Thunderbolts Forum

Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

Lloyd wrote:
Petrified Wood in a Lab
* Here's the lab-made petrified wood description.
You give a perfect example of what I explained, that the end result of this process is nothing at all like "petrified wood" samples found on the ground, which are of course fulgurites, not "fossil wood". Also, to say this process strains credibility is an understatement. Who is suggesting this process can occur spontaneously to wood?

Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

* You're free to start your own thread stating your theory. You're not helping this thread, that I can tell, since you're just making baseless statements.

Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

anyways, moving on....

The weather itself is like a living record, on a smaller scale, of electric discharge machining and what happened in the past...in my view. Every 'twister' is an weak electrical exchange to some degree while not discounting the evaporation-condensation-precipitation model with hot and cold pressure zones.

Since it just so happens, that the Earth has so much water, we can see the exchange 1st hand.
Luckily, It's not a pillar of fire. There was a full moon november 10th.

Does it seem like an electrolosis is going on here? making more cloud?

Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

Freda's Log Opal found in Royal Peacock Opal Mine


Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

Very cool stuff. Great opal log specimen.
I have only gathered three types of opal from Eastern Washington, all of fossil origin, but none of them the "fiery" kind:
1. What the locals call "bog", an amorphous material similar in appearance and identical in chemical composition to the petrified wood, but without the telltale wood structures.
2. Petrified Wood, directly from the half buried logs atop Frenchmen Hills, a dozen miles south of Vantage, WA, where the Gingko Petrified Forest park is located... all of common opal material.
3. Diatomaceous Opal, from the diatomite beds where it is found in pebble to boulder-sized lenses midway in a stratum of diatomite that may be up to 15 meters in thickness.

Julian Braggins
Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

Postby StalkingGoogle » Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:22 am

Sparky wrote:You are making the outrageous claim that fossilized bones are a hoax!

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the history of fraud and hoaxing in archaeology and paleontology, among other "sciences" that can not or do not perform experiments before you continue this discussion any further.

As for this "fossilization" process, it's never been demonstrated in the lab. Until it is, I'll remain skeptical.

Do some searches on the net StalkingGoogle, there are plenty of experiments showing how fossilization starts and the necessary conditions.
As for your previous comment about being conned for money, I dug the F******* bones up in an opal shaft.

Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

Julian, you are talking to a sock puppet..StalkingGoogle is gone.. :P
I suspect it was a teentroll or evolutionary throwback..
.It's screen name did give a big clue as to it's
information/knowledge source. It just happened to find a site that made outrageous claims about science. It may have been gullible enough to believe those claims. :?

Julian Braggins
Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

Hi Sparky,
yes, so true. My own advice to others is "don't feed the Trolls" and here I am raising my own blood pressure over 'it'. :oops:

Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

great thread Lloyd ( and all else) ... a friend asked if I could enquire about this oddity ... cheers :?:arrow:http://blogs.agu.org/mountainbeltway/20 ... tery-rock/

Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

If Mr Stalking were here, he would jump at the chance to say that this was a mega lightning fulgurite. It does have some features to indicates this: the cavities, the vitreous exterior portions, and despite one contrary comment, the concentric cylindrical morphology. I have not seen any petrified wood like this, and the fused sandstone character strongly suggests against petrifaction/fossilization. I have to go with fulgurite on this one... I'm wondering how far this was from the "bays"?

Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

Mantle mountains, where material bleeds through faulty crust as pillow lava and is worn down through time.
Orogeny then erosion, in a corrosive atmosphere.


Recently rent crust fissured, cracked, crinkled, blistered, boiled up and cooled again to crust, with just a few zits left oozing pre-eukaryite clays and vapors.
Rifting (rafting) from the Red Sea to Mozambique, but too recently to erode the exposed mantle.

Something old, something new.

http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/v ... c=eoa-iotd

http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/v ... c=eoa-iotd

http://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/im ... 94_lrg.png
debris_ SM.jpg
tsunami debris
debris_ SM.jpg (12.16 KiB) Viewed 1307 times

Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

webolife wrote:
If Mr Stalking were here, he would jump at the chance to say that this was a mega lightning fulgurite. It does have some features to indicates this: the cavities, the vitreous exterior portions, and despite one contrary comment, the concentric cylindrical morphology. I have not seen any petrified wood like this, and the fused sandstone character strongly suggests against petrifaction/fossilization. I have to go with fulgurite on this one... I'm wondering how far this was from the "bays"?
cheers Webo ... will have a look and see if can narrow down the location .... :idea:

Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

(pic left out above)
Common multi=millenium igneous erosion.

Linear Dunes of the Caprivi Strip
April 11, 2012
A study published in 2000 sampled dunes throughout the Caprivi region and found that they likely formed under arid conditions between roughly 60,000 and 20,000 years ago. A study in 2003 concluded that dune construction may have been especially pronounced between 36,000 and 28,000 years ago. After the dunes formed, conditions in the Caprivi Strip moistened enough for the dunes to support vegetation—woodlands on the dune ridges, and grasses and shrubs in the valleys between.
Although studies indicate that conditions in this region were drier when the dunes formed, the dune-building periods seem to have been punctuated by humid periods, as indicated by sediments found in nearby caves and ancient lake sediments. About 16,000 years ago, a humid period prompted the filling of Etosha Pan. Now a saltpan, Etosha withered partly due to drying climate, but also because of changes in river routes.
[60 ky is recently]

http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/v ... c=eoa-iotd

Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

Ancient Mega Flood
Coral Links Ice Sheet Collapse to Ancient 'Mega Flood' - ScienceDaily (Apr. 3, 2012)
- Coral off Tahiti has linked the collapse of massive ice sheets 14,600 years ago to a dramatic and rapid rise in global sea-levels of around 14 metres.
- … [A]n Aix-Marseille University-led team … has confirmed that the event occurred 14,650-14,310 years ago at the same time as a period of rapid climate change known as the Bølling warming. …
- A report of the research is published in this week's Nature.
"… 'Our work gives a window onto an extreme event in which deglaciation coincided with a dramatic and rapid rise in global sea levels — an ancient 'mega flood'. …
- During the Bølling warming high latitudes of the Northern hemisphere warmed as much as 15 degrees Celsius in a few tens of decades. The team has used dating evidence from Tahitian corals to constrain the sea level rise to within a period of 350 years, although the actual rise may well have occurred much more quickly and would have been distributed unevenly around the world's shorelines.
- Dr Thomas said: 'The Tahitian coral is important because samples, thousands of years old, can be dated to within plus or minus 30 years. Because Tahiti is an ocean island, far away from major ice sheets, sea-level evidence from its coral reefs gives us close to the 'magic' average of sea levels across the globe, it is also subsiding into the ocean at a steady pace that we can easily adjust for.'
* It's irrational to assume that Tahiti has been subsiding into the ocean at a steady pace for thousands of years without extremely reliable evidence, which they undoubtedly don't have. Therefore, the exact ocean level at that time before and after the apparent flood is not really known, just guessed at on the basis of unreliable assumptions.
... [T]he coral samples were obtained by drilling down to the sea floor from a ship positioned off the coast of Tahiti.
- What exactly caused the Bølling warming is a matter of intense debate: a leading theory is that the ocean's circulation changed so that more heat was transported into Northern latitudes.
- The new sea-level evidence suggests that a considerable portion of the water causing the sea-level rise at this time must have come from melting of the ice sheets in Antarctica, which sent a 'pulse' of freshwater around the globe. However, whether the freshwater pulse helped to warm the climate or was a result of an already warming world remains unclear.
* Cardona's findings are that the cause of flooding at about 10,000 years ago was Saturn's last major flare, when the Saturn System entered the Solar System. The flares often likely caused Earth's rotation to slow down rapidly, causing major tsunamis that removed the ice sheets from the land. They also produced a heating effect that helped to melt the ice.
* Actually, the ocean levels often became extremely low after extreme glaciation built up after each Saturn flare. The evidence for this is that numerous rivers formed canyons that drop a mile deep or more to the bottoms of continental shelves. Click on these images.
* Canyons cannot form under water, so these continental shelves were above sea level when the canyons formed. Glaciation is the most likely way for the water to have been removed from the oceans. Cardona says some of the ocean waters were held in the north polar plasma column, but not nearly as much as was held in polar ice sheets. Also, the polar column may not have held water until after the end of the ice age, after the Saturn System entered the Solar System.

Re: Earth's Surface Formed Recently

Scablands Potholes
* In the Scablands TPOD at http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2008/arch08/080618scablan~, Steve Smith said:
As the Electric Universe theory explains, Mars has been subjected to similar electrical jolts that etched its surface with gigantic "skylights" (much like the potholes found in the Scablands), deep canyons with multiple side branches at right angles to the main channel, coulees, dry falls, terraces and other features that can be found on Earth.
* In an earlier post here, Web discussed the interlayering of flood basalt and tsunami deposits in Washington in the scablands area and thinks the potholes were formed there by tsunami water explosively reacting with still-hot magma from the flood basalt. I hope we can somehow find out whether steam explosions or electrical discharges are more likely responsible for the potholes and maybe other features in the scablands and what the main evidence is. Does anyone already have answers? Web or Steve or anyone?
* The videos on The Lightning Scarred Planet Mars seem compelling to me that electric discharge carved most of the features on Mars. But it's harder to tell here on Earth, which factor is more likely responsible.
* I found a bunch of images of potholes on the internet. Click here: https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch& ... 53&bih=368 . It looks like water can carve them too. How many of those images can you tell are likely formed by steam explosions? Do any of them seem to be possibly carved by ED strikes? This TPOD, http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2007/arch07/071218patagon~, has a link to potholes in Patagonia.
Cause of Flood Basalt?
* Velikovsky had discussed the flood basalt of the northwest in one of his books as evidence for a close encounter with Venus, I think. Do tidal forces seem most likely responsible for flood basalt deposits worldwide? Or might Fred's z-pinch forces from Saturn be responsible? Or are there other possible causes?

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