NPA Papers & Abstracts on ELECTRICITY
© Lloyd

I rated the following NPA paper abstracts 1-9. 1 means least promising. 9 means most promising. See http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Find to search for the papers desired.

*5*The End of Electric Charge and Electric Current as We Know Them, Part 1 (2011) by Ivor Catt
_For 43 years it has not been noticed, even by the author, that oscilloscope pictures (reproduced here) undermine the concepts of electric charge and electric current, and with them a large part of 20th century scientific theory.
_We see two electric currents traveling in opposite directions down a single conductor.
_Conventional electric current is not fit for the purpose...
*4*Unity of Electricity and Magnetism (2002) by Dimiter G Stoinov
_What are electricity and magnetism? What do they have in common, and what is the difference between them? Satisfactory answers for these questions have not been found so far.
_That is why an effort is made here to develop more understandable answers to these questions, and mainly to the question of why there exists an impression that there is a magnetic force perpendicular to the direction of motion.
_It is noted that there is no real reason for the electricity and magnetism to be treated separately.
_It is also noted that a separate magnetic force perpendicular to the direction of motion does not exist.
*4*The Unification of Electricity and Magnetism (2006) by David Tombe
_It is widely believed that electricity and magnetism were united by James Clerk-Maxwell in the nineteenth century.
_In his 1865 paper "A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field", Maxwell substituted the quantity "Displacement Current" into Ampere's circuital law and he obtained the electromagnetic wave equation.
_Displacement current is generally believed to incorporate Gauss's law and so it would appear that Maxwell had successfully united electrostatics with electromagnetism.
_Maxwell's physical explanation for displacement current began in terms of tangential stress on the electrical particles in his sea of molecular vortices and it later developed into dielectric linear polarization current.
_Maxwell was on the right tracks when he considered the tangential stress on the electrical particles in his vortex sea but he went wrong when he later ignored his molecular vortices to concentrate on the dielectric aspect of the aether.
There exists a tangential quantity that might be accurately described as ?Angular Displacement Current' which exists perpendicular to linear polarization current and which has an identical mathematical form.
_Maxwell mistakenly interpreted displacement current in electromagnetic radiation to refer to linear polarization current, when in fact it should more accurately refer to angular displacement current.
_Angular displacement current is a rotational phenomenon and it will be concluded that electromagnetic radiation is a gyroscopic phenomenon involving the coherent plane polarized propagation of rotations (including precessions) and also the longitudinal propagation of centrifugal pressure.
*3*Electricity and Magnetism: A Return to Aether (2011) by Duncan W Shaw
_This paper proposes a physical model of electromagnetic fields.
_The model draws upon the works of James Clerk Maxwell.
_It is based upon the proposition that the medium of aether that Maxwell believed existed, does in fact exist.
_This paper posits that aether consists of highly elastic cells that collide with each other.
_It ties the interaction of aether cell collisions to the transmission of electricity and magnetism.
*3*Experimental Results in Measuring Atmospheric Electricity (2011) by Dr Michael R Treat, David Rosignoli
_Atmospheric electricity (AE) refers to the electrical phenomena occurring in the atmosphere of the Earth.
_There are many manifestations of AE, ranging the spectacular to the subtle.
_Lightning is one of the most visible phenomena, but AE also probably plays a key role in other major atmospheric disturbances such as tornadoes.
_The presence of AE can be also be measured even on clear days ("clear air electricity") by means of appropriate detecting devices.
_Benjamin Franklin and Lord Kelvin were two of the most notable people that studied these effects.
_Most importantly, it has been reported by quite a few people that AE can be used to power electrostatic motors.
_These amazing claims of AE derived electromotive power were first made at least one hundred years ago.
_These claims raise the tantalizing prospect that AE can be a viable source of alternative power.
_If these reports are true, why has this not already become commonplace in our society?
_It is the purpose of this paper to report on our preliminary work on verifying the existence of AE in quantities that may someday be sufficient to be a useful source of terrestrial power.
*3*The Link between Electric Current and Magnetic Field (2007) by David Tombe
_It is proposed that the orbital electrons of an atom should be replaced by a much more complicated interaction of rotating electron pairs and rotating electron-positron dipole pairs.
_This scenario may better explain both magnetic spin moment and electric current inside atomic and molecular matter.
_Rotating dipoles can act as a source of stored kinetic energy by virtue of magnetization and linear polarization, and the associated solenoidal bonding can provide a link from the orbital electrons through to the magnetic field beyond.
_The link between electric current and magnetic fields will be explored by reviewing Maxwell's cogwheel/idle wheel mechanism in terms of mutually orbiting pairs.
_It will then be speculated that a magnetic field acts like a rotationally elastic sponge that soaks up the large scale vorticity of Descartes' universe.
*3*The Electromagnetic Force between Two Parallel Electric Currents of \"Infinite\" Length Attained Using Respectively Ampere\'s Law and Coulomb's Law Including a Relativistic Analysis (2010) by Jan Olof Jonson
_In this paper an analysis is being made of a physical electric circuit that might correspond to the famous case of two parallel electric conductors of "infinite length".
_The case, invented by Ampere, is not physically possible, of course.
_All electric currents must namely be guided back to their origin.
_Therefore one ought to present a physical circuit that contains as a part two conductors infinitesimally close to each other.
_It appeared that Ampere's bridge would be a suitable choice as a starting model, provided a pair of conductors is inserted inside
_Practically, it resembles an "eight", with two closed circuits coming close to each other along one branch.
_This is explained more rigorously in the text.
_A benefit is that a set of detailed computations on Ampere's bridge by this author may be used as a mathematical basis.
_A comparison between the results attained by using Ampere's law and Coulomb's law respectively is being made.
_Further, the Lorentz Transformation of the Special Relativity Theory is being applied on the Coulomb result.
_The result is that also the latter method succeeds in predicting the force between two conductors.
_This result must further be chosen, since it has been shown elsewhere that the very definition of Ampere's law is devoid of logically consistent argument, whereas Coulomb's law constitutes a 'simplest possible assumption.
_The usage of Coulomb's law is completed with a relativistic analysis, relevant to the properties of the actual circuit, i.e. geometry, velocities.
*2*Can the Existence of Electricity be Required by the Thermodynamic Laws? (1998) by Prof Mahmoud A Melehy
_Electrodynamics underlies special relativity, and electricity underlies electrodynamics.
_This paper shows, however, that the first and second laws of thermodynamics in fact, require the existence of electricity in nature.
_This interesting result can only be arrived at if the time rate of change of the particle thermal momentum is incorporated in thermodynamics, and the consequences are worked out.
_The outcome will be the novel thermodynamic formulation of generalized fields (TFGF).
_The TFGF allows calculating at equilibrium the change in entropy, (delta)s, per particle, across any interface, by a new method based on the first and second laws.
_But (delta)s can be calculated by classical methods.
_Equating the two values of (delta)s leads to a novel result: under conditions satisfied at almost all surfaces, membranes and other interfaces, there have to exist at such sites forces involving action-at-a-distance and other properties uniquely characteristic of electricity.
_This basic result explains many mysterious phenomena in nature and others previously explained by resorting to hypotheses ad hoc.
*2*Electricity or Gravity: Which Rules the Universe? (2008) by Wallace Thornhill
_Proceedings of the SIS Cambridge Conference, Fitzwilliam College, 31st August - 2nd September 2007.
_Ebook of 17 (7.7 MB) pages crammed with Wallace Thornhill's content leading the reader through a series of steps involving challenges to some of the foundational aspects of the prevailing cosmology.
_These include the mass=matter assumption, gravity, the nature of light, catastrophism, the birth of planets and stars, and the nature of redshift and how that relates to gravity and mass.
_All of this treats the reader to a remarkable dissertation on the new cosmology.
_Thornhill's answers to major issues, questions, and problems are different but consonant with the facts and the EU paradigm.
Contents: ; Electricity or Gravity? Introductio ; The Search for an Answe ; A Meeting with Velikovsky; Matter and Mass; The Origin of Mass in the Electrical Nature of Matte ; What is Gravit? ; Antigravity; "Instantaneous" Gravity; The Real Nature of Light; Catastrophism's Weighty Problem; Order Out of Chaos?; The Changing Length of a Day; The Chaotic Birth of Planets and Stars; Cosmic Weight Gain; Decreasing Redshift = Weight Gain; Discussion; Notes and References
*2*Kirchhoff on the Motion of Electricity in Conductors (1994) by Dr Peter Graneau, Prof Andre K T Assis
_We comment on and translate Gustav Kirchhoff?s important paper of 1857 entitled "On the motion of electricity in conductors."
_The significance of this paper is that Kirchhoff proved with action at a distance that electric disturbances travel along wires of negligible resistance with the velocity of light.
_He accomplished this with the laws of Newtonian electrodynamics (Coulomb, Ampere, F Neumann and Weber) before Maxwell had formulated his equations.
*2*T T Brown\'s Rock Electricity (1997) by Leslee A Kulba
_T T Brown researched electricity generated from rocks, concluding that it was spontaneous, everlasting and affected only by diurnal cycles and the proximity of rocks of a similar constitution.
_The conclusions were based on observations taken for entire years in various parts of the US.
*2*What Is and What Isn\'t an Electric Current? (2009) by Dr Sorin Cezar Cosofret
_Electric current is defined like a movement of electrical charge from a region to another region inside an electric circuit.
_The most common form of electric current is related to a transport of electrons, and in this case the direction of a current is formally accepted as being opposite to electrons flow movement.
_But, an electric current can be a transport of positive or negative ions in an electrolytic cell, too.
_These are well known concepts written in any introductory physics books.
_The present text tries to answer to a simple question: Do these concepts correspond to experimental reality?
*1*What Is Electricity? (2008) by Harry Hamlin Ricker III
_This is a draft of a history of electricity from the eary Greek period up to the end of the 18th century.
_it covers the origins of electricity and the early history prior to the advent of electromagnetism.
*1*Theory of Electricity (1988) by Dr Harold W Milnes

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