
Custom Blog Display
This functionality is available to professional users and above.
Blogs are visible to other QDL users, displayed with their layouts & styles. (See Skin for more info.) Blogs are also visible to anonymous users, with the standard QDL layout & style. Then there is a way of getting your blog to display for anonymous users with a layout & style that you define. So just as you can select the layout & style that you see when you're logged into QDL, you can select the layout & style that anonymous users will see when they visit your blog.
This special display mode is activated if the "hostAcct" argument is present in the query string. For example, the following link opens up the blog maintained by the "floor-maps" account, and with all of the standard QDL stuff removed, so that just the content of the blog is showing.
Such links can be pasted elsewhere in QDL, as well as on other websites. You can even redirect an entire domain to your QDL blog, in case you find it easier to maintain the material in QDL, but you want to use your own domain name. On Apache servers, this is done in the .htaccess file, using the Rewrite commands.
RewriteEngine on
								RewriteRule .* http://qdl.scs-inc.us/?hostAcct=floor-maps
Then anybody who hits your domain name will see the contents of your QDL blog instead. If you do a blind redirect, they won't even know the difference.

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