Jeffrey J. Wolynski
© Jeffrey J Wolynski

I am a 29 year old former U.S. Marine ('03-07) with a bachelor's in Human Communication, and I made a simple discovery that I want to share with the world and more importantly the other revolutionaries on this site. We need strong theories to replace the pseudoscience of establishment, or else we run the risk of allowing our children to be more lost than we ever were. That is a thought I do not enjoy. I refuse to accept the bullshit on T.V. and science propaganda, esp. when I understood its driven by money and vanity, not firey truth.

Star evolution is planet formation. A planet is an ancient star and a star is a new planet.They are the exact same objects, only different ages and stages of evolution/metamorphosis.

No nebular disk thing is even needed. Gravity doesn't weld iron. Sorry, pseudoscientists of establishment want you to believe gravity can weld together iron/nickel cores of stars, I know it's insulting to all of our intelligences.  

This paper explains how the discovery was made in August/September (I can't remember the exact date) of 2011.


By making the discovery I had unwittingly opened Pandora's box, and the only thing left for humanity now is hope. Our mission here is to outclass and expose the frauds of establishment science. They are liars, frauds and con artists. We are on a mission to expose their evil ways, dominated by money, self-aggrandizement, ego and vanity. Put simply, if you are reading this, chances are you are a scientific revolutionary. Join me. Do not hesistant. Other revolutionaries such as Mr. Thornhill, Mr. Crothers, Mr. Chandler, Mr. Mathis and many others must band together to defeat the establishment. Consider us members of the rebel forces. We need to organize ourselves and unite under a common cause, to rid humanity of the peer reviewed nonsense of establishment science. We are on a mission gentlemen. Those that wish to join our ranks please direct them to this site, Mr. Chandler would love your help. 

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