1350 Sarah died; Esau & Jacob were born.
© Charles Chandler
Tanakh commentary
Sarah died, and Abraham buried her at Mamre.
Abraham insisted that Isaac marry a woman from Mitanni, but that he not go himself. Perhaps it was because no son of a pharaoh had ever gone wife hunting in a foreign land. So Abraham sent his servant, and the pharaoh sent an envoy as well, to see to it.
Isaac married Rebekah (Tadukhipa), who was perhaps the inspiration for the Tale of Two Brothers. In the present thesis, she married Amenhotep III just a couple of years before his passing, and then was conveyed to Akhenaten, but who didn't interest her, so she married Isaac instead. Then she gave birth to Esau & Jacob.
Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac, but an angel stopped him. Was this because of Isaac's involvement with the Druze? Or was it due to competition with Akhenaten for Rebekah? Or did Abraham feel disenfranchised, that Sarah's son by the pharaoh would inherit the titles, while his son by Hagar would not?

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