Battery Circuit
© LongtimeAirman

109      Battery Circuit, http://milesmathis.com/seft.pdf. How a Battery Circuit Works. Not the mathematical or field model, but the full mechanical model, with photons. 9pp.

The "simple" battery circuit is yet to be properly described. Miles uses a good contemporary explanation provided by Ian Sefton to compare to his own ideas.

The components of the battery circuit (BC) include: battery; wires; and light Bulb.

Battery. The battery works by proton separation between terminals. Each terminal has a different charge field. The charge fields are comprised of B-photons, but the two fields differ in photon number, energy and spin orientation.Since we know that a BC needs a voltage differential to operate, we may start there. The two terminals each have their own charge field, differing in B-photon density, frequency, and spin orientation. The "high potential terminal" will have more photons (a higher density), and those photons will have a higher aggregate frequency when compared to the lower potential,  or "neutral" side of the battery.(?).


All matter, including a battery, is fairly transparent to photons,  yet it's the nature of matter to allow some measure of charge separation or matter accumulation (or temporality, or existance), that would need higher charge field energies to break down. These two different charge fields exist within the cells within the battery.

When a wire and lightbulb are connected to a terminal, their own natural charge fields are augmented by the terminal charge field they are connected to. 

Some progress. I wasn't able to copy paste with firefox. Very quirky cursor. 

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