2c. Charge (Mathis)
© Lloyd

Charge is Photon Pressure. Photons each have small mass and diameter.

Photons spin. Spins can revolve and stack. Antiphotons are photons with reverse spin.

Electrons/positrons (EPs) are photons/antiphotons (PHAs) with several orders of stacked spins.

Protons/antiprotons (PRAs) are electrons/positrons with several more orders of stacked spins.

Neutrons are PRAs with internal(?) EPs.

Orders of spin at the level of EPs and higher are too massive to attain light speed.

EPs and PRAs ingest PHAs polarly and emit them spherically, but mostly equatorially. Neutrons ingest and emit polarly.

Emitted PHAs repel PRAs the most, neutrons less and EPs least.

The flow of PHAs into PRA polar openings moves EPs toward the poles, but they're too large to enter easily, so they circle the poles, as the PHAs flow inward.

EPs, PRAs and neutrons all spin. PRAs form large disks. Neutrons form spheres. EPs form small disks.

PRA disks tend to attract each other polarly and two neutrons tend to enter the gap between PRA pairs. This makes a stable configuration, called an Alpha (for alpha particle, or helium nucleus), consisting of two PRAs with two neutrons in between. The PRAs are constantly spinning in the same direction, while each of the two neutrons apparently maintain close contact with both PRAs away from the PRA poles.

PRAs and neutrons form elements, with electrons collecting within them like driftwood on water. Elements constantly spin and, if they are unbalanced, they break apart into smaller elements or particles.

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