Thunderbolts Forum

Hadronic Mechanics Revolution

* I just found this site http://www.i-b-r.org/ir00020b.htm, which seems to have impressive info, and it doesn't seem to have been discussed here, so I want to share it here, before I lose the link.
* It says something about lightning making thunder by transmuting carbon into nitrogen, I think. Here's a quote.
Evidence obtained via bubbles of air in amber is recalled, according to which our atmosphere contained only 50% of nitrogen about 100 million years ago, thus establishing the existence in our planet of a process responsible for the increase of nitrogen to about 80%. After the exclusion of volcanic, asteroid, or other origin, lightning emerges as the most plausible process synthesizing nitrogen from carbon plus deuteron (or carbon plus protons and electrons). It is shown that the latter hypothesis does indeed permit a numerical-quantitative explanation of thunder, because of the capability of releasing all the needed energy with a mere efficiency of one stimulated synthesis of nitrogen per ten billion molecules of air. The most important hadronic reactors of Class II are suggested via simple embodiments essentially inspired by light[n?]ing, that reproduce it within a liquid rich in deuteron and carbon, or within suitable gases. It is stressed that the stimulated nuclear transmutations here considered occur at about 5,000 C, thus being new, in the sense of hav[ing] no connection to both, hot and cold fusions. Therefore, hadronic mechanics has permitted the identification of a new class of nuclear reactions with new physical laws, and a probability of practical realization much greater than that of both, hot and cold fusions.
* It seems to have good info on quantum mechanics and relativity and, of course, hadrons, i.e. protons, neutrons etc[?]. Here's another quote.
Part V then reviews the new chemical species called Magnecules,that are composed of ordinary atoms and molecules under a new strong magnetic bond originating in the plane polarization of the orbits of valence electrons.

Re: Hadronic Mechanics Revolution

* Wow! Get a load of this!
View of an underwater electric arc showing dramatic deviations from 20th centur[y] doctrines. For instance, Maxwell equations at the foundation of Einstein special relativity are dramatically inapplicable to an underwater arc because of lack of the longitudinal Ampere force attracting the electrodes to each other, the impossibility of representing the large electric resistance of the medium, and numerous other insufficiencies. Quantum chemistry predicts that the gas produced by an arc submerged within distilled water between graphite electrodes is composed by 50% H2 and 50% CO. But CO is combustible by producing CO2. Therefore, the combustion exhaust of a gas with 50% CO is predicted to have about 45% CO2, while the measured CO2 is of the order of 5%, thus establishing a "nine fold" error by quantum chemistry. Quantum chemistry also predicts that the combustion exhaust of said gas cannot contain appreciable oxygen, while oxygen is measured in the exhaust up to 14%, thus establishing an additional error of such a magnitude to prohibit any serious attempt of reconciliation with quantum doctrines. Numerous additional experimentally measured large deviations from special relativity, quantum mechanics and chemistry have been identified in the technical literature provided below. As Santilli puts it:

When I was in academia, I had to use Einstein's theories, quantum mechanics and quantum chemistry for all possible conditions existing in the universe. However, when within a corporate structure, any educated investor would fire me if I use the same doctrines for any energy releasing process, due to their known - but not sufficiently spoken - irreconcilable limitations, for instance, the notorious invariance over time reversal of the 20th century theories compared to the notorious irreversibility of an underwater DC electric arc, a disparity mandating the construction of irreversible coverings of 20th centur[y] theories as a condition for true advances in new clean energies.
* By the way, going back to the end of my first post here, will someone please explain what "the plane polarization of the orbits of valence electrons" would mean exactly? That's where the "strong magnetic bond" in magnecules is said to originate.

Re: Hadronic Mechanics Revolution

Looks like EM is finally starting to intrude upon the theoretical domain of quantum physics...

Re: Hadronic Mechanics Revolution

* Yeah.
* And check out this link: http://www.i-b-r.org/docs/HMMC-1-02-26-08.pdf. It's apparently a new paper called HADRONIC MATHEMATICS, MECHANICS AND CHEMISTRY that they invite scientists to review. The paper seems to be free to download. They're somewhat worried about climate change, but I don't know the details yet.
* Here's the Table of Contents. Notice Crothers at the end, apparently Stephen Crothers.
1.1.1 Needs for a Classical Theory of Antimatter 1
1.1.2 The Mathematical Origin of the Imbalance 3
1.1.3 Outline of the Studies on Antimatter 4
1.2.1 Foundations of the Imbalance 4
1.2.2 Exterior and Interior Dynamical Problems 7
1.2.3 General Inapplicability of Conventional Mathematical and Physical Methods for Interior Dynamical Systems 13
1.2.4 Inapplicability of Special Relativity for Dynamical Systems with Resistive Forces 14
1.2.5 Inapplicability of Special Relativity for the Propagation of Light within Physical Media 15
1.2.6 Inapplicability of the Galilean and Poincar´e symmetries for Interior Dynamical Systems 18
1.2.7 The Scientific Imbalance Caused by Quark Conjectures 21
1.2.8 The Scientific Imbalance Caused by Neutrino Conjectures 24
1.2.9 The Scientific Imbalance in Experimental Particle Physics 30
1.2.10 The Scientific Imbalance in Nuclear Physics 33
1.2.11 The Scientific Imbalance in Superconductivity 37
1.2.12 The Scientific Imbalance in Chemistry 38
1.2.13 Inconsistencies of Quantum Mechanics, Superconductivity and Chemistry for Underwater Electric Arcs 47
1.3.1 The Scientific Imbalance in the Description of Natural Processes 49
1.3.2 The Scientific Imbalance in Astrophysics and Cosmology 52
1.3.3 The Scientific Imbalance in Biology 53
1.4.1 Consistency and Limitations of Special Relativity 55
1.4.2 The Scientific Imbalance Caused by General Relativity on Antimatter, Interior Problems, and Grand Unifications 56
1.4.3 Catastrophic Inconsistencies of General Relativity due to Lack of Sources 58
1.4.4 Catastrophic Inconsistencies of General Relativity due to Curvature 66
1.4.5 Organized Scientific Corruption on Einstein Gravitation 71
1.5.1 Introduction 74
1.5.2 Catastrophic Inconsistencies of Noncanonical Theories 75
1.5.3 Catastrophic Inconsistencies of Nonunitary Theories 86
1.5.4 The Birth of Isomathematics, Genomathematics and their Isoduals 98
1.5.5 Hadronic Mechanics 102
Appendices 106
1.A Crothers' Critical Analysis of General Relativity 106
References 112
General Bibliography 121
Postscript 162
Index 167

Re: Hadronic Mechanics Revolution

* That paper is chock full of interesting info. Here's an example.
It is well known that electrons can propagate in water at speeds bigger than the local speed of light, and actually approaching the speed of light in vacuum. In fact, the propagation of electrons faster than the local speed of light is responsible for the blueish light, called Cerenkov light, that can be seen in the pools of nuclear reactors.
It is well known that special relativity was built to describe the propagation of light IN VACUUM, and certainly not within physical media.
... There exist today a large volume of experimental evidence reviewed in Chapter 5 establishing that light propagates within hyperdense media, such as those in the interior of hadrons, nuclei and stars, at speed much bigger than the speed in vacuum

Re: Hadronic Mechanics Revolution

Wicked find, Lloyd! This one is going to seriously take some time to mull over... :shock:

That one credit to Stephen Crothers, well all I can say is- about time!! Go Stephen!! 8-)

Re: Hadronic Mechanics Revolution

Thanks Lloyd!

Re: Hadronic Mechanics Revolution

Hi Lloyd

A very good overview of this subject can be found in a book by Jeremy Dunning-Davies, who was a contributor to Thunderblogs a few months back.
The book is called Exploding a Myth: Conventional Wisdom or Scientific Truth?
It is a great read and covers much of what is listed on the site without the complex maths.
I have been interested in the work of Santilli for some time and think he is a true genius.

Re: Hadronic Mechanics Revolution

* Exploding a Myth isn't available yet via interlibrary loan, so I guess it's too new. You'd have to get it from a book store.
* Here's another interesting paragraph from the paper online. All underlining below is mine.
Isomathematics proved necessary for the lifting of quantum mechanics to hadronic mechanics. With this new mathematics it was possible to describe extended particles and abandon the point particle simplification of quantum mechanics. This proved highly successful in explaining the strong force by leaving behind the non-linear complexities involved in quantum mechanics struggle to describe the relation between the three baryon quarks in the proton. Isomathematics also provided the mathematical means to explain the neutron as a bound state of a proton and an electron as suggested by Rutherford. By means of isomathematics Santilli was also able to discover the fifth force of nature (in cooperation with Professor Animalu), the contact force inducing total overlap between the wave packets of the two touching electrons constituting the isoelectron. This was the key to understanding hadronic superconductivity which also can take place in fluids and gases, i.e. at really high temperatures. These advances from hadronic mechanics led to a corresponding lifting of quantum chemistry to hadronic chemistry and the discovery of the new chemical species of magnecules with non-valence bounds.
* I'll see if I can find more info on the net and I welcome everyone else to look as well.
* Well, already I found a little more info relating to the above paragraph from http://inerton.wikidot.com/nuclear-forces.
Hadronic mechanics predicts a strongly coupled structure for a proton and electron i.e. in hadronic mechanics the neutron is treated as a strongly coupled proton-electron pair. Hence the nuclear forces are associated with the pure Coulomb interaction between protons and neutrons. Thus in hadronic mechanics the origin of nuclear forces is completely plain: this is the usual Coulomb interaction between nucleons.
* Here's more from http://www.i-b-r.org/ir00020b.htm.
The fundamental feature that permits an ordinary electric current to become superconducting in properly selected conductors is the bonding-correlation of identical electron pairs in singlet couplings, generally known as Cooper pairs.
The increased conductivity can be understood by the fact that individual electrons have electric and magnetic fields, while pairs of electrons as in Figure 3.1 have a double charge -2e, yet a virtually null magnetic field. The advantages of the propagation of the latter over the former is then evident, due to the absence of magnetic interactions for the latter and related disturbances in propagation because of interactions with atomic fields. In summary, a current of paired electrons in singlet couplings has an efficiency necessarily bigger than that of a current constituted by individual electrons.
As indicated in Sect. 2.7, the over-unity of Santilli's PlasmaArcFlow Reactors is crucially dependent on the electric arc within liquids to be mostly constituted by a current of electron pairs, rather than individual electrons, thus being superconducting.
Current orbital theories use an arbitrary number of electrons in their correlations, while experimental evidence establishes that correlation only occurs for electron pairs.
In essence, isochemistry has permitted the construction of a new model of molecular structure, known under the name of Santilli-Shillady isochemical model of molecular bonds. Its main feature is the assumption that pairs of valence electrons from two different atoms couple themselves in a singlet quasi-particle state at short distances, called isoelectronium, with main characteristics [Charge: 0; spin 0; magnetic moment 0; rest energy 1.0 MeV (max); Radius 6.8432329 x 10^-11 cm = 0.015424288 bohrs] that orbits around both nuclei in an oo-shaped orbit around the respective nuclei. Such a molecular model is similar to that of planets in certain binary stars.
It should be indicated that, as it is the case for the electric pairs of ... helium, and the Cooper pair in superconductivity, the Santilli-Shillady isoelectronium is not a permanently stable particle, due to exchange and other effects.
* Does an oo-shaped orbit mean a figure 8? Maybe the answer is below.
FIGURE 3.4: A schematic view of Santilli-Shillady isochemical model of the Hydrogen molecule [5] with the two electrons bonded in singlet coupling into the isoelectronium, that describes an oo-shaped orbit around the two nuclei. Note the opposite direction of rotation of the isoelectronium in the two o-branches, with consequential opposite magnetic moments. This configuration prevents the acquisition by the hydrogen molecule of a net magnetic polarity, thus avoiding the inconsistency of quantum chemistry of Fig. 3.3. The model is evidently considered at absolute zero degrees K and in the absence of all rotational, vibrational and other motions. Note also that isoelectronium cannot be permanently stable [5,6,7].
A feature of the isoelectronium of particular significance for new energies is that of having an essentially null intrinsic magnetic moment (in first nonrelativistic approximation, with non-null quadruple and higher moments). The above new conception of molecular structure has permitted the resolution in Refs. [5,6,7] of all insufficiencies and inconsistencies of quantum chemistry outlined above. In fact:
1) Isochemistry introduces for the first time a new strong, attractive force between two valence electrons suitable to represent the strength of molecular bonds. In different terms, the new hadronic force between valence electrons is the equivalent, missing in quantum chemistry, of the strong force in nuclear structures.
2) Isochemistry explains for the first time why the hydrogen, water and other molecules have only two hydrogen atoms. Once two valence electrons are bonded into the singlet isoelectronium, they become a Boson and, as such, reject the bonding of any additional electron (that is a Fermion).
3) Isochemistry has permitted the first representation of molecular binding energies that is accurate to the seventh digit.
4) The above accurate representations occur under the exact validity of the basic axioms of isochemistry without ad hoc adulterations.
5) Since the representation of binding energies is accurate to the seventh digit, isochemistry permits, for the first time, accurate thermochemical calculations.
6) Isochemistry reduces computer usage at least 1,000 times. This is achieved via power series that converge much faster than those of quantum chemistry.
7) Isochemistry allows correlations solely among pairs of electrons at all levels of study.
8) Isochemistry has provided representations of electric and magnetic moments also accurate to several digits [and having the correct sign].
9) Isochemistry has resolved the inconsistent prediction by quantum chemistry that all molecules are ferromagnetic [Figures 1.8 and 1.9].

Re: Hadronic Mechanics Revolution

* Again from http://www.i-b-r.org/ir00020b.htm.
FIGURE 3.6: A schematic view of the simplest possible Santilli's elementary magnecule H2xH2 composed of two plane polarized hydrogen molecules in mutual magnetic bond. Note that, once the magnecule has been formed, it is stable (at ordinary conditions) because of the high value of the magnetic forces at the small inter-atomic distances of the bond. Note also that the elementary magnecule is considered here at absolute zero degree Kelvin and in the absence of any motion. At ordinary temperature, the magnecule is predicted to appear as a sphere of the same size as that of one conventional hydrogen molecule, yet possessing a molecular weight very close to that of ... helium. Similar elementary magnecules are predicted for H2xO2, O2xO2, COxCO, COxCO2, etc.
The new species has variable molecular weight, depending on the number of atoms and molecules possessing the needed magnetic polarization, which molecular weight can be a multiple of the conventional molecular weight for the same atomic constituents;
It was easy to see that one of the strongest, readily available sources of magnetic fields in gases is an electric arc. Therefore, Santilli predicted that magnecules exist in gases and liquids exposed to an electric arc. In this section we outline separately the experimental evidence for magnecules in gases, liquids, and solids.
experimental evidence of Magnegases [found] anomalous passage of hydrogen through surfaces, anomalous deflation of balloons, anomalous attraction of floating balloons by metal beams, and other [anomalous] behavior.... Santilli conjectured that all gases produced via an electric discharge are indeed composed by conventional molecules under a special magnetic bond, thus resulting in a new chemical species.The conjecture was confirmed by a variety of GC-MC/IRD measurements reviewed below.
While molecules preserve their structure at conventional temperatures and pressures, this is not the case for magnecules, that are expected to mutate in time, that is, to change the shape of the MS peaks due to change in their constituents. Since we are referring to gases whose constituents notoriously collide, magnecules can break-down into parts during collisions, which parts can then recombine with other magnecules to form new clusters. Alternatively, magnecules are expected to experience accretion [or emission] of polarized conventional atoms or molecules without necessarily breaking down into parts.

Re: Hadronic Mechanics Revolution

Prof. Santilli is working at a totally automatic and computerized consumer PlasmaArcFlow™ Recycler with 10 kWh (to consume essentially the same electricity as a dryer), using household liquid waste as feedstock, and capable of reaching 6,000 psi while operating at night, thus eliminating any need for a compressor. In this way, consumers can produce their own fuels and instantly fill-up their cars in the morning by merely connecting their tank to the recycler. It should be noted that, to reach market maturity, this project is expected to require an investment of about five millions dollars over a five years period.

Harry Costas
Re: Hadronic Mechanics Revolution

G'day Lloyd

The problem with cheap fuel is that nobody makes money.

On the subject of hardronic matter.

The properties and their understaning is probably the most important process that is able to explain star formation and galaxy evolution of form. How this matter is able to form dipole jets is of most interest.

Chiral-particle Approach to Hadrons in an Extended Chiral ($sigma,pi,omega$) Mean-Field Model

Authors: Schun T. Uechi, Hiroshi Uechi
(Submitted on 21 Jul 2010 (v1), last revised 26 Jul 2010 (this version, v2))
Abstract: The chiral nonlinear ($sigma,pi,omega$) mean-field model is an extension of the conserving nonlinear (nonchiral) $sigma$-$omega$ hadronic mean-field model which is thermodynamically consistent, relativistic and Lorentz-covariant mean-field theory of hadrons. In the extended chiral ($sigma,pi,omega$) mean-field model, all the masses of hadrons are produced by chiral symmetry breaking mechanism, which is different from other conventional chiral partner models. By comparing both nonchiral and chiral mean-field approximations, the effects of chiral symmetry breaking to the mass of $sigma$-meson, coefficients of nonlinear interactions, coupling ratios of hyperons to nucleons and Fermi-liquid properties are investigated in nuclear matter, hyperonic matter, and neutron stars.

Spontaneous breaking of spatial and spin symmetry in spinor condensates

Authors: M. Scherer, B. Lücke, G. Gebreyesus, O. Topic, F. Deuretzbacher, W. Ertmer, L. Santos, J.J. Arlt, C. Klempt
(Submitted on 14 Jul 2010)
Abstract: Parametric amplification of quantum fluctuations constitutes a fundamental mechanism for spontaneous symmetry breaking. In our experiments, a spinor condensate acts as a parametric amplifier of spin modes, resulting in a twofold spontaneous breaking of spatial and spin symmetry in the amplified clouds. Our experiments permit a precise analysis of the amplification in specific spatial Bessel-like modes, allowing for the detailed understanding of the double symmetry breaking. On resonances that create vortex-antivortex superpositions, we show that the cylindrical spatial symmetry is spontaneously broken, but phase squeezing prevents spin-symmetry breaking. If, however, nondegenerate spin modes contribute to the amplification, quantum interferences lead to spin-dependent density profiles and hence spontaneously-formed patterns in the longitudinal magnetization.

Re: Hadronic Mechanics Revolution

I read through the entire paper, and I have to say that it was the most logical, lay-friendly approach to deep mathematics that I've ever seen- amazing! :)

As to the notion of 'magnecules'... would the formation of magnecules explain water making a bridge between two beakers with an applied electrical charge perhaps? o.O

Re: Hadronic Mechanics Revolution

* I think the section on magnecules said that electric arcs contain magnecules, so I started thinking that maybe stars contain lots of magnecules, especially at their surfaces. And that would seem to mean that they're much more massive than normally assumed. However, Thornhill I think has suggested that the actual object under the photosphere may be much smaller than the photosphere itself. So my idea about magnecules in or on stars may apply only to the photospheres. Nonetheless, stars start out as plasma balls in a Z-pinch, so they may contain largely magnecules at that stage. And magnecules can sometimes be stable, but not at too high temperatures. So, if planets and moons form in a Z-pinch too, magnecules might be more common within them and within cooler stars, than within hot stars. Saturn may have been a cooler star.

Re: Hadronic Mechanics Revolution

* Here are more interesting statements.
... the electrons in ball lighting [are like Cooper pairs; they're bound together and their magnetic fields nearly cancel out.]
the neutron can be stimulated to decay [within a radioactive atom?], thus releasing the rather large energy of 1.294 MeV per decay. ... The resulting new knowledge is applied to new means for the recycling of highly radioactive nuclear waste, via its stimulated decay.
1) New internal bonds in ordinary molecules. Recall that peaks in the IR scan essentially represent internal molecular bonds. The IR scan of Figure 3.10 is particularly important because it establishes the existence in the CO2 molecule of two new internal bonds characterized by the two new peaks. It is evident that these bonds cannot be of valence type, since that bond is already represented by the large IR peak of the same figure. The only possible explanation of the above experimental evidence is therefore that the two new internal bonds are of magnetic type. In turn, the only possible explanation is that the intense magnetic fields of the electric arc polarize also the orbits of internal, non-valence electrons, thus creating new magnetic bonds within the structure of conventional molecules themselves, in addition to magnetic bonds between molecules. Calculations show that these new, internal, magnetic, molecular bonds can store a virtually unlimited amount of energy, thus providing the first explanation of the anomalous energy content of magnegas.
As it is well known[?], stars initiate their lives as being solely composed of hydrogen, and end it being composed of all natural elements. As such, stars synthesize the neutron from protons and electrons only, as originally conceived by Rutherford (Sect. V-7.B).

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