Editing Citations
If the material being cited is another QDL page, the author is the QDL user who created the page, and the date is the last modified date of the page. You cannot edit this information unless, of course, you're citing one of your own pages.
If the citation refers to a webpage on another server, the author/date/title information is extracted from the meta tags in the remote page, and a QDL page is created to store the citation internally, which you can edit. Whatever bibliographic information can be mined from the meta tags will appear in the QDL page, stored in RIS format.1
High-quality webpages generally have complete and accurate information in the meta tags, but some webpages (even ones that are still worth citing) might not have this. If so, you can manually edit the citation page in the References block to enter the correct information. When doing so, please try to get the title and author right. If another person cites the same online resource, QDL will not create a new citation page — it will simply use the one that was created for you. The advantage to everybody using the same citation page for the same resource is that you can easily find who else is citing that resource, by viewing the parents of the citation page. But this only works if the author and title are exact matches. If there are any differences, a new redundant citation page will be created.
If you create a unique citation, by default the rights of the QDL citation page will be:
creators:   you
editors:   you
adders:   nobody
readers:   everybody
You can change the creators and/or the editors as necessary, but you cannot change the adders (since the RIS data format doesn't support QDL sub-pages), and you cannot change the readers (since everybody needs access to the citation, if they are to all use the same page).
Since everybody uses the same citation page for the same resource, you don't get to have your own personal notes in the RIS data, as you might in citation manager software. If you want to add notes, you have to do them outside of the citation, such as the following:


1. Wikipedia (2010): RIS (file format).

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