© Charles Chandler
See http://qdl.scs-inc.us/?top=18943 for the description.
function StefanBoltzmannLaw($emissivity, $meters2, $kelvins, $knownDepth = 1) {
Stefan-Boltzmann Law
P = eoAT^4
P = total radiated power (watts)
e = emissivity (=1 for BB radiators)
o = Stefan's Constant
A = radiating area (m^2)
T = temperature (K)
$stefansConstant = 5.670367 * pow(10, -8);
Here's the correction for the effective depth of plasma BB
radiators versus the classical BB surfaces ($knownDepth = 1).
if (!$knownDepth) $knownDepth = pow($kelvins / 10000, 2.3219) * 4.905;
return $emissivity * $stefansConstant * $meters2 * pow($kelvins, 4) * $knownDepth;
function Acceleration($watts, $seconds, $kilograms) {
Returns velocity of an object, in m/s, given the power
used to accelerate it, the time, & the object's mass.
joules = .5 * kilograms * velocity^2
watts * seconds = .5 * kilograms * velocity^2
(watts * seconds) / (.5 * kilograms) = velocity^2
sqrt((watts * seconds) / (.5 * kilograms)) = velocity
return sqrt(($watts * $seconds) / (.5 * $kilograms));
$mass_kg = $solSys->sun->mass_kg;
$area_m2 = $solSys->sun->area_m2;
$begSpeed = LU(11416, 'new_dp_velocity'); // imploding dusty plasma velocity: 258,961,135 m/s, or 86.38% c
$nowSpeed = $begSpeed;
$secsInMY = kSecsInYear * pow(10, 6);
$imgFolder = '2ndParty/Images/Charles/LightCurve';
$steps = 10000; // number of iterations (max = 35000 before memory error)
$sunAge = 380.6611474853; // from a previous run of the 'sun' $mode, and used by the 'earth' mode
// which numbers to run...
// last one set wins
$mode = '7500';
$mode = '22000';
$mode = '10000';
$mode = 'solarFlares';
$mode = 'sun';
$mode = 'earth';
$mode = 'earthFlares';
if ($mode == '22000') {
$title = '';
$maxMegaYear = 5778;
$begKelvins = 22000;
$xPower = -3;
$yPower = -3;
elseif ($mode == '10000') {
$title = 'percent of total population';
$maxMegaYear = 5110;
$begKelvins = 10000;
$xPower = -3;
$yPower = -3;
elseif ($mode == '7500') {
$title = '';
$maxMegaYear = 9400;
$begKelvins = 7500;
$xPower = -3;
$yPower = -3;
elseif ($mode == 'sun') {
$title = '';
$maxMegaYear = 545;
$begKelvins = 10000;
$xPower = 0;
$yPower = -3;
$sunTemp = 5525;
elseif ($mode == 'solarFlares') {
$title = 'percent of total population';
$maxMegaYear = 5110;
$begKelvins = 10000;
$xPower = -3;
$yPower = -3;
elseif ($mode == 'earth') {
$title = '';
$maxMegaYear = 600;
$begKelvins = 10000;
$mass_kg = $solSys->earth->mass_kg;
$area_m2 = $solSys->earth->area_km2 * 1000 * 1000;
$xPower = 0;
$yPower = -3;
elseif ($mode == 'earthFlares') {
$title = '';
$maxMegaYear = 600;
$begKelvins = 10000;
$mass_kg = $solSys->earth->mass_kg;
$area_m2 = $solSys->earth->area_km2 * 1000 * 1000;
$xPower = 0;
$yPower = -3;
$xLabel = ($xPower == -3) ? 'billions of years' : 'millions of years';
$yLabel = ($yPower == -3) ? 'thousands of kelvins' : 'kelvins';
$relRootName = $imgFolder.ucfirst($mode);
$relTextFile = $relRootName.'.txt';
if (file_exists($relTextFile)) {
$pts = array();
foreach(explode(kLF, file_get_contents($relTextFile)) as $line) {
if (trim($line)) { // skip the blank line at the end
list($nowMY, $nowKelvins) = explode(kTAB, $line);
$pts[] = Pt($nowMY, $nowKelvins);
// The last-assigned value of $nowKelvins is used later.
else {
$pts = array(Pt($xLabel, $yLabel)); // labels go in the first element
$pts[] = Pt(0, $begKelvins); // add the initial temp at the 0 time step
// Use a logarithmic time step, with short steps at first, when the
// temp is falling fast, and longer steps later, as it levels off.
$logMaxSeconds = log($maxMegaYear * $secsInMY);
// If it's a star, 1/3 is nuclear power,
// which doesn't diminish with power ouput.
$nonNukePower = (BeginsWith($mode, 'earth')) ? 1 : (2 / 3);
// M A I N L O O P
$nowKelvins = $begKelvins;
$oldSeconds = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $steps; $i++) {
$nowWatts = StefanBoltzmannLaw(1, $area_m2, $nowKelvins, false);
$nowSeconds = exp(($i / $steps) * $logMaxSeconds);
$timeSpan = $nowSeconds - $oldSeconds;
$deceleration = Acceleration($nowWatts, $timeSpan, $mass_kg);
$nowSpeed -= $deceleration * $nonNukePower;
$nowKelvins = $begKelvins * ($nowSpeed / $begSpeed);
$pts[] = Pt($nowSeconds / $secsInMY, $nowKelvins);
$oldSeconds = $nowSeconds;
// The last-assigned value of $nowKelvins is used later.
// Snag the age at which the Sun hits 5525 K.
if (($mode == 'sun') and ($nowKelvins > $sunTemp)) $sunAge = $nowSeconds / $secsInMY;
// Write the points to a text file.
$str = '';
foreach($pts as $pt) $str .= $pt['x'].kTAB.$pt['y'].kLF;
file_put_contents($relTextFile, $str);
// Add the offset curves for the discrepancy between the Stefan-Boltzman
// prediction and the actual temperatures in the K class due to flares.
if (($mode == '10000') or ($mode == 'solarFlares')) {
$pts1 = $pts2 = $pts3 = array();
$offY = 0;
$begX = 650;
$endX = 1200;
$incX = ($endX - $begX) / 6;
$incY = 850 / 6;
$cnt = 0;
foreach($pts as $pt) {
$x = $pt['x'];
$y = $pt['y'];
if ($y > 5200) { $pts1[] = Pt($x, $y); }
else { $pts4[] = Pt($x, $y);
if (($x > $begX) and ($x < $endX)) {
if ($x > $begX + ($incX * $cnt)) {
$y += 4500;
$offY += $incY;
$pts3[] = Pt($x, $y - $offY);
if (($x > 1200) and ($y > $nowKelvins)) $pts2[] = Pt($x, $y - 850);
elseif ($mode == 'earthFlares') {
$pts1 = $pts2 = $pts3 = array();
$offY = 0;
$begX = 8.6542077541337;
$endX = 51.139340047215;
$incX = ($endX - $begX) / 6;
$incY = 192 / 6;
$cnt = 0;
foreach($pts as $pt) {
$x = $pt['x'];
$y = $pt['y'];
if ($y > 5200) { $pts1[] = Pt($x, $y); }
else { $pts4[] = Pt($x, $y);
if (($x > $begX) and ($x < $endX)) {
if ($x > $begX + ($incX * $cnt)) {
$y += 2700;
$offY += $incY;
$pts3[] = Pt($x, $y - $offY);
if (($x > $endX) and ($y > $nowKelvins)) $pts2[] = Pt($x, $y - 192);
// GraphPoints is just a QDL class for generating a PNG file, plotting
// the points, labeling the axes, and adding annotations as specified.
// Without it, you can still plot the points using the text file (above).
$plotWide = 640 * 2;
$plotHigh = 480 * 2;
$marginLeft = 52 * 2;
$marginRight = 42 * 2;
$marginUpper = 20 * 2; if ($title) $marginUpper = 90;
$marginLower = 52 * 2;
$gr = 180; // gray
$img = new GraphPoints($title, $plotWide, $plotHigh, 255, 255, 255, true, 24);
$img->SetTickLengths(8, 16, 20);
$img->Margins($marginLeft, $marginRight, $marginUpper, $marginLower);
$img->SetPowers($xPower, $yPower);
if ($mode == '10000') {
$img->xMin = 0;
$img->xMax = $maxMegaYear * pow(10, $xPower);
$img->yMin = 2400 * pow(10, $yPower);
$img->yMax = $begKelvins * pow(10, $yPower);
$img->AddPoints($pts4, true, 0, 0, 0);
$img->AddPoints($pts1, true, 0, 0, 0);
$img->AddPoints($pts2, true, 255, 0, 0);
$img->AddText(2000, 4200, 'stefan-boltzmann prediction', 'left');
$img->AddText(1300, 2550, 'required for ~76.45% in M class', 'left', 255, 0, 0);
elseif ($mode == 'solarFlares') {
$img->xMin = 0;
$img->xMax = $maxMegaYear * pow(10, $xPower);
$img->yMin = 2400 * pow(10, $yPower);
$img->yMax = $begKelvins * pow(10, $yPower);
$img->AddPoints($pts4, true, $gr, $gr, $gr);
$img->AddPoints($pts1, true, 0, 0, 0);
$img->AddPoints($pts3, true, 0, 0, 255);
$img->AddPoints($pts2, true, 255, 0, 0);
$img->AddText(2000, 4200, 'stefan-boltzmann prediction', 'left', $gr, $gr, $gr);
$img->AddText(1300, 2550, 'after energy loss to flares', 'left', 255, 0, 0);
$img->AddText( 710, 9600, 'flares', 'left', 0, 0, 255);
elseif ($mode == 'earthFlares') {
$img->xMin = 0;
$img->xMax = $maxMegaYear * pow(10, $xPower);
$img->yMin = 1500 * pow(10, $yPower);
$img->yMax = $begKelvins * pow(10, $yPower);
$img->AddPoints($pts4, true, $gr, $gr, $gr);
$img->AddPoints($pts1, true, 0, 0, 0);
$img->AddPoints($pts3, true, 0, 0, 255);
$img->AddPoints($pts2, true, 255, 0, 0);
$img->AddText(150, 3100, 'stefan-boltzmann prediction', 'left', $gr, $gr, $gr);
$img->AddText(150, 1900, 'after energy loss to flares', 'left', 255, 0, 0);
$img->AddText( 10, 8200, 'flares', 'left', 0, 0, 255);
elseif ($mode == 'earth') {
$img->xMin = 0;
$img->xMax = $maxMegaYear * pow(10, $xPower);
$img->yMin = 1500 * pow(10, $yPower);
$img->yMax = $begKelvins * pow(10, $yPower);
$img->AddPoints($pts, true, 0, 0, 0);
$img->AddText(150, 3100, 'stefan-boltzmann prediction', 'left');
$img->AddLine($sunAge, 10000, $sunAge, $img->yMin / pow(10, $yPower));
else {
$img->AddPoints($pts, true, 0, 0, 0);
// horizontal lines for stellar classes
if ($mode == 'sun') {
$img->AddLine(0, 7500, $maxMegaYear, 7500); $img->AddText($maxMegaYear * .97, ( 7500 + 10000) / 2, 'A');
$img->AddLine(0, 6000, $maxMegaYear, 6000); $img->AddText($maxMegaYear * .97, ( 6000 + 7500) / 2, 'F');
$img->AddLine(0, 5200, $maxMegaYear, 5200); $img->AddText($maxMegaYear * .97, ( 5200 + 6000) / 2, 'G');
$img->AddLine($sunAge - 11, 5525, $sunAge + 11, 5525, 1, 2);
$img->AddLine($sunAge, $sunTemp - 120, $sunAge, $sunTemp + 120, 1, 2);
echo 'sun age: '.$sunAge.'<br />';
else {
if (($mode != '10000') and ($mode != 'solarFlares') and (!BeginsWith($mode, 'earth')))
$img->AddLine(0, 10000, $maxMegaYear, 10000); $img->AddText($maxMegaYear * .97, (10000 + 30000) / 2, 'B');
$img->AddLine(0, 7500, $maxMegaYear, 7500); $img->AddText($maxMegaYear * .97, ( 7500 + 10000) / 2, 'A');
$img->AddLine(0, 6000, $maxMegaYear, 6000); $img->AddText($maxMegaYear * .97, ( 6000 + 7500) / 2, 'F');
$img->AddLine(0, 5200, $maxMegaYear, 5200); $img->AddText($maxMegaYear * .97, ( 5200 + 6000) / 2, 'G');
$img->AddLine(0, 3700, $maxMegaYear, 3700); $img->AddText($maxMegaYear * .97, ( 3700 + 5200) / 2, 'K');
$img->AddLine(0, 2400, $maxMegaYear, 2400); $img->AddText($maxMegaYear * .97, ( 2400 + 3700) / 2, 'M');
if ($mode == 'earthFlares')
$img->AddLine($sunAge, 10000, $sunAge, $img->yMin / pow(10, $yPower));
// Hash marks for known star population percentages.
if (($mode == '10000') or ($mode == 'solarFlares')) {
$h = (($img->yMax - $img->yMin) / pow(10, $yPower)) * .015;
$x1 = $maxMegaYear;
$x2 = $x1 - ((76.45 / 100) * $maxMegaYear);
$x3 = $x2 - ((12.10 / 100) * $maxMegaYear);
$x4 = $x3 - (( 7.60 / 100) * $maxMegaYear);
$x5 = $x4 - (( 3.00 / 100) * $maxMegaYear);
$above = 450;
$img->AddLine( 0, 2400, 0, $begKelvins - $h + $above);
$img->AddLine($x1, 2400, $x1, $begKelvins - $h + $above);
$img->AddLine($x2, 2400, $x2, $begKelvins - $h + $above);
$img->AddLine($x3, 2400, $x3, $begKelvins - $h + $above);
$img->AddLine($x4, 2400, $x4, $begKelvins - $h + $above);
$img->AddLine($x5, 2400, $x5, $begKelvins - $h + $above);
$img->AddText( .5, $begKelvins + $h + 400, '.6' ); // A
$img->AddText(($x4 + $x5) / 2, $begKelvins + $h + 80, '3' ); // F
$img->AddText(($x3 + $x4) / 2, $begKelvins + $h + 80, '7.6' ); // G
$img->AddText(($x2 + $x3) / 2, $begKelvins + $h + 80, '12.1' ); // K
$img->AddText(($x1 + $x2) / 2, $begKelvins + $h + 80, '76.45'); // M
// white background
$img->Indexed(true, 255);
// black background
$img->Indexed(true, 255);
// preview
echo '<img src="'.$relRootName.'_bbg.png" width="640" height="480" />';