This functionality is available to registered users and above.
Here you enter information about yourself that you want to be publicly visible. Make sure to change your display name to something other than your log-in name (as mentioned in the previous section), to increase the security of your account. Selecting a country results in your national flag appearing in the bio bar of all thread posts.
Also appearing in the bio bar is an avatar image. To select one, it first has to be uploaded, using the Upload File functionality.
You can select a post to serve as a signature for all of your posts.
At the bottom there is a groupbox for options related to your blog. First, there is a checkbox saying one of two things, depending on whether or not you have already set up a blog:
  1. create a folder for me in the QDL / Blogs folder, or
  2. delete my existing blog and orphan the entries.
Since not everybody maintains a blog, one is not set up for you automatically when you activate your account. So this is how you enable (or disable) your blog.

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