Charge, or Charge Field
© LongtimeAirman

Posted on TB http://www.thunderbolts.info/forum/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=14950&start=180#p96108, requesting comments. 

1. I'm drawing mainly on Miles' paper, http://milesmathis.com/charge2.html, What is "Charge"?, but I'm including many other bits as well. Please feel free to comment or add to it. It could certainly use more citations. 

2. The standard definition of charge, with small additions, has been with us for over two hundred years.  Electrons are negative charge, and protons are positive charge. Opposite charges attract. Modern theories recognise the impossibility of 'action at a distance'. They all seem to involve including moderating virtual particles to explain attraction.

3. Miles has completely redefined Charge and the Charge Field. It is the central idea behind Mathis' physics contributions. It is the collection of photons, all with mass, radius, and spin, moving in a given volume of space. It is a discreet particle field that defines how matter interacts.

4. "Charge is a sort of wind that blows the same direction for all free particles, electrons and positive ions". "The charge field is a bombarding field only, it is always repulsive, never attractive. It is caused by radiation of the so-called b-photons, by contact. 

5. "It is this charge we are seeing at the quantum level when we think we are seeing vacuum fluctuations. The fluctuations are there, but they are not in the vacuum and they are not virtual. They are real photon fluctuations in the ambient charge field".

6. Within the charge field, there is no charge attraction. "All attractions must be only apparent--the result of complex motions. The pluses and minuses of E/M theory are not only empty attributes, they are impossible attributes".

7. The only "attraction" is the acceleration of gravity. On all scales,  from micro to macro, gravity and the b-field (charge) can reach equilibrium in vector opposition. Given that vector oposition, charge can now be explained mechanically.  

8. The gravity we feel is the sum of actual gravity minus charge.

9. Charge has two differentiating qualities, radius, and spin. (Note: Mass (Is this not determined by radius? Correction anyone?)). The radius determines the photon wavelength, and the spin direction contributes to the pre-magnetic field.

10. B-photon impacts consist of a forward  component vector called e, and the orthogonal component (caused by the spin tangent) vector called h. Net charge field e and h contribute to the overall pre-electric and pre-magnetic fields.

11. Any E/M field will only be visible if ions are available. The charge field drives the E/M field, but the E/M field is strictly composed of ions or electrons. The charge field is primary, and is mathematically the same as Maxwell's displacement field D. It can exist even when no ions are present.

12. Charge is not "between" charged particles in some abstract sense. Charge is real photons that are being recycled through nucleons, atoms, and molecules at all times. 

13. Charge is also the same as heat. Heat is caused by the motion of photons.

14. Charge attraction is only apparent. "We can now create opposite potentials simply by size differentials. Consider a small electron and a large proton (to simplify). Both are radiating B-photons. Let us say that the radiation from the electron is relatively negligible, so that we can look only at the radiation from the proton". The acceleration of gravity is causing the particles to move toward one another." 

15. The proton is emitting a bombarding field that tends to drive off all particles that come near. But it will drive off larger particles more successfully than smaller particles, since the smaller particles will encounter a smaller cross-section of the field". This means that while the proton's b-field is keeping other protons well away, electrons are able to approach the proton much closer (than a larger proton) before they reach equilibrium. This differential has been interpreted as "attraction".

16. The orbits of the planets can now be understood as the equilibrium of gravity and the charge field. Tangential orbital motion and distance is due to the vast accumulation of the individual photon h and e  components.

17. Tides are now explained by the solar and lunar charge field impacts on the earth's oceans.

18. Charge fields can overlap, interpenetrate and interact. There is a charge field surrounding us due to our corporeal nature. Another field is given off by the earth we stand on. Another is due to the sun's pressence.

19. Miles has calculated that the combined mass of individual charge field photons exceeds all visible matter larger than bosons by 19 times. Science's mysterious dark matter is actually charge field.

20. Some declare the charge field is an aether. If so,  it is active, and in constant motion within and about all matter in the universe. 

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