Earth's Average Internal Temperature Code
												Earth's Average Internal Temperature Code
												© Charles Chandler
											// Given some temperatures at specific depths,
											// we assign those temps to specific radii.
											$gradientPts = array(
											$solSys->earth->radius_mean_km - 6370 => 7000,
											$solSys->earth->radius_mean_km - 5150 => 5000,
											$solSys->earth->radius_mean_km - 2900 => 3500,
											$solSys->earth->radius_mean_km - 2800 => 3000,
											$solSys->earth->radius_mean_km -  200 => 1300,
											$solSys->earth->radius_mean_km -    0 =>  300,
											// Now we're going to divide the Earth into 100 equal-volume
											// concentric shells, and we'll assign temperatures to those
											// volumes, by interpolating between the temps at known radii.
											$volumeIncrement = VolumeOfSphere($solSys->earth->radius_mean_km) / 100;
											$thisVolume = 0;
											$temperatures = array();
											for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
											$thisVolume += $volumeIncrement;
											$thisRadius = RadiusOfSphere($thisVolume);
											$lastRad = 0;
											$lastTmp = 7000;
											foreach($gradientPts as $rad => $tmp) {
											if (($thisRadius <= $rad) and ($thisRadius >= $lastRad)) {
											$diffRad = $rad - $lastRad;
											$diffTmp = $lastTmp - $tmp;
											$diffRadPartial = $thisRadius - $lastRad;
											$diffTmpPartial = $lastTmp - ($diffTmp * ($diffRadPartial / $diffRad));
											$lastRad = $rad;
											$lastTmp = $tmp;
											$temperatures[] = $diffTmpPartial;
											// Now just average the temperature array, to get
											// the average temperature inside the Earth.
											echo (array_sum($temperatures) / 100).'<br >'; // 2220.7930090397

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