Thunderbolts Forum

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

Yikes! I was kidding about the m&m candies, yet here's a picture of some of them.
Lloyd wrote:
http://www.crystalmaker.com/support/tut ... Radii.html
I'm starting to freak out!

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

Lloyd wrote:
Robert Moon had a theory that nucleons form platonic solids and the like. The smallest platonic solid is a tetrahedron, which could be formed by 2 protons and 2 neutrons, as in the Helium nucleus. It seems to be a reasonable theory. Here's Laurence Hecht's article, A New Approach to The Ordering Principle Of the Stable Isotopes, which has a number of tables to show which atoms and isotopes form the most complete platonic solids etc:
http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/A ... otopes.pdf
Yikes!, Yikes!, and double Yikes!

Maria Goeppert-Mayer
Goeppert-Mayer's model explained "why certain numbers of nucleons in the nucleus of an atom cause an atom to be extremely stable". This had been baffling scientists for some time. These numbers are called "magic numbers". She postulated, against the received wisdom of the time, that the nucleus is like a series of closed shells and pairs of neutrons and protons like to couple together in what is called spin orbit coupling. This is like the Earth spinning on its axis as the Earth itself is spinning around the Sun. Goeppert-Mayer described the idea elegantly:
"Think of a room full of waltzers. Suppose they go round the room in circles, each circle enclosed within another. Then imagine that in each circle, you can fit twice as many dancers by having one pair go clockwise and another pair go counterclockwise. Then add one more variation; all the dancers are spinning twirling round and round like tops as they circle the room, each pair both twirling and circling. But only some of those that go counterclockwise are twirling counterclockwise; the others are twirling clockwise while circling counterclockwise. The same is true of those that are dancing around clockwise; some twirl clockwise, others twirl counterclockwise."
I was right about the m&m candies dancing in the nucleus! And here Brigit thought I was being silly.

I just now remember this stuff from college, 30 years ago. Yikes! again.

Shell model

Lloyd linked to the Pyriodic table using electron shells. I wonder what the table would look like using nucleon shells. I wonder how they would relate to each other. This makes building a Dawkins style computer program showing element transmutation that much harder.

Think about it. The nucleons dance and twirl, then swap places. What order, what sequence would we see if we could tag all of the particles changing places, not just the nucleons, but the quarks within them and the forces holding them together and keeping them apart as well, because nothing stops, everything is in motion. No wonder things transmute or fly apart as "radioactivity". It's a wonder that anything is stable; and maybe any stability we see is just an illusion on our part.

That brings me back to something I posted in another thread about Garrett Lisi and the E8 particle theory that is the latest big TOE.

This is from the TED talks. The visual examples he gives of the particles structure and E8 Theory are amazing.

Garrett Lisi: A beautiful new theory of everything
http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/garr ... thing.html

His website is at:

A. Garrett Lisi

A physical sculpture of the structure is at:

E8 crystal

An interactive visual web page showing the structure is at:

Elementary Particle Explorer

That interactive structure is the key thing to study when you think of particles. (Do a "save as" web archive on the page to save a copy of the program to your system.)

When I joke about everything being dancing m&m candies the E8 structure is what I'm talking about. From the aether on up, everything is that E8 particle, all depending on the rotation in eight dimensions. The structure allows for 248 different particles based on the geometry of the structure.

Let's go back to what an atom looks like.

- A nucleus with electrons orbiting it.

The electron is not some ball bearing orbiting a basket ball, it is an E8 particle surrounding that basket ball. The electron shell is the electron.

Yes, an electron flying free looks tiny, acts tiny, but when it is in "orbit" around a nucleus, it is as big as that electron shell.

- Think of the electron as a basket surrounding the nucleus.

Remember, when a photon hits an electron, the electron changes "orbit" instantly without moving in the space between one orbit to the next. The photon is also an E8 particle that adds itself to the E8 particle/electron and the electron shell changes shape/size, instantly.

- All the electrons in a subshell are at the same energy.

Those electron baskets become one basket with the shape defined by all the E8 particles/electrons in that subshell, so it grows and shrinks as one.

Look at those pictures of the proton and neutron I posted up-thread, with the m&m candies/quarks in them. Each of those quarks is an E8 particle. Each of the forces holding them together and keeping them apart are E8 particles. That proton, that neutron, is like a nested Russian doll with other E8 particles inside it, part of it, becoming one particle, one shape.

- The nucleon shells of protons and neutrons are part of an E8 particle that holds the shell together. That nucleon shell acts and moves as one.

And that assembled atom--made out of all those nested, dancing shapes--is not just sitting alone, it is connected to other atoms in molecular bonds that are also E8 particles dancing and spinning together.

And everything, from the so called "vacuum", to the heart of a star, is filled with a sea of aether particles, each of which is an E8 particle, dancing, spinning, changing together.

So is it any wonder that when all those nested, spinning, dancing m&m candies, that we call "atoms", are hit by a major lighting bolt--which is also a stream of E8 particles--that transmutations occur.

Whoa! I keep flashing on the movie, 2001 a Space Odyssey, where the monkeys are going up to touch the monolith, and that weird atonal music is sounding; but this time it's the m&m candy characters, and when Red touches the black monolith it falls apart into a cloud of mini m&ms. Yikes!

As always, read the links and make up your own mind.

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

WOW, perfection, some are finally on to the solution.

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

* Just making a few additions relating to recent discussion here, before trying to ponder Allyn's latest additions.
LK's New Periodic Table of Elements and Subatomic Particles
__________________________________________________________________________ no n. p. e.
__________________________________________________________________________ H. He Li Be
_______________________________________________________________ B. C. N. O. F. Ne Na Mg
________________________________________________________________ Al Si P_ S_ Cl Ar K_ Ca
______________________________________ Sc Ti V. Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr
______________________________________ Y. Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I. Xe Cs Ba
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Td Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W. Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra
Ac Th Pa U. Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No
no = neutrino, n = neutron, p = proton, e = electron
Thornhill says neutrinos are collapsed pairs of electrons and positrons or protons and antiprotons
An electron consists of 1 positive subtron orbiting 2 negative subtrons
A proton consists of 1 negative subtron orbiting 2 positive subtrons
Neutrons and neutrinos have 3 positive and 3 negative subtrons, but neutrinos are collapsed
The new Periodic Table that I gave links to earlier has H and He above Li and Be, but that separates He from the other noble gases, so I hope this one is an improvement.

* Brigit had suggested that nitrogen transmuted to elements found in fossils. The following lists show that oxygen and carbon are far more abundant in animals.
Abundance of Selected Elements in the Human Body
1. Oxygen (65%)
2. Carbon (18%)
3. Hydrogen (10%)
4. Nitrogen (3%)
5. Phosphorus (1%)
6. Sulfur (0.26%)
Abundance in Animal tissue
H 9.3
C 19.4
N 5.1
O 62.8
P 0.6
S 0.6

* Brigit's Ammonite Ammolites [Shells consist mostly of calcium carbonate, it seems, and sometimes calcium phosphate etc. Wikipedia says: "ammolite is variable, and aside from aragonite may include calcite, silica, pyrite, or other minerals." And it says aragonite is calcium carbonate, so it looks like the calcium in the shells largely remains calcium and doesn't transmute to something else. Minerals that give ammonites their nice colors may be supplied electrically.]

* Allyn's Gold in Quartz veins [Do they look like Lichtenberg lightning formations?]

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

* Allyn said:
That brings me back to something I posted in another thread about Garrett Lisi and the E8 particle theory that is the latest big TOE.
* Allyn, it looks to me like his particle "structure" is some kind of graph, not a model of any kind of physical structure. It seems to be a graph of all of the known particles, where there are 3 variables represented for each particle by the 3 dimensions of the graph. The variables are probably mass, energy and charge, or the like. If I'm wrong, please explain why.
* Thornhill et al, I believe, think that most of the so-called particles are just broken pieces of matter that are in the process of breaking apart or coalescing or otherwise undergoing change. They're not actually real particles. Just the proton, electron, positron, antiproton, neutron and neutrino are real particles. I should add positive and negative subtrons, of which these 6 particles consist. If the negative subtron is shown as - and the positive as +, the 6 particles would be as follows:
++- proton
--+ electron
++- positron
--+ antiproton
++---+ neutron
++---+ neutrino
[collapsed, not expanded like the others, as from electron-positron or proton-antiproton encounters; Thornhill has said that gamma rays can expand a neutrino to form an electron and positron or a proton and antiproton. I suspect that the antiproton and positron can form a neutron, just as an electron and proton can.]
proton + electron = neutron [or Hydrogen atom, if expanded further]
positron + antiproton = neutron? or antineutron?
proton + antiproton = neutrino
electron + positron = neutrino
gamm ray + neutrino = (positron + antiproton) or (proton + electron)

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

I struck gold!

Here is an article about one collector of gold specimens. He mentions many times how the gold is found in hollows of quartz filled with calcite. That they use acid to clear out the calcite and leave just the cleaned gold and quartz.

Olinghouse Article (Originally Published in the Gold Issue, Rocks & Minerals Magazine, Jan-Feb 2004)
http://www.greatbasinminerals.com/Oling ... 20Page.htm
Green Hill: Green Hill was the first place Alta Gold Company chose to mine. This pit is a northeast-trending, 800-foot-long, 200-foot-wide, and 50-200-foot-deep trench cut on the southwest portion of the hill. Wire gold specimens of particularly good size and quality began to be recovered there in early 1999. For the next six months while the pit was being mined, Green Hill produced about 180 specimens of wire gold on crystallized quartz. Of these, about 140 were thumbnail to small miniature in size, displaying one or a few small wires 0.2 1.2 cm in length. Only about 40 showed wires more than 1.2 cm. These aesthetic specimens are highly prized by collectors, especially in Europe, where many of the finer pieces ultimately went.

These Green Hill finds were made in a series of ore boulders that were exposed during mining; some that contained thick, white, calcite-filled fractures were recognized and preserved. When etched, heart-stopping butter-yellow wires of gold were revealed, precariously attached to attractive druses of sparkling 0.2-1.0-cm quartz crystals, all on an olive-green andesite matrix. One day, a 180-pound boulder was found with a broad, 15-cm-thick, calcite-filled, quartz-crystal-lined void. It was partially etched so that only 3-4 cm of calcite remained. Several wires could be seen protruding upward. Later, my company purchased this boulder from Alta. It was carefully trimmed down to more than two dozen 5-15-cm plates that were then etched and prepared to completion. Some thirty superb gold wires were discovered on matrix, ten more than 3 cm in length and a few to 5 cm!

A small group of specimens from Green Hill displayed terminated amethyst crystals, to 2 cm in length, in association with fine wires of gold. Less than five quality specimens of this sort were recovered, all with pale to moderate purple tones. The 15-cm specimen pictured (fig. 6) is the finest wire-gold-on-amethyst specimen preserved from Olinghouse, with individual wires from 3 cm to an incredible one of about 7 cm.
Here's where he mentions a mix of metals together, with the changes occurring "centimeter to centimeter". Looked in the context of a lightning bolt transmuting elements, it makes better sense than some chemical process.
The 813 Pit: This is the most prolific nest-gold producer in the district. The main specimen zone was dubbed the "Zeolite vein" because weathering filled fractures in this fault zone with laumontite and heulandite for the first four levels down from the surface. Below this, only calcite filled the vein. Located within this calcite and some of the zeolites were abundant and stunning nests of interlocking microwire gold. From mid-1999 through 2000, this 7-cm-wide and 6-meter-long zone produced approximately 920 nest-gold specimens. In April 2000, at the 6,030-foot bench level, a rich ore shoot was discovered that produced about two-thirds of the total specimens from this zone.

These golden nests occur in a wide range of colors, habits, and associations. One of the biggest curiosities about the gold from the Zeolite vein is the fact that its color varies so much--from a pale, bleached-out silver-gold, through beautiful butter-yellow hues, to dark bronzelike tones. These variations are not simply from pocket to pocket but can be centimeter to centimeter within the same pocket. Most likely this is due to wildly varying amounts of silver within this gold. This alloy probably ranges down to about 60 percent gold and 40 percent silver. A bulk assay of gold from these nests was made, and they averaged about 70 percent gold and 30 percent silver (Pete Evatt, pers. com., 2000). This variation may be a clue that the high-grade ore shoots in this district are multi-episodic. In other words, the different purities of gold formed in different stages during the development of the pocket, creating these unique, intricately woven nests.

The general structure and habit of these golden nests are as multitudes of splitting, dendritic, intergrown, curving wires 2-4 mm long and 0.1-1.0 iron thick, with varying amounts of "leafiness." Most of these specimens formed as moderate-to-dense fillings in veins not exceeding 1 cm in thickness. Some of these gold-coated surfaces can exceed 150 square centimeters and are extremely attractive. Other specimens show bushy nests more than 3 cm thick! But these tend to be patchy and localized. Overall, the largest nest-gold specimen is estimated to contain about 3 ounces in gold-alloy weight. It is approximately 15 x 10 x 3 cm and occurred as a thick, loose vein section in calcite (Ed Coogan specimen). The gold is not thickly matted in most nests. A density measurement was made on a series of average gold nests, it is estimated that these have about 1-1.5 grams of alloy per cubic centimeter of nest (Evatt, pers. com., 2000).

Obvious preferred crystal growth is exhibited by wires within some golden nests. In these, individual wires appear to have formed by repeated spinel twinning that has resulted in extreme wirelike elongation, interestingly, adjacent wires reflect light in such a way that the parallel orientation of these elongated twins is apparent, suggesting some master orientation within the nest as a whole. Similar parallelism of reflections is common in herringbone or dendritic golds from many localities in which the elongation of individual twin aggregates is not so extreme, suggesting that the Olinghouse wires may be parallel branches from some master "trunk" wire buried within the nest. Perhaps unraveling one of these nest like wire aggregates would result in the easy identification of such a master wire from which the others actually diverge.

Typically, the leafier the gold, the better the color and luster and the more likely spinel twining is present. Leaves range from 0.1-1.0 cm, some even showing rare hexagonal crystallization. Overall, good leaf-gold specimens from the 813 pit constituted only about 5 percent of the collectible specimens.

Another curious habit of these gold nests is the "garland" variety. These are longer-than-average wires, 0.3-3+ cm, with stubby, smaller wires protruding perpendicularly from their sides. These garlands--which look much like holiday decorations--may be another example of multiple spinel twinning.

About 95 percent of all the nest-gold specimens prepared by Alta Gold Company were recovered on the olive-green andesite matrix. Some of this matrix shows coatings of clinozoisite/epidote microcrystals underlying sparkling quartz druses. The average-quality specimen from the 813 pit has a flattened, less than 5-cm matrix surface with a 1-cm patch or two of nest gold on it, under 1 cm in thickness. The better pieces show more profile to the matrix and are richer in gold: they may even show better developed leaf forms (> 2 mm). The best specimens are those showing well-developed brecciation of the andesite matrix. These specimens can display aesthetic, multiple vugs containing nest gold and have a higher propensity for large leaf gold (from 0.5 to 1.0 cm). Also popular are the vein, or sandwich, specimens. These are 0.2-2.5-cm-thick gold-nest veins sandwiched laterally between pieces of andesite matrix to 12 cm across. They have the appearance of the quintessential "storybook" sparkling gold vein in rock.

One issue that has arisen, mostly relative to more silver-rich specimens, is that some of these nests have a tendency to darken over time. It is thought that some of the silver in the alloy can oxidize and darken, becoming coated with acanthite microcrystals, giving the nests a brownish-black look. This might indicate that some of the silver occurs outside of the gold alloy, in its own native form. This oxidation can be directly attributed to environment. Consequently, it is recommended that all Olinghouse gold specimens be kept away from native sulfur and any other minerals that give off H2S gas. Humidity, heat, sunlight, and salt-air conditions may also stimulate this process.
Here are links to some of their specimens for sale.

Round Mountain Golds Under $50
http://www.greatbasinminerals.com/Round ... %20$50.htm

Round Mountain Golds $500 to $1000
http://www.greatbasinminerals.com/Round ... 0$1000.htm

Round Mountain Golds over $1000
http://www.greatbasinminerals.com/Round ... 0$1000.htm

When you look at any of the pretty pictures of quartz gold, remember that they stripped away half the material, so we are not seeing all of the data. To figure out what actually happens we would need to know the structure of the primary matrix that the lightning bolt hit, and then track the changes, because it looks like more than just one element is transmuted at a time.
Then, in March 1999, the first good gold pocket was discovered at the 813 pit. About 0.5 pound of crystallized gold was recovered from a small ore shoot on the Zeolite vein. I had the dream-come-true privilege to help clean and prepare these hundred-plus beautiful specimens for distribution to collectors. Pieces ranged from thumbnails to small cabinet specimens; all showed wonderful nests of wire gold. One unique specimen consisted of a baseball-sized mass of cream-white, translucent laumontite with about 1 cm of gold wire sticking out each end. An electrical conductivity test was made, and, sure enough, both ends were attached to each other! I was given the piece to trim to better expose the wire. So, I sat in the mine office with a pair of pliers and very carefully hand-trimmed it into a superb specimen. When finished, the wire was 8.4 cm long and up to 2 mm wide! A small, marble-sized mass of laumontite was left for matrix and contrast. Needless to say, I fell in love with this specimen and was ultimately successful in officially acquiring it from Alta for my personal collection. I was blown away, as my biggest self-collected gold wire was a mere 3 mm!
This is like going to a Natural History Museum and seeing a diorama with a stuffed and mounted Lion skin standing right beside the skeleton, wired and posed, and expecting to understand Lions.
Specimen Preparation-

The removal of the calcite vein fill was easy. A simple solution of hydrochloric acid worked well. Care was taken, though, to make sure not too much of the calcite was removed or the gold would have become unstable and pieces would begin to fall off. The specimens were completely neutralized for at least twelve hours to prevent iron-oxalate staining, especially when the specimens had bits of goethite with them. After being bathed in an ultrasonic cleaner and rinsed off, they were ready to be enjoyed.
This makes me think of the classic movie, Planet of the Apes, where Charlton Heston finds his buddy stuffed and mounted for display.

Oh, the horror, the horror.

Here is a link to sold specimens with Olinghouse house gold.
http://www.greatbasinminerals.com/Archi ... ctures.htm

Petersen Mountain Commercial Dig Report
http://www.greatbasinminerals.com/Colle ... 202007.htm

Scott's Mineral Articles
http://www.greatbasinminerals.com/Scott ... 20Page.htm

Great Basin Minerals homepage

This is fun stuff. We would need to have geologist rock hounds get involved studying plasma cosmology.

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

Lloyd wrote:
Allyn, it looks to me like his particle "structure" is some kind of graph, not a model of any kind of physical structure. It seems to be a graph of all of the known particles, where there are 3 variables represented for each particle by the 3 dimensions of the graph. The variables are probably mass, energy and charge, or the like. If I'm wrong, please explain why.
Watch the TED video and he explains it better.

The page you saw is interactive and allows you to rotate the geometric E8 structure to show the relationships. This diagram is both a map showing how the various particles relate, and it is the particle itself.

This is what the particle looks like as a Zome model.

Depending on how you rotate that structure in eight dimensions, you get a specific force or particle.

That is my dancing m&m!

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

I was into E8 and five dimensional analysis for a long time. I have a Zome Tools kit, a large kit with about 1000 pieces.
I love the cystaline diamond...what a beautiful geometry.

I am glad to see the distributed charge, Dr Moons analysis of platonic solids and electron duals.
Its a beautiful mind you have!

Brigit Bara
Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

If heavy elements come from electric transmutation, should they be found in various stages together--like the Si, Cu, Ag, and Au you have been talking about?

Lloyd, regarding the fossilized fish brain, it is soft tissue and mostly water. I was probably wrong about the Nitrogen playing much of a role. It needs to be properly compared with other soft tissue fossil compositions. For comparison--

Fossil Medusa
SiO2 88.33
Al2O3 4.45
FeO3 trace
CaCO3 3.91 --Chas D Walcott, 1898

Also, in the Burgess Shale, the fossils are silica as well: http://www.geo.wvu.edu/~lang/Geol796/Bu ... 202007.pdf
Pg 18

BUT, scat fossils are calcium phosphate (http://whyfiles.org/shorties/078coprolite/) and I found some embryos that are the same, and crystalline, like the brain-- http://newsinfo.iu.edu/web/page/normal/9477.html

In the case of the scat, they say the calcium from bones ingested by the animal allow it to become fossilized. But in the case of the brain and the embryos, microbes are said to replace the cells with minerals. Glad you brought it up.

Brigit Bara
Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

Lloyd brought up that animal life is composed of @65% Oxygen. However, if it is the O that is being transmuted, then soft tissue would be much less of an exception, wouldn't it? If bones are calcium phosphate, then maybe that is what we need to focus on (since they are usually preserved), not the Carbon. ?!

Or maybe, you can't get there from here, and it really is water/minerals that fossilize things. :cry:

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

To make the concept of the E8 particle clear, let's look at the simple example of a what happens to a proton in a particle accelerator.

- A Hydrogen atom is ionized, stripping away the electron, leaving a positively charged proton.

- The accelerator uses an intense electromagnetic magnetic field to pump energy into the proton, accelerating it up to near light speed.

- A second proton was also accelerated up to near light speed, but moving in the opposite direction.

- The two protons are made to collide in the middle of the particle detector and a massive spray of particles come flying out in all directions.

That's the part everybody knows, but it leaves out what is actually happening to the proton, so people get all grumpy when they talk about "energy becoming mass" and "mass becoming energy". That's where the E8 particle comes in. Where the dancing m&m candies come in to play.

Now let's look at that for a second. Everybody can agree that two protons collided, and a bunch of particles are detected. What people get upset with is the concept that the proton becomes more "massive" because we are adding energy and particles are "created" during the collision when that energy is released.

If we could fly beside that proton as it makes its journey around the accelerator ring, we would see that it is a proton, no more, no less. No matter how much energy is pumped in, it will always be a proton.

The electromagnetic field is pumping energy into the proton, to accelerate it faster and faster. That energy going in is in the form of individual E8 force particles--m&m candies if you will--each m&m slipping into the proton adding to the structure, vanishing from sight.

Think about it a moment. All these particles of force are real, yet they seem to vanish once their job is done. A photon is not created then ceases to be when it hits, a photon is "emitted" and then "absorbed". The force particles are emitted then absorbed. The m&m candies come dancing out of one place and "vanish" into another. The m&m candies were always there, will always be there, but they change form as they dance and play.

Remember, the instant before impact, that proton looks like any other proton, yet at the moment of collision, all those nested m&m candies that were hidden within, go dancing, spinning, and twirling, happily away; making fun and interesting patterns in the particle detector.

And the thing to remember from the EU perspective is, that the proton moving in that accelerator is not moving in a "vacuum". The aether--mini m&m candies if you will--fills all space. The proton is not floating in that aether, the aether flows through the proton as well. It is the aether--those mini m&ms--that carry the force particles to the proton, and within the proton.

That's why transmutation occurs, no atom is isolated from another. Everything is embedded in that ever shifting, ever flowing, aether sea. When that lightning bolt hits, or the biological cell does its molecular dance, interesting things can happen.

That's why I say that it's dancing m&m candies, all the way down.


Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

brigit wrote:
Also, in the Burgess Shale, the fossils are silica as well: http://www.geo.wvu.edu/~lang/Geol796/Bu ... 202007.pdf
Pg 18
On page 12 and 13 of the article they talk about the bugs being buried in slumps.
page 12 wrote:
Slumping down the slope is the theory of burial as described by both Whittington and Conway Morris. Whittington describes previous slumping that was so dramatic that transatlantic cables were destroyed by its force. Slumping events might have been triggered by earth tremors or even by debris falling from the face of the escarpment (Whittington, 1985).
When we build box culverts in arroyos we have to compact the sand to make a firm foundation for the poured concrete. Here is where things get counterintuitive to the process of compacting the sand for a firm foundation.

- If we try to use a thumper to compact the sand, all we do is bounce the sand, making it less firm.

We have to excavate down a few feet, then fill it with clean sand, and "float" the sand. We flood the clean sand with water until the water pools, then when the water drains away the sand is packed hard, as dense as a sand can be.

Any "slumping" would liquify, sweep up and entomb the bugs, before it basically turns solid again. There is no way that any of the sources of silicon that they mention on page 18 could get through to replace the soft tissue. There is no method to transport ion rich material through all that compacted material--it would act like a filter--to "replace" the tissue, hard or soft.
page 18 wrote:
Carbonization is a very prevalent method of preservation in the Burgess Shale. These are non-mineralized fossils that are left behind as carbon films. They are not replaced nor preserved as molds (Gaines et al, 2005a) (Gaines et al, 2005b). According to Gould (1989), "The soft parts are not preserved as carbon. By a chemical process not yet understood, the original carbon was replaced by silicates of alumina and calcium, forming a dark reflective layer."
We would have to know what type of silicates of alumina and calcium were produced when the tissue of the smashed bug was transmuted. Look at the list of silicate materials and notice how much oxygen is tied up by very little silicon.

Silicate minerals

And note, that there is very little difference between Aluminum and Silicon, or between Potassium and Calcium.

13 Aluminum 2, 8, 3
14 Silicon 2, 8, 4

19 Potassium 2, 8, 8, 1
20 Calcium 2, 8, 8, 2

Any transmutation from organic molecules to silicates would create not just one element but a mixture of elements and isotopes; their decay products, and their decay products.

Isotope Aluminum(26Al) decays to Magnesium(26Mg) which is stable.

Isotope Silicon(32Si) can decay into Phosphorus(32P), which can decay into Sulfur(32S) which is stable.

Potassium has three isotopes, Potassium(40K) can decay into Calcium(40Ca) which is stable, or into Argon(40Ar) which is stable.

Calcium has the most isotopes of the group.

- Calcium(41Ca) decays into Potassium(41K) which is stable.

- Calcium(45Ca) decays into Scandium(45Sc) which is stable.

- Calcium(46Ca) decays into Titanium(46Ti) which is stable.

- Calcium(47Ca) decays into Scandium(47Sc) which decays into Titanium(47Ti) which is stable.

- Calcium(48Ca) decays into Titanium(48Ti) which is stable.

If we could take something like that "non-mineralized fossils that are left behind as carbon films" apart layer by layer, and map not just the chemical structure but the isotopes as well as the decay products, and follow the decay chain, the answer would be obvious that transmutation had occurred. We might not know the exact mechanism of how, yet, but the "fingerprint" of transmutation should be clear as a bell, just like with the Gold/Silver/Quartz.

Oh! this is fun stuff. I can use this.

Wiki pages:

Decay product

Decay chain

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

There has been wonderful work done here. It is now clear that
there was a tremendous amount of transmutation on Earth and
all planets and stars. Perhaps it is now time to consider the
overview of this. Are all stars the result of transmutation - ie
the basic particles becomes transmuted to hydrogen and helium
and then these become transmuted to all the other elements.

If there are high electical conditions on some planet somewhere,
will there be a great deal of transmutation and consequently
much gold and silver, etc. Mars would then likely have a lot of
these metals due to the evidence of there once being much
electrical activity there.

Perhaps this would be better in the stars and planets thread on
transmutation, but whichever, there is a large scope for
reflection on the overview.

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

* Don't know if I'll get time to comment on Allyn's latest posts or Mo's for a while, but I'm working on a reply to Brigit.
* Thanks for pointing out what should have been obvious to me, Brigit. We need to compare the chemical composition of fossil bones to those of fresh bones, as you said.
* Apparently it's rare for flesh to fossilize. I suppose the reason may be that, if a dead animal sets for a few hours or days, the flesh usually gets consumed by animals or microbes.
* Since EU theory seems to predict that fossilization occurs mainly during catastrophic events, then these events must normally have killed animals first and then fossilized them at least a few days later, unless electric currents or related forces can remove flesh from bones. I can imagine the flesh being burnt to a crisp or evaporated, but it seems the bones would be affected too. If the bodies boiled in water, perhaps the flesh turned into a soup, which allowed it to separate from the bones easily.
* Anyway, I looked up the chemical composition of fresh bones, which I found on this site:
And here's the composition [I had to figure out the percentage composition of protein myself]:
2/3 of bone is inorganic: 59% O, 23% Ca, 14% P, 5% H
1/3 of bone is protein: 38% C, 35% H, 16% O, 11% N
Total bone composition is: 45% O, 15% H, 15% Ca, 13% C, 9% P
* Now, do your sources say what fossilized bone typically contains?

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

moses wrote:
Mars would then likely have a lot of these metals due to the evidence of there once being much electrical activity there.
I was thinking the same thing. The various TPODs that talk about Olympus Mons implies that it should be full of metals if lightning is powering transmutation. In fact, any major plasma blister, where the surface is pulled up should have major metal deposits. Most of the plasma blisters shown in the TPODs are remote.

I suspect that's why parts of New Mexico have so much metal, volcanoes, lava fields, etc... Thunderbird came walking in these parts not too long ago.


Popigai Crater, Siberia
http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2008/ ... crater.htm


China's Mysterious Iron Pipes
http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2007/ ... apipes.htm

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