Titles Index for MM Papers

Planning to make a Glossary of MM's Definitions. His site is http://milesmathis.com .

This can serve as a temporary Index of his material.

98        Acceleration Of Two Fields

62        Acceleration, Centripetal, 272

56        Acceleration, Cubed

56        Acceleration, Variable

61        Acceleration: a'=v2/r, 62, 63, 64

203      Accelerations

209      Accelerator Data

126d    Albedo

87        Albert, David Z

287      Alexander's Band

164      Allais Effect

261      Amplitude

306      Andrulis, Erik

158      Angular Diameter

2          Angular Momentum, 152

2          Angular Velocity

21        Anomaly

262      Anti-Bremsstrahlung

244a    Antihelium4

86c      Anti-Stokes

204      Archimedes

139      Argon

310      Argumentation

180      Asteroid Paths

180      Asteroids, C-Orbit

187      Astronomers, Call To

196      Astronomy, Bad

224      Asymptotic Freedom

283      Atheism

276b    Atomic Nucleus

99d      Atomic Thermal Energy

206      Atomic World

109      Battery Circuit

67        Beam Splitters

197      Bell

213a    Beta Decay, 217

183      Big Bang Theory, 185a

137b    Birkeland Currents

49b      Black Holes, 199, 200

174      Body: 3-Body Problem

197      Bohm

94        Bohr Diameter

77        Bohr Magneton

76        Bohr Radius, 77, 107

76        Bohr, 78

48        Born-Einstein Letters

243      Boson/s, 213a

256      B-Photons

262      Bremsstrahlung Radiation

266      Brian Greene

126c    Bright

126d    Brightness

86b      Brightness Of The Sky

193      Bullet Cluster Interpretation

264b    Buoyancy

50        Calculus, 51, 53, 56, 57, 65

59        Calculus, Historical Foundation Of

55        Calculus, Modern

58        Calculus, Old

267      Cantor

139      Carbon Dioxide: CO2, 140

159      Carlip

114a    Casimir Effect

173a    Cavendish

163      Cavendish Experiment

185b    CBR Map

126d    Celestial Bodies

145      Celestial Mechanics, 146, 147

162      Central Engine

147      Chaos Theory

241a    Charge Bonding

242b    Charge Channeling

90        Charge Field C

45        Charge Field, 79, 80c, 86c, 89, 91, 92, 93a, 94, 95a,b, 97, 99a,b,c,d, 111-113, 116a, 120, 126b,d, 127a, 131, 132b, 134, 136, 138, 139, 141, 168a, 171b, 175, 208, 219a, 240a, 245, 247b, 249b, 252, 276b

132a    Charge Field, Ambient 185b

244b    Charge Field, Recycled

117      Charge Fluctuations

116b    Charge Interaction

170      Charge Of Planets

129      Charge Perturbations

110e    Charge Photons

216      Charge Profile, 265

127b    Charge Recycling, 128, 132b

98        Charge, 99a, 112, 115, 118b, 137a, 140, 169, 171a, 175, 193, 197

170      Charge, Ambient

88        Charge, Electrical

170      Charge, Emitted

169      Charge, Fundamental

123      Charge: E/M

101      Charge: E/M Field, 119, 125b, 126a, 150, 155, 227

276a    Charge: E/M Field, Foundational

68        CHSH Bell Tests

273      Circumference

272      Circumference Of Any Circle

18        Classical Action

129      Collisions

288      Color

300b    Columbia University

126b    Cometary Antitail

126b    Comets

279      Compass

85        Compton Effect

86a      Compton Scattering

270      Conservation Laws

300b    Conspiracy Theory

108      Constant

111      Constant, Cosmological, 185a

77        Constant, Coulomb's

80b      Constant, Electrical, 80d

260      Constant, Fine Structure, 261

70        Constant, Planck's, 71, 260

251      Constant, Scaling

259      Constant: c

251      Constant: c, Function Of

11        Constant: Gamma, 34

36        Constant: i

22        Constant: Loss Of Gamma

62        Constant: Pi, 272-275

273      Constant: PI: Π, Extinction Of

107      Constants G, K, Α,

144a    Constraints

65        Copenhagen Interpretation, 66, 110d

116b    Coronal Temperatures

185a    Cosmic Background Radiation, 185b

210      Cosmic Mass Deficit

157      Cosmology, New

31        Covariance

106      Dalton, Cubed

95a      Dark Matter, 165, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 210

294      Democracy

280      Densities

50        Derivative

53        Derivative For Exponents

52        Derivative For Powers

55        Derivative Of Log(x)

54        Derivatives Of Ln(x) & 1/x

110c    Designer Electron

73        Detector Problem

241b    Deuterium

273      Diameter

115      Dielectrical Polarization

55        Differential Tables

50        Differential, Constant, 58

50        Differential, Diminishing

288      Diffraction, Non-Edge

195      Dimension, 4th

272      Dimensions, Complex

75        Dimensions, Three

119      Dipole

82        Dipole Electron

106      Discrepancy, 2.5

89        Displacement Field

73        Double Slit Experiment

93b      Drude-Sommerfeld Model

85        Duality

114b    Dynamical Casimir Effect

47b      Einstein, 49b, 296

23        Einstein's Mass & Energy Transforms

12        Einstein's Original Paper

32        Einstein's Thought Problem Of The Spinning Disk

249b    Electric Universe Models

37        Electrical Field

90        Electrical Field e

276a    Electrical Structure

227      Electromagnetic Field

75        Electron/s, 181, 244b, 248

240a    Electron Bonding

110a    Electron Orbit

240c    Electron Orbital Theory

251      Electron Radius, 252

251      Electron Radius, Classical

241a    Electron Sharing

214      Electron Splitting, 215

209      Electron, Radius Of The

110b    Electron, Toroidal Topology Of The

217      Electroweak Theory

230      Elements

6a        Elliptical Theory Of Orbits

126c    Enceladus, 126d

70        Energy Is Quantized

271      Entropy

213b    EPR

107      Equation, 128, 142, 251

252      Equation: 1/c2

79        Equation: Balmer Equation

77        Equation: Bohr Equation

94        Equation: Coulomb's Equation

23        Equation: E = mc2

23        Equation: E = mv2/2

120      Equation: e ≈ 1/c

83        Equation: e/√c

252      Equation: e2

28        Equation: Einstein Field Equations, 29, 30, 33

101      Equation: Field Equations, 175

18        Equation: Galilean Transformation

4          Equation: Kinetic Energy Equation

85        Equation: Klein-Nishina Formula

13        Equation: Lorentz Transformation Equations

63        Equation: Maxwell Equations, 80b,c, 89, 90

22        Equation: Minkowski's Space-Time Equations

23        Equation: Momentum & Energy Equations

101      Equation: Newton's Gravitational Equation

248      Equation, Quantum, 253

250      Equation, Quantum Spin

86d      Equation: Rayleigh Equation

102      Equation: Relativistic Unified Field Equation

79        Equation: Rydberg Equation

79        Equation: Rydberg Formula

80a      Equation: Schrodinger Equation

235      Equation: Semf: Semi-Empirical Mass Formula

80b      Equation: Unified Field Equation/s, 80c,d,e, 89, 90, 101, 102, 135

5          Equation: v = v0 + at

102      Equation: Velocity Equation

16        Equation: x' = x – vt, 17, 18, 27

252      Equations

61        Equations Of Circular Motion

264a    Equations, Light

206      Equations: Rutherford's Scattering Equations

168b    Equatorial Anomaly

176      Erik Verlinde's Theory

47a      Ether, 47b

200      Exotics

160      Expansion

184      Expansion, Accelerating

150      Expansion Field

153      Expansion Of Matter

151      Expansion Theory, 154, 155, 161

171b    Experiment, 177a

173a    Experiment, Classic

211      Experiment, Dicke's

82        Experiment, Stern-Gerlach

110c    Experiments At SLAC

274      Explorer

58        Exponent Table

183      Exponential Inflation

243      Fermions

16        Feynman, 211

212      Feynman, Richard

84        Feynman's Shrink-&-Turn Method

144b    Fibonacci Series

164      Field, Compound, 166

219a    Field Waves

142      Flat Surface

239      Fluoride Compounds

290      Fog Bow

159      Fomalont & Kopeikin

149      Force At A Distance

146      Force, 181

153      Force, Strong, 213a, 227, 227, 228, 229

213a    Force, Weak

149      Force-Carrying Particle

281      Fractions

263      Frequency

293      Funding

96        Galactic Magnetism

112      Galactic Plane

249a    Galactic Proof

102      Galactic Rotation Problem, 165

97        Galactic Structure

117      Galaxies, 162

264a    Gap, 6%

28        General Theory, 29, 30

157      Genesis

213a    Gluons

167      GOCE Satellite

269      Godel, Kurt

269      Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems

280      Goldbach's Conjecture, 281

144a    Golden Ratio, 144b

177a    Gravity Probe B

123      Gravity, 145, 149-155, 157, 158, 160, 166, 176, 181, 191

173b    Gravity: Canada's Gravity Deficit

104      Gravity: Dimensions Of G

156      Gravity: F'=Gmm/R2

105      Gravity: G, 106, 108

83        Gravity: G-Factor

189      Gravity: Gravitational Collapse

155      Gravity: Gravitational Field

192      Gravity: Gravitational Lensing

198      Gravity: Loop Quantum Gravity

176      Gravity: No-Gravity

159      Gravity: Speed Of Gravity

188      Gravity: Theory Of Gravity

104      Gravity: Universal Gravitational Constant

160      Gravity: Vector Of Gravity

167      Gravity-Only, 180

213a    Hadronization Theory

177a    Hafele-Keating

13        Hafele-Keating Experiment

299      Hawking, Stephen

93a      Heat

93b      Heat Capacity

81        Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

95b      Heliopause

95a      Heliospheric Current Sheet

243      Helium4

212      Heuristics

276b    Hexagram

222      Higgs, 223

207      Higgs Boson, 221

213a    Higgs Field

275      Hilbert's Math

242b    Hollow Atoms

185a    Hubble Redshifts

78       Hydrogen, Absorption Lines

237a    Hydrogen Bond

241a    Hydrogen, Diatomic

305      Ice Core Charts

65        Idealism

65        Idealisms Of Heisenberg & Berkeley

33        Impulse To Motion From Rest

149      Inertia

159      Infinite

59        Infinite Series

267      Infinities, 268

50        Instantaneous Values

205      Integral Proof, Modern

300a    Intelligence Communities

13        Interferometer

275      Kinematic Situations

134      Lagrange Points

51        Lagrange, 178

64        Lagrangian, 134, 135

224      Landau Pole

233      Lanthanides

174      Laplace, 175

220      Large Hadron Collider

213b    Larmor Precession

133      Law: Bode's Law

80e      Law: Gauss' Electrical Law

80e      Law: Gauss' Gravity Law

80d      Law: Gauss' Law

154      Law: Ideal Gas Law

151      Law: Inverse Square Law

142      Law: Stefan-Boltzmann Law

289      Laws Of Refraction

164      LeSage

249a    Levels

223      LHC, 304

264b    Lift On A Wing

15        Light Clock

159      Light: c

99d      Lightbulb, LED

49a      Light-Speed Submarine Problem

59        Limit/s, 268

179      Limit: Different Kind Of Limit

52        Limit: Going To Zero

31        Lorentz Invariance

191      Mach's Principle

233      Madelung Rule

235      Magic Numbers

131      Magnetic Fields

213b    Magnetic Moment, 244b

83        Magnetic Moment, Anomalous

119      Magnetic Monopole

116b    Magnetic Reconnection

100      Magnetism

6b        Mainstream Critics

195      Mainstream Propaganda

164      Majorana

110e    Majorana Fermion

276b    Mandala

218      Margin Of Error

24        Mass & Energy Transforms

226      Mass Gap

25        Mass Increase

71        Mass Of The Photon

88        Mass Of The Radiation

261      Mass To Charge Transform

23        Mass, 104, 149, 155

297      Mass, Missing

203      Mass, Reduced

165      Math of MOND

266      Math, 11-Dimensional

35        Math, 44, 76, 122, 136, 172, 179, 181, 208, 222, 244a

83        Math, Virtual

148      Math: Complex Number Plane

36        Math: Hyperbolic

17        Math: Origins

109      Mathematical Or Field Model

268      Mathematics

104      Maxwell

80c      Maxwell's Displacement Field

90        Maxwell's Vortices

305      Mayan Calendar Prophecies

109      Mechanical Model

232      Mercury Liquid

253      Mesons

238      Meta-Cinnabar

240b    Metals

240c    Methane

44        Metonic Cycle

26        Metric, Friedmann, 27

26        Metric, Manhattan, 275

26        Metrics, All Current

9          Michelson/Morley Interferometer

112      Milankovitch

237b    Molecular Bonding, 240a

282      Monkeys

126c    Moon, 126d, 146, 155, 158, 166

122      Moon, Eccentricity Of The

125b    Moon: Lunar Effects

118b    Moon: Lunar Phases

125a    Moon: M2

177b    Moon: NASA's Lunar Gravity Maps

127b    Moon's Ionosphere

91        Motion, Brownian

149      Motion, Straight-Line

149      Motions

266      M-Theory

201      Muon

202      Muon Math

164      NASA, 274

284      NASA Propaganda

215      Nature Letter

145      Nebulae

242b    Neon Atoms

218      Neutrino/s, 219a

244b    Neutron, 265

308      New Scientist

60        Newton's Fundamental Lemmae

61        Newton's Lemmae Vi, Vii & Viii

122      Newton's Prop 66

139      Nitrogen

242a    Noble Gasses

270      Noether's Theorem

148      Non-Euclidean Geometry

230      Nuclear Diagrams, 232, 234, 235, 238, 239, 241b, 242a

213b    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

236      Nuclear Shell Model

240b    Nuclear Structure

229      Nucleus

130      Nutation

278b    Olbers' Paradox

300a    Operation Ostrich

126d    Opposition Surge

158      Optical Size Equivalence

309      Orbital Angular Momentum

215      Orbiton

271      Order

139      Oxygen

234      Oxygen Molecule

86a      Pair Production, 257

217      Parity Loss

84        Partial Reflection By Glass

262      Particle, Unified

204      Pascal

236      Pauli Exclusion Principle

240b    Period Four

230      Periodic Table, 240b

184      Perlmutter

147      Perturbation Theory, 175

245      Phloem

109      Photon/s, 110c, 116b, 255, 258, 259, 307

73        Photon Problem, Single

309      Photon Spin

86c      Photon Up-Conversion

255      Photon Mass, 209, 260

195      Photons, Massless

286      Physics, 300a

301      Physics Prize, Fundamental

293      Physics, Future Of

308      Physics, New

250      Physorg.Com

197      Pilot Waves

21        Pioneer

13        Pioneer Anomaly

185b    Planck

71        Planck Relation

139      Planet: Atmosphere

138      Planet: Atmospheric Pressure

138      Planet: Atmospheric Weight

129      Planet: Axial Tilt, 130, 136

137a    Planet: Coriolis Effect

129      Planet: Distant Past

118a    Planet: Earth, 128, 137b, 146

113      Planet: Earthquake Lights

194      Planet: Earth's Dark Matter Halo

169      Planet: Earth's Heat

136      Planet: Eccentricity Of The Earth

171b    Planet: Heat Of The Earth

141      Planet: Hot Air

171b    Planet: Hottest Places On Earth

112      Planet: Ice Ages

132b    Planet: Icecaps On Mercury

99b      Planet: Jupiter, 112, 130, 187

132a    Planet: Magnetism Of Mars

127a    Planet: Magnetopause, Anomalous

126a    Planet: Magnetosphere

41        Planet: Mercury

128      Planet: Mercury's Magnetism

128      Planet: Messenger Satellite

131      Planet: Neptune

43        Planet: Orbital Distance Of Mercury

62        Planet: Orbits, 145

152      Planet: Orbits, Retrograde

39        Planet: Perihelion Precession Of Mercury, 40

41        Planet: Saturn Anomaly

99c      Planet: Saturn's Magnetic Field

168a    Planet: South Atlantic Anomaly

131      Planet: Uranus

188      Planets

129      Planets, Other

143      Planets, Smaller

143      Planets: Larger Ones

171a    Planets: Plate Tectonics

164      Podkletnov

225      Point Particle

310      Polemics

269      Popper, Karl

35        Pound-Rebka Experiment

245      Pressure Flow Hypothesis

288      Prisms

280      Probabilities, Transforming

53        Proof For Ex

59        Proof Of The Derivative

54        Proofs

306      Propaganda Machine

23        Proton, 181, 244b, 248

207      Proton Mass

208      Proton Radius, 252

150      Ps Atomic & Macro Orbits

276a    Pyramid

224      QCD

48        QED, 65, 76, 212, 246

74        Q-Space

255      Quanta

70        Quantization, 114a

213a    Quantum Chromodynamics

87        Quantum Entanglement

254      Quantum Field, Fifth

153      Quantum Level, 181

65        Quantum Mechanics, 110a, 300b

69b      Quantum Nonlocality

86a      Quantum Spin Model, 249a

247a    Quantum Tunneling

255      Quantum, Fundamental

213a    Quark/s, 253

200      Quasars

295      Question

209      Radiation, Cyclotron

105      Radii

99b      Radio Waves

118a    Radioactivity

207      Radius Squared

287      Rainbow/s, 288

290      Rainbow, White

264b    Raindrop Problem

86b      Raleigh Scattering

146      Ralph Rene

242a    Reaction

7          Relativity, 8, 14, 46

11        Relativity, First-Degree

32        Relativity, General, 33, 34, 36, 42, 44

45        Relativity, Principle Of

10        Relativity, Special, 19, 20, 22, 23

38        Relativity: GR, 48

202      Relativity: SR Transforms

265      Repulsion

140      Residence Times

303      Revolution

32        Riemann

84        Right-Hand Rule

179      Roche Limit

269      Russell, Bertrand

237b    Salt

173a    Schiehallion Experiment

216      Schlappa Et Al

184      Schmidt & Reiss

69a      Schrodinger's Cat

74        Schrodinger's Waves, 75

294      Science

297      Science PR

246      Screening

289      SEAS Experiment

108      Sheldrake, Rupert

302      Sheldrake

173b    Simons/Hager Pseudo-Theory

198      Singularity

277      Size

285      Sky Blue

118b    Sleep

55        Slope For Log(X)

54        Slopes

53        Slopes Of Ax & Ex

114b    Sokolov-Ternov Effect

219b    Solar Neutrino Problem

126a    Solar System Bodies, 127b

143      Solar System Instability

122      Solar Wind

127a    Solar Wind Anomalies

126a    Solar Wind Exclusion

37        Space, Curved, 149, 177a

142      Sphere

205      Sphere, Surface Area Of A

204      Spherical Surface Area

70        Spin, 100, 249a,b

241a    Spin Isomers

255      Spin Level

82        Spin Of 1/2

214      Spinon Theory

253      Spins, Stacked

243      Spin-Statistics

279      Squaring The Circle

216      Sr2CuO3

117      Standard Kilogram

151      Standard Model, 284, 304

189      Star Formation

153      Starlight, Aberration Of

34        Starlight, Bending Of, 187, 188, 190

32        Starlight, Deflection Of

231      Stars, 278a

99a      Stars, Lonesome

279      Straight Edge

266      String Theory

59        Sum

116a    Sun, 118a, 146, 152, 158

92        Superconductivity

243      Superfluidity

66        Superposition, 67, 72

277      Surface Area

298      Susskind/Smolin Debates

276b    Symbolism, Mystic

270      Symmetries

19        Symmetry

270      Tautology

32        Tensor Calculus, 42

38        Tensor Field

30        Tensor, Fundamental

32        Tensors, 38

59        Terms

47b      Tesla

172      Theory Of Isostasy

186      Theory Of Tired Light

121      Tides, 122-125b

124      Tides, Spring & Neap

307      Time

201      Time Dilation

292      Time Travel

1          Time, 36

267      Topology, Point-Set

13        Transform/s, 19, 23, 101, 105, 258

245      Transport

58        Trig Derivatives

58        Trig Functions

241b    Tritium

152      Triton

292      Twin Paradox

278a    Twinkle

282      Typewriters

3          Unified Field/s, 43, 100, 127a, 139, 144a, 165, 167, 173b, 180, 181, 182, 227, 288

189      Unified Field Collapse

101      Unified Field Theory

103      Unified Field: UFT

103      Unified Field: Grand Unification Theory: GUT

296      Universe Open

266      Universe, Inelegant

309      University Of Glasgow

231      Uranium

239      Uranium Tetrafluoride

182      Vacuum Catastrophe

197      Valentini

159      Van Flandern

20        Variable Assignments

254      Variables, Hidden

249b    Venus

178      Virial Theorem

46        Voigt

277      Volume

95b      Voyager 1

237a    Water, Diagram Of

241b    Water, Heavy

69b      Wave Function, 72

75        Wave Motions

258      Wavelength, 263

66        Wave-Particle Duality

247b    Waves, Evanescent

311      Weak Allies

217      Weak Interaction, Theory Of

155      Weight, 156

236      Wigner

164      Wiki

110b    Williamson & Van Der Mark's 1997 Paper

249b    Wind

245      Xylem

225      Yang-Mills, 226

268      Zeno's Paradoxes

114a    Zero-Point Energy

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