Glossary Under Construction (Note to Airman)

Airman, if you have time to work on the glossary, do you think these are the most important terms to define first? Or do you know of other important terms to add to this list?

I think you will be able to edit this message now, if I adjusted the metadata properly for this post.

Note: I'm working on this list - albeit slowly - as an exercise in improving my own understanding of the subject matter. I hope that it can develop into a single source that explains many of Miles' Unified Field ideas. Anyone is welcome to add to the list or to point out my mistakes. Any questions? Try visiting http://milesmathis.com/.  REMCB


Photon. The photon is the basis of all matter. It is real, it has mass, and it travels (and spins) at the speed of light. Through collisions with other photons and higher matter (electrons, bosons, neutrons, protons etc.), the photon can deliver a force which resolves into forward and orthogonal (due to spin) components, which are the source of electric and magnetic fields. A spinning photon is actually an electromagnetic "wave", whose frequency is defined by the photon radius times c^2. Photons can form groups and stacked spins, (axial, x,y, and z), where each new spin is gyroscopically outside the influence of the inner spins, forming all higher matter, through which photons constantly recycle.  

Antiphoton. The antiphoton is a photon with the opposite spin. All mass present in the universe can be resolved into photons and antiphotons - roughly twenty times the matter we currently "see" in the universe. Simply flip a photon, and you have an antiphoton - with respect to the ambient charge field and local matter. While this may seem to hardly matter, a field of spin coherent photons presents a maximum magnetic field, and a strong chirality to the resulting mass within that field. When a photon and an antiphoton collide, there is no annihilation, there is just spin loss or spin cancellation, depending on the detils of the collision. Our local space, including the matter comprising our bodies is roughly two thirds photon, and one third antiphoton - matter and antimatter. 

Electron. Electrons are photon aggregates with two stacked spins. Electrons are more massive than protons and cannot travel at light speed, but they are small enough to be pushed by photons. If there is a net photon flow in a given direction, we observe electron movement as electrical current.

Proton. Protons are photon aggregates with four stacked spins. Being 1821 times larger than electrons, protons are also moved by a net photon flow, but much more slowly. Photons recycle through protons at the rate of 18 proton masses per second.

Neutron. Neutrons, are photon aggregates with four stacked spins and differ from protons only in the direction of the outer z-spin. Neutrons recycle photons at a much lower rate then protons, as spinning neutrons recapture most of their own emitted photons. A free neutron (not bound to a nucleus), is observed to be "unstable", decaying into a proton and electron within 14 minutes. Miles explains this as a collusion of a Neutron and a positron. 










Charge. Charge was coined to describe the relationship between electrons and protons, negative and positive, to explain attraction and repulsion. However, attraction is force at a distance that has no logical mechanical explanation (see gravity for the explanation of that attraction). Miles has redefined charge as strictly repulsion, due to photon bombardment, with direct force and torque. Charge is the energy exchange due to photon impacts. The 'attraction' between protons and electrons is actually only apparent. Protons can approach other protons through gravity. What stops them from colliding are the emission fields of photons from both protons. Gravity is thereby in balance with the charge field. An electron, entering the scene is also gravitationally attracted to the protons as well, and it is able to approach either proton much closer than the proton-proton separation because the electron is 1821 times smaller, allowing it to dodge photons much more effectively than protons.

Electric Force

Magnetic Force

Electric Field

Magnetic Field

Electromagnetic Field

Charge Field

Charge Stream

Charge Channel

Charge Recycling

Mass. I believe that it is fair to say that history credits Newton with the greatest advance in physics with his creation of the mass variable, as in the gravitational force between two masses, F = GMm/r2 . Yet mass itself is not fundamental, it can be reduced to the true fundamentals of density times volume. Miles has identified density as the basis of the charge field, while volume determines gravity. The mass variable itself may be considered the unification of charge and gravity.


Radius of Photon, Electron, Proton, Neutron

Mass of Photon, Electron, Proton, Neutron

Spins of Photon, Electron, Proton, Neutron



Gravity Equation

Coulomb Force

Nuclear Force

Strong Force

Weak Force


Alpha Particle




Solar Wind

Aether. The Aether is a concept that is currently out-of-favor in physics, not having been detected in the famous Michaelson-Morely experiment. There's plenty of documentation and opinions concerning the supposed validity of the experiment. Miles' description of the Charge Field - space filled with spinning photons traveling at light speed, roughly 20 times as massive as the current observed matter in the universe, sounds similar to Maxwell's idea of vorticular space, comprised of connected, gear-like vortices. Maxwell's aether was not accepted, and so he stuck with describing electromagnetic (E/M) forces in complicated formulas. Strictly speaking, the charge field cannot be an aether since it is not an attribute of space, nevertheless, there is a tendency for people to describe the photon filled Charge Field as an aether.




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