Redshift is caused by the Mirrors in a Telescope
© Jeffrey J Wolynski

I know this may get redirected, but the redshift is just the telescope refracting the light from distance galaxies. This gentlemen explains it. To think, all this fuss about redshift and the problem is that we are looking at the universe with rose colored glasses? It's just the way telescopes work which make the further "galaxies" appear to redshift. They will also make point like structures appear further away as well, these are quasars. As they start growing from initial ejection from their hosts they expand (redshift decreases) in discrete steps. 

I know I will catch heat for this (even from Halton Arp himself probably), but it is a simple fix. We have been misusing technology and nobody has had the guts to admit it. 

In this paper I give him credit and his due:


Here is the single page in which he explains what is happening:


I'm sorry to offend, as this if true would be incredibly embarrassing to the entire scientific community at large.


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