© Lloyd
  1. http://milesmathis.com/mars.html (THE MAIN CAUSE OF ALL SOLAR SYSTEM INSTABILITY)
  2. [Mathis says small dense planets can get and remain closer to the Sun than large light ones, because of the photonic charge field.]
  3. [M]y research on the resonance between Jupiter and Saturn led me to see that resonance as the main danger to the Solar System in future.
  4. Because Saturn and Jupiter are currently moving apart very slowly, the danger has not been seen before.
  5. But over the long term, a moving apart must imply a [prior] moving together.
  6. A resonance is a cycle, and at some point in the future Jupiter and Saturn must come back together.
  7. Both mass and radius matter in the E/M field, because the E/M field is emitted by mass and felt by mass.
  8. It is a straight bombarding field, at the foundational level, so size matters.
  9. This explains Saturn wanting to go below Jupiter.
  10. Saturn feels less E/M repulsion from the Sun than Jupiter, so it wants to go below Jupiter.
  11. In a long, slow fall, it begins to do so.* But Jupiter blocks it.
  12. Because the fall is slow, there is time for Jupiter to come between.
  13. At a crucial point in the fall, the orbits collide.
  14. If Saturn is precisely even with Jupiter at collision, they actually hit, and pandemonium ensues.
  15. If Saturn is slightly higher than Jupiter at collision, the E/M fields of the two bodies bounce them apart, starting the resonance.
  16. This is what actually happened.
  17. Given the asteroid belt, the best first hypothesis is that Mars entered the system just below Jupiter.
  18. In going below the planet below Jupiter, it destroyed it.
  19. This means that the planet below Jupiter, which became the asteroid belt, was originally larger than Mars.
  20. How then could Mars destroy it?
  21. No, we are forced to a second hypothesis.
  22. To destroy this planet, Mars must have been bigger, which means it must have been coming from below.
  23. To come from below, it must have been in the bounce part of a resonance with the Earth.
  24. Which means Mars may have been the cause of terrestrial catastrophes in the past.
  25. Regardless of what may or may not have happened in the past, it is certain that Mars remains a danger to us.
  26. Its orbit has a high eccentricity, which is increasing.
  27. This would be a red flag even if Mars' orbit weren't deteriorating.
  28. Due to the basic equations of motion, Mars must want to go below the Earth, and at some point and in some manner it will attempt to do so, either with eccentricity or with a resonance.

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