New Interpretation of Archetypes of Symbols in the Sky
© spaceshiprider

Addenda #2 describes what is seen in the ancient skies when Nemesis, the brown dwarf, and its family of planets visited the inner solar system.


Addendum #2: A Stricter Interpretation of the Cataloged Archetypes or Symbols in the Sky as Described by David Talbott


David N. Talbott in his article, "Symbols of an Alien Sky" provides a very convincing argument that ancient rock art or petroglyphs drawn globally represent what Stone Age man saw in the skies of his time. These symbols are also represented by the reliefs or friezes displayed on the rock walls of temples and other structures built by ancient worldwide civilizations. Many of the ornaments, staffs, and garments of the ancient political and religious rulers replicate these same symbols. Talbott continues to catalogue these symbols into archetypes that have similarities between and among most of the worldwide primitive rock art and ancient civilizations over a time period that covers most of the Mesolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic, and Bronze Age eras.


These recorded symbols were recognized by Wallace Thornhill, an electrical engineer, as familiar displays created by plasma technology. The connection was made that these archetypes in the ancient skies are typical of such plasma configurations seen in the laboratory such as Birkeland currents, z-pinches, diocotron instability, plasma sheets, double layers of charge, etc. The next deduction was that this plasma phenomenon was created by celestial bodies in our solar system that are no longer in the same locations or have disappeared for various reasons. And, of course, these bodies were highly magnetic and electrically charged in order to emit or receive highly energetic plasma or Birkeland currents between each other over vast distances even in the case of close encounters.


Being familiar with Velikovsky with his postulated quickly-changing orbital arrangements, Talbott and Thornhill devised a similar scheme that also involved the transformation of a family of Saturn's so-called planets that quickly arranged themselves as some of the inner planets of the solar system. Their concept also includes mankind on Earth recording some of these celestial events. In this concept Earth was originally a planet of Saturn. This paper regards this event as virtually impossible on the basis of classical physics; also, any living forms on Earth could hardly survive such upheaval. But Talbott and Thornhill believe that mankind did survive such catastrophic events as is recorded in several ancient epics. This paper supports catastrophic events occurring to mankind but certainly not in this manner. Talbott and Thornhill have undisputedly provided a tremendous understanding to connecting myth and science and the history of mankind. Their contribution has certainly corroborated this paper's hypothesis. However, even the best of us including Einstein and "yours truly" can go down the wrong rabbit hole. Assuming rapidly changing orbital characteristics is not the correct rabbit hole.


This paper chooses a celestial configuration that can be accepted by classical physics. The varied possible arrangements of this configuration can explain the archetypes so eloquently described and catalogued by D. Talbott. The Sun has an orbiting brown or red dwarf sister star with a period of one "Sar" cycle or 3600 years. The orbit is very elongated and inclined to the average orbital plane of the Sun's planets. This dwarf star is highly magnetic with an anode corona that encompasses two or more planets. Its perihelion is about 2.7 AU from the Sun passing through the Main Belt of asteroids. This star's orbital path must intersect the Sun's heliosphere two times and closely cross the orbital paths of the outer planets. Its trajectory at the perihelion naturally disturbs the asteroids of the Main Belt each time that Nemesis intersects this region. The star remains within the orbits of the Sun's planets for an estimated twelve years while its own planets continue to orbit between ½ to 1 ½ AU from its parent having their own ecliptic plane.


This model has features that can address all the observations and interpretations listed in man's recorded history including rock art; deduced from the archeological, biological, and geological records; and portrayed by plasma discharges of cosmic bodies. These features are listed:


1. The brown dwarf star orbit provides the short cyclic period that can explain the various periods of recorded calamity in man's history – that span of time is roughly the past 20,000 years.


2. Strong magnetic and electrical effects of brown and red dwarf stars can produce both low energy plasma streams and highly energetic plasma leading to arc strikes. Both the dwarf star and its planets via the anode corona can emit and receive Birkeland currents or plasma columns needed to explain certain phenomena of observed surfaces of planets and satellites in the solar system.


3. The model provides numerous variables that can explain the differences in what happens each time the dwarf star returns to the inner solar system. Some of these variables are a) a changing elliptical orbit for the dwarf star; b) precessing orbits for the dwarf star's planets; c) an ocasionally perturbed orbit for the dwarf star by close encounters with the Sun's outer planets; d) a changing magnetic field strength and amount of electrical charge of the dwarf star since it loses or gains plasma to or from the Sun's planetary system each orbital period; e) a changing solar wind strength from the Sun depending on its sunspot cycle; f) a changing charge of the anodic corona for the dwarf star depending on its magnetic cycle; and g) major plasma discharges including arcing between close encounters of the Sun's planets and the dwarf star's planets. For sure, other variables are present that cannot even be imagined.


4. The model with all the possible interactions between the dwarf star, its planets, the Sun, its solar planets, and asteroids can create the various symbols of an alien sky portrayed by David Talbott. These celestial interactions and their related archetypes now follow.


David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill are certainly welcome to explain these interactions themselves and may certainly improve these explanations due to their depth of experience. However, they currently do not accept this model of celestial configuration. To understand these archetypes from the viewpoint of Talbott and Thornhill please review their Symbols of an Alien Sky and The Electric Universe in either book form or video streaming via the Thunderbolt. info. Their presentations are superb.


The Cosmic Wheel as the Brown Dwarf Star, called Nemesis:


The Cosmic Wheel has numerous versions but is mostly related to the brown or red dwarf star seen overhead during its crossing. When shown with the dark eye in the center either Mars or one of its planets is eclipsing the Nemesis star from Earth's viewpoint. When the Cosmic Wheel has straight stable spokes its anodic corona is interacting with some close encounter with another celestial body; or the dwarf star is energized by highly activated solar flares and winds. Strongly emitted plasma from Nemesis depicts straight spokes without a wheel rim. Strongly received plasma from the Sun depicts spokes with a wheel rim and crescents on the corona surface. The crescents or phases vary in position due to the position of the Nemesis star with respect to Earth's position with the Sun. These more illuminated crescents are either the Sun's light reflecting off the corona's envelop or the incoming solar wind current energizing the corona's surface. As the spokes of the Cosmic Wheel become wavy and break-up the transmitted Birkeland currents are lessening due to increasing distances between interacting bodies.


The Cosmic Wheel as the "Dark Planet" Passing Close to Earth:


This paper postulates that one of Nemesis' largest planets, call it the "Dark Planet", had a close encounter with the Earth's northern hemisphere in its normal, highly elliptical, orbital trajectory around Nemesis. This Dark Planet is a highly charged anode with its own strong magnetic field. Nemesis' planets share these characteristics by receiving and storing charge from for the brown dwarf's anodic corona via interactions with the star's strong magnetic field. The close encounter with Earth created an illuminated highly charged Birkeland current column completing an electrical circuit between the planets. The appearance of this highly energized Dark Planet appeared as a Cosmic Wheel with a Tongue as the column of Birkeland currents was initiated toward Earth.


The Evolution of Energetic Birkeland Currents Reaching Earth:


As the Birkeland currents increased their current flow and number of columns the Cosmic Wheel appearance changed to a High, Steep Mountain Having Various Radiant Crowns. As the Dark Planet moved pass Earth the connecting Birkeland currents changed appearance to a Curved Side-Lock. As the Dark Planet moved farther away from Earth the Birkeland currents appeared as Half of a Radiant Star. And finally, as the separation distance kept increasing the Birkeland currents were stretched enough to produce z-pinches. When the z-pinches occurred the currents were still energetic enough to produce illuminations that looked like Fire-Breathing and Feather-like Serpents or Dragons from Earth.


The Winged Disk:


The Winged Disk as depicted by the Sumerians and other succeeding civilizations has to represent a highly activated Nemesis star passing through the Main Belt of asteroids at its perihelion with the Sun. The star electrifies the asteroids and illuminates their surfaces including the fine dust that sputters off their surfaces. From Earth this illumination of charged materials looks like wings emanating from the Nemesis disk or corona envelop. The disk should appear to Earthlings as several times larger than Jupiter at this distance.


It is possible that the largest planet orbiting Nemesis could also appear as a Winged Disk orbiting through Nemesis' corona when it is in close alignment with Earth. Another possibility is that Nemesis grows these wings as it crosses the helio-magnetosphere thereby interacting with its double layer of current and the solar winds within.


Hand of God with an Eye:


I foretell two possible versions with the second one being the most likely. The first version is Mars being in line of sight between Earth and Nemesis. Nemesis is transferring highly energetic illuminated plasma to Mars with a corona created around Mars as being the palm of the hand. The dark eye is Mars. The fingers are Birkeland column currents coming from Nemesis which is being eclipsed.


In the second version Nemesis is transferring illuminated plasma to either Jupiter or Saturn which is being eclipsed by Nemesis as viewed from Earth. These possibilities occur four times for each crossing because Nemesis crosses each of their orbital paths two times. The palm of the hand is the enlarged activated and highly illuminated corona around the star with the star being the eye. The fingers of the hand are Birkeland column currents reaching outward toward the hidden Jupiter or Saturn.

A third version of the eye in the middle of the hand, of course, is the Moon eclipsing the Nemesis star and interfering with Birkeland currents passing between Earth and either Nemesis or the Dark Planet.


The Thunderbolt and Trident:


These plasma displays are highly luminous and energetic. They are plasma discharges of different intensities that are directly between celestial bodies in space. The Trident is arcing probably between a highly charged and weakly charged body. The Thunderbolt is arcing sometimes with visibly twisted filaments between two bodies in a close encounter – one of which occurred between Mars and Nemesis. Naturally, as observed from Earth these events are seen as a profile or sideview.


The Squatter Man:


These very typical and numerous depictions are found in petroglyphs and look like a squatting stick man with upraised arms and with two donut-like rings on each side of the man's body. The dating of petroglyphs is difficult and their origins may come from Nemesis crossings prior to as well as after the Great Flood event of 11,500 years ago. The head of the man is the source of plasma transfer which is either Nemesis or one of its largest planets. The main body stem is the column of Birkeland currents that splits to form a "Y" which is the squatter's legs when it comes near a cathode-like solar system planet. The raised arms are unstable sheets of plasma and the two donuts on either side of the body form a diocotron-type instability. This diocotron configuration is typically seen in laboratories when high energy plasma is emitted between a cathode and anode inside a vacuum tube under certain conditions. Apparently, a plasma discharge from Nemesis or one of its planets is strong enough to illuminate interplanetary space as it descends onto a solar system cathodically charged planet. Earthlings are witnessing these events seen in profile obviously at a safe distance.


The Stick Man with Raised Arms:


This stick man is similar to the Squatter Man but it lacks the normal donut-like diocotron-type instability configuration. This stick man has one or multiple raised arms with hands. The small circular hands on the ends of each set of arms are a smaller version of donut-like diocotron-type instability that terminates at the end of sheets of plasma represented by the arms. These plasma displays are likely less energetic than the Squatter Man and may have occurred between the Sun and the planets, Mercury and Venus. These displays could easily be seen by ancient peoples in the light of early dawn or twilight. The Sun would be at these times in its very active sunspot cycle producing much stronger flares due to Nemesis' magnetic field influence. Possibly Nemesis was in close alignment with the Sun and these inner planets for these events to occur.


Planet Venus Appearing as a Comet:


Now it is time to discuss the very mysterious event of planet Venus becoming a comet. Apparently, interpretations of some ancient texts reveal this episode. Venus, an easily observed wanderer of the ancient skies by the naked eye, appeared without warning as a comet with its typical coma and tail(s). What very possibly occurred is that Nemesis was in the neighborhood and caused an already active Sun to eject an enormous solar flare(s). The plasma was being attracted toward Nemesis when the unfortunate planet of Venus intercepted this high energy concentrated plasma possibly even saving Earth from the same fate. The plasma created a coma or highly energized electrical field around Venus that then struck the Venusian surface with wicked lightening causing the sputtering and ejection of surface materials. This ejected dusty material had enough energy to escape Venus' gravity field and appear as a tail of a comet as these materials trailed off into space behind the planet's trajectory.


The Celtic Cross and Other Crosses:


The Celtic cross is especially the best cross for revealing the Nemesis star. It shows a representation of the Cosmic Wheel that is known now to be the feared and revered star with its spokes and rim. As in all other crosses the shorter member represents the trajectory of the Nemesis star. The longer member of the cross represents the line of sight from Earth at ninety degrees to Nemesis' crossing through the solar system. This idea really originated with Zecharia Sitchin, author of The Twelfth Planet. Apparently, this concept was twisted and re-used by the Christian religion to become the crucifix of Jesus Christ. This religion as well as others twisted at numerous times the meaning of ancient man's other important astronomical events such as the spring and winter solstices. These solstices for Christians became Easter (the arisen Christ) and Christmas (the birth of Christ), respectively. Important events in the so-called mythical world are re-arranged, re-named, sanitized, and utilized to meet the means and ends of the newest culture in power. One must always be careful not to literally interpret ancient epics and cultural paradigms. Man's records of his history have too many times become unrecognizable regurgitations. The original sentiments become very mysterious and mythical.


The Fiery Serpent/Dragon with Long Scales or Feathers:


This archetype is typically destructive and feared. The dragon's feathers are dendritic in appearance which reminds plasma scientists of its electrical nature. And, like a serpent this archetype is dynamically curving. The curving body is represented of an unstable Birkeland current trailing a highly electrified comet or asteroid that is rapidly moving through the Earth's atmosphere. This archetype is also represented by multiple dragons or a many-headed dragon traveling through the atmosphere. This visualization is simply the break-up of one larger meteor. These near-Earth asteroids are created by Nemesis and its planets crashing through the Main Belt of asteroids. And, possibly the Dark Planet that had a close encounter with Earth was accompanied by asteroid-like satellites that were stripped off and plummeted Earth. These asteroid falls with red dusty trails are the fiery dragons.


The Spiral Serpent:


The author is lacking any good reason for this archetype. Perhaps the ancient Chinese created spirals in the sky with their fireworks. Perhaps David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill can come to the rescue. Any reader is welcome to devise a mechanism to this celestial display. The model of the celestial configuration that should still be with us today provides a myriad of possibilities for creating plasma displays in interplanetary space and in the local vicinity of Earth.


Issues with the Sun Having a Binary Partner:


This dynamical celestial model using a brown dwarf orbiting around the Sun does have some issues. If this comparatively rapid cycling Nemesis star does frequently create calamity with the Sun's inner planets including Earth, how then did different sets of dinosaur species survive for millions of years without interruption as the fossil record reveals? This question is answered in one of two ways. The first way is to claim that Nemesis did cause havoc that is not always recorded until major effects show up in random and infrequent mass extinction events and Ice Age starts and ends. Life is reputed to get started about 3.8 bya even without a protecting atmosphere. Earth's life forms are hardy enough to regain a foothold and keep evolving each time after a major catastrophe occurs.


The second way is to claim that the Nemesis system was recently captured within the last few hundred thousand years. Academics have problems with this claim because supposedly any capture mode millions of years after the solar system birth is virtually impossible. The stars created at the Sun's birth are moving apart too fast to ever become gravitationally connected unless it occurs extremely early such as the first 100,000 years or less. This paper's counter-claim is that due to the power law the smallest stars such as brown dwarfs are the most numerous yet mostly unseen. Interstellar space has so many brown dwarfs that larger star systems will have no difficulty capturing one.


Of course, the main issue is in finding this orbiting, brown dwarf star. NASA has performed extensive searches and sky surveys and claims the star does not exist. Their efforts were mostly concentrated searching more than one or two light years away. NASA's is dealing with a paradigm that some Nemesis star orbits outside the Oort Cloud, another paradigm. This paper has listed numerous issues with NASA's research about looking for these ubiquitous stars. Dim brown dwarf stars with little proper motion and located not too far outside the Kuiper Belt are very difficult to see in any type of electromagnetic spectrum or be tracked by computerization. NASA should keep looking.


See main body of paper for end notes and references.

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