher math must be redefined. This discovery ultimately bypasses  renormalization, making it unnecessary.

5. Circular Motion & Orbit Formulas Are Corrected
I show that many of Newton's important lemmae are false, including his basic  trig lemmae. His proof of a = v^2/r is compromised by this, which forces us  to re-analyze circular motion. The mechanics of his orbit also falls, which  requires us to hypothesize a third motion to stabilize the orbit in real  time. I have shown that this motion must be caused by the E/M field. This  also applies to Kepler's ellipse. And it explains the mechanics of tides. []  I also redrew the line between tangential velocity and orbital velocity,  showing that the orbital velocity must be an acceleration. This requires a  rewriting of many basic equations and cleans up many errors and mysteries,  including a few of those in renormalization.

6. The Precession of Mercury Calculation Completion
I correct all the numbers involved in the perihelion precession of Mercury,  proving that Einstein's analysis was very incomplete.

7. Relativity Solutions
I solved the problem of relativity, finding the simple and basic algebraic  errors at their inception. I offered corrected transforms for time, length,  velocity, mass, and momentum. I exploded the twin paradox, and did so by  showing incontrovertibly that relative motion toward causes time contraction,  not dilation. I solved the Pioneer Anomaly. I also proved that Newton's  kinetic energy equation is not an approximation; it is an exact equation. I  explain the cause of the mass limit for the proton in [an] accelerator.
- Some Minkowski & Einstein Postulates are False
[] Minkowski's four-vector field is shown to be false, not only because it  uses Einstein's false postulates and axioms, but because its own new  axiom—that time may travel orthogonally to x,y,z—is also false. [] I prove  that General Relativity is falsely grounded on the same misunderstandings as  the calculus, which is one reason it can't be joined to QED. I prove that  curved space is an unnecessary abstraction and that the tensor calculus is a  mathematical diversion, a hiding in esoterica. I prove this by expressing the  field with simple algebra, taking five equations to do what Einstein did in  44 pages.
- Interferometer & Light Clock Diagram Fixes
I show the error in the interferometer and light clock diagrams, proving that  no fringe effect should have been expected. The light clock creates the same  mathematical triangle and falls to the same argument.

8. String Theory Falsehood
As a bonus, I prove that String Theory is an historical embarrassment. 

9. Science Dictatorship
"I  am not required to accept the word of any master." [Latin] This is the motto  of the Royal Society of Science in England, meant to assert the independence  of science from various authorities; but ironically we must now apply it to  them, the various academic societies in the US, and to the standard model  worldwide, which has taken over the dictatorial powers of the old Church and  Monarch that Galileo and Newton had to resist. Mainstream science has itself  become the authorita[arian] and tyrannical magister or master.

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