Detection of the effect of cosmological large-scale structure on the orientation of galaxies
Type:    Journal, Article
Title:    Detection of the effect of cosmological large-scale structure on the orientation of galaxies
Author(s):    Trujillo, I.; Carretero, C.; Patiri, S. G.
Date:    2006
Abstract:    Galaxies are not distributed randomly throughout space but are instead arranged in an intricate "cosmic web" of filaments and walls surrounding bubble-like voids. There is still no compelling observational evidence of a link between the structure of the cosmic web and how galaxies form within it. However, such a connection is expected on the basis of our understanding of the origin of galaxy angular momentum: disk galaxies should be highly inclined relative to the plane defined by the large-scale structure surrounding them. Using the two largest galaxy redshift surveys currently in existence (2dFGRS and SDSS) we show at the 99.7% confident level that these alignments do indeed exist: spiral galaxies located on the shells of the largest cosmic voids have rotation axes that lie preferentially on the void surface.
Journal (full):    arxiv
Start Page:    L111
End Page:    L114
Link:    http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0511680
Link (PDF):    http://arxiv.org/pdf/astro-ph/0511680

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