Especially in forum threads, it's common to quote text from a previous post when doing a new post. In QDL, just select the text that you want to quote, and click the button to start a new post. The selected text will be quoted in the new post.
QDL also provides another convenience: the ability to designate in the original post that there is an associated comment. That way, people don't have to read all of the subsequent posts to find out if somebody commented on a particular statement. To add a marker in the original post, just check the insert marker in source page box at the bottom. (This only appears if there was selected text prior to adding a new sub-page.) When the new page is submitted, the original post will get a marker that looks something like this.*10709 The asterisk designates that it's an inserted marker, and the number is the ID of the page. The comment will appear if you hover your mouse over the marker.

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