Thunderbolts Forum

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

if we want to link electrical discharges with the process of fossilization, concretions might "have it." ... concretions can be formed in the lab with electricity, and ... concretions are found on Mars, which has no water. ... concretions often have a fossil inside
* That's a good observation, but I don't know that it would apply to many dinosaur fossils or petrified wood. The leg in the cowboy boot did have water in the bodily fluids and cell contents. Mars may have had some water which was mostly transmuted by lightning. Some of the lab experiments used wet clay etc. I don't know if concretions are formed in wet ground.
Could concretions, and other fossils, be expected to have trace magnetism?
* That seems very possible. It may be dependent on the concretions etc having traces of iron or other substances that can retain magnetism. I read a few months back that shattercones in supposed meteor impact sites often have remanent magnetism, apparently due to the megalightning that actually forms them. So the same seems possible with concretions etc. I theorized that, since lightning travels at extremely high velocity, much faster than the speed of sound, which means that thunder is the same as a sonic boom, which is a shock wave, when lightning strikes the ground, there will be sonic booms moving for some distance in the ground, following the lightning. And that may be how the shattercones are formed.
why this brain could have been transmuted to calcium phosphate ... In almost all neurotransmitters, nitrogen exists ... the nitrogen was changed to phosphorus
* All amino acids contain nitrogen. All protein consists of amino acids. DNA contains amino acids. Every cell in the body and in the brain has amino acids. So there's a source of nitrogen. But carbon is far more abundant in the body and oxygen is more abundant than nitrogen. Nitrogen, when highly heated transmutes to carbon and oxygen. It may be that the reverse can also happen under other conditions.
* At this post is a list of potential transmutation routes for the lighter elements up to #37 Rubidium:
* If you go down the list to P for Phosphorus, you can see that S-H = P or Mg+Li = P. This means Sulphur can lose a proton [Hydrogen] and become Phosphorus. And Magnesium can combine with Lithium to form Phosphorus.
* Sulphur can form from 2 Oxygens [from air or water]. Magnesium can form from 2 Carbons [from any life form]. Lithium plus Oxygen can form from Sodium [from sea water].
* Calcium can form from Potassium and Hydrogen [Hydrogen from water]. Potassium can form from Sulphur and Lithium.
* The most likely route to Calcium Phosphate may be Sodium [from sea water] splits into Lithium and Oxygen;
Sulphur formed from 2 Oxygens [from air or water] joins Lithium to form Potassium;
Potassium joins Hydrogen [from water] to form Calcium;
Sulphur can lose a proton [Hydrogen] to form Phosphorus;
or Magnesium formed from 2 Carbons [in dead or living cells] can join Lithium to form Phosphorus;
the Calcium and Phosphorus join with Oxygen to form Calcium Phosphate.
* There's another way to get transmutation, involving beta decay, which I described under the thread called Breakthrough on How Continents Divided now on the New Insights board.
* But for the method above you have to make sure the atomic numbers and atomic masses come out right on both sides of the equations. For example Carbon is 6C12, where 6 is the atomic number and 12 is the atomic mass. Oxygen is 8O16. 6C12 + 6C12
= 12Mg24 [6+6=12; 12+12=24. 8O16 + 8O16 = 16S32. See?

Brigit Bara
Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

Hi Lloyd,

The only reason I brought up water in relation to concretions was because they are supposed to be formed by water--
Concretions form when cementing minerals, such as calcium carbonate, iron oxide, and silica, precipitate from ground water into the pores of the sediment. The minerals often precipitate around an organic central nucleus, such as a piece of shell or a leaf.

Concretion size, shape, and color vary depending on the cementing mineral, the sediment into which the mineral precipitates, the direction of ground-water flow, and other erosional factors.
There was probably water present when they were formed (even on Mars, if you like :) ); I was just saying that the water was not causative.

I found some concretions are magnetic, but that is supposed to be from "prolonged heating."

Thanks for balancing all those equations for us! I think my chemistry credits even expired. But was that not good how the fish was "very scared"? He thought, "Oh [blank], I don't want to become extinct!"

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

There was probably water present when they were formed (even on Mars, if you like :) ); I was just saying that the water was not causative.
* The hot water experiment mentioned a few pages back suggested that the water was needed to bring minerals into fallen trees that became petrified forests, but also was likely needed to supply oxygen, which apparently transmuted into sulphur, which further perhaps transmuted into phosphorus and calcium, for calcium phosphate.

Brigit Bara
Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

Hi Lloyd,

As you pointed out, for most of the electrical transmutation to work in the fossilization process, you need some added protons (or neutrons or whichever) to get to the silica or calcium or phosphorous, or iron. I am all for balancing the equations. But first, it seems to me, if I remember correctly, that the numbers given in the periodic tables are averages, so if you have the right isotopes of an element, you can get to silica more directly, or the Iridium from Iron. Next, the additional nuclear material needed to change one element to another could come from the air, without the need for the water.

So I am still interested in the possibility for almost totally waterless electrical fossilization. The more I think about it, the less I believe that water is THE agent for mineralization, because the decomposition process is going to be far, far quicker than any petrification process (at least in the world I live in). This mainstream explanation gets even more untenable when you consider the fact that soft tissue is preserved. In two cases on this thread now, really high temperatures are invoked to get fossilization to work. I think that is suspicious. Really, how in nature are you going to get 1400 degrees? And all the water, and the silica, all in the proper timing?

True, to get transmutation, the amount of electricity is pretty other-worldly. Steve Smith had a great link on just how much voltage was involved in the catastrophic thunderbolts between Mars and the Moon. It was in a recent Thunderbolts P-o-d, an article by Ralph Juergens. http://www.kronia.com/library/electrical2.html

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

You have made several statements which I think are controvertible with evidence.
First of all, you suggest getting nuclear material from the air without water as a transport mechanism, but experience shows us that material suspended in the air tends to remain there for long periods of time due to the dynamics of convection. Heavy particles such as volcanic dust do fallout with a regularity and traceability, so if this is your source of nuclear material, it should be traceable for any given "transmuted" fossil. Otherwise raindrops are the primary vehicle for getting stuff out of the air to the ground, and afterwards to leach it into buried materials such as bones or logs.
You suggest also that water is not the "agent" of petrifaction because decomposition will out run the mineralization process. This is absolutely true if your petrifaction process is the one touted in standard uniformitarian textbooks, and is actually the best evidence against that alleged mechanism! In that standard model, all oxygen and decay producing organsms must be relatively rapidly shut out from the object to be fossilized, then those conditions must be maintained for eons of time while slow leaching of minerals replaces the biomaterial... but this has been shown to be incorrect! Saturated aqueous silica solutions plus heat [up to say 300 deg F] have been shown to produce petrifaction of wood in the lab in a matter of hours/days, which is a good contest for the decomposition process. The timing and concentration questions are answered fairly quickly by the observation, in the case of our local fossils here in Washington, that sufficient petrifaction minerals are present in the strata, or substrate or superstrata, in which the fossils are found. If these strata were laid in rapid succession, as by moving currents, as opposed to the standard model of "quiet shallow seas" deposition, then timing is no longer an issue. The additional element of heat is amply supplied [again exemplified by most of the fossils found in Washington state] by associated volcanics, or by additional pressure of the overburden of sediments. No sure why you thought 1400 degrees were needed. None of this is to deny the possibility of thunderbolt-type activity. That additional factor is simply not evidenced in most [or any?] of the cases I've observed around here. Coalified wood is also rapidly achieved with a minimal amount of added heat and the presence of a silica rich catalist such as clay, a common matrix material for coal.

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

1. TEMPERATURE. Biological transmutation occurs all the time at 100 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Electrical transmutation may be able to speed up biological transmutation processes also at fairly low temperatures.
2. MINERALIZATION. The Great Flood apparently did occur about 4500 years ago. As I mentioned earlier, forests were likely uprooted and remained under water for several months at that time, with electrical activity heightened. That would be plenty of time for the churned-up flood waters to supply minerals to the submerged wood. And the earlier cited study apparently showed that minerals are absorbed rather quickly, in a few days. And this should account for the various colors of petrified wood with different mineral contents. Electrical transmutation changed carbon to glass-like silicon and so on.
3. WATER. Wood and animals would already have abundant water contents for a source of oxygen from internal H2O. The human body is about 70% H2O.
4. ISOTOPES. Many elements do have a number of isotopes, but most of the first 37 elements have single isotopes that predominate. Like over 90% of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen etc are of a particular isotope, i.e. C12, N14, O16 etc. So the large majority of transmutations obviously involve the predominant isotopes.
5. HEAT. Vulcanism supplies heat all right, but electrical forces produce vulcanism, so they also produce the heat.

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

I can go along with that.

Concretions are not a particular good model for fossilization, IMO, though a few concretions have been found to coagulate around bits of shell, etc. The charge separation required for their formation [as also with crystalization, both precipitate and evaporites] certainly has the polar molecules of water as a strong ally. This may have been a factor in the ancient formation of hematite spheroids on Mars, but the rapid sublimation of ices [whether CO2 or H20] could also create such a charge separation. The lack of variety in size [implies for me a size limit] of Martian blueberries, suggest to me a concretion process that got a start [with or without the presence of water] but did not continue [because of the lack of water], leaving those relatively uniform hematitie blueberries, if indeed they are confirmed to be hematite.

Brigit Bara
Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

webolife said--
"You have made several statements which I think are controvertible with evidence."
Thanks! I think that's more than generous, lol. I would like to be taken as someone who is just having a conversation at a coffee counter.

But I did not mean dust in the air was part of the transmutation process. Rather, could the Nitrogen and Oxygen in the atmosphere play a role? I just wanted to supply Lloyd with more molecules to work with. :D
No sure why you thought 1400 degrees were needed.
That is from back on page 3, I think, the temp used in the patented process for lab created petrified wood.

Now a quick thought about volcanism and petrification. (I have been looking into that when I can.) It was allynh that pointed out that magma and ash is not just hot, but pyroclastic. Let's say that it is a plasma. So I wonder if when trees are suddenly buried in ash, the electricity actually transmutes the wood. It is just a wild thought. No links to back it up.

Although, I like this website: http://www.petrifiedforest.org/virtual.html
In particular, http://www.petrifiedforest.org/geology.html
Glassy lava flows erupt from domes of sticky lava. For perhaps a million years, more eruptions lay down ash, lava flows and ash with glass so hot that it is welded into hard layers... The ground is now saturated with water containing dissolved silicon and oxygen, or silica, from the overlying ash. This silica is present in molecular form, as any submicroscopic particles which are carried down by water through the ash toward the buried forest. One by ones the molecules of silica replace the molecules of the wood, turning wood to solid silica, solid quartz, solid stone.

I just was entertaining the idea that all of it happened in an instant, with electricity in the pyroclastic layers being the instrument. ?!? Perhaps I mistook what allynh was saying. I hope not.

And a last musing--we have a mass extinction involving water, and a mass extinction involving thunderbolts (or comets striking earth), accompanied by a change in gravity (holoscience.com has a new column today about electric gravity and the history of the solar system!).

In both cases, fossils were created world wide. There must be something more common to the whole means of fossilization than water.

Okay, carry on! :) I didn't realize I was so talkative today.

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

I like the way you think!

Brigit Bara
Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

Well alright! :)

webolife said, "The lack of variety in size [implies for me a size limit] of Martian blueberries, suggest to me a concretion process that got a start [with or without the presence of water] but did not continue [because of the lack of water], leaving those relatively uniform hematitie blueberries, if indeed they are confirmed to be hematite."
I take your point about the "lack of variety in size," but I would like to keep on the table that there may or may not be enormous concretions on Mars, but as they are underground, how are we to detect them? Who would have predicted the gigantic concretions exposed in China and New Zealand? Thunderbolts p-o-d for Mar 25th 2005 says,
The left half of the picture above shows these Martian blueberries at different magnifications. They are embedded in what appears to be fused layers of soil that are exposed on the margins of the crater.

As Opportunity rolled further across the Martian landscape, it found a profusion of blueberries. Investigative team members speculated that countless numbers of the spherules lie embedded in the Martian soil. Over time, erosion has exposed large numbers of them and has left many lying on the surface.

emph added

Concretions are found in sedimentary layers here on earth, and they are underground in layers on Mars as well. We need to get a back hoe up there to finally settle the size question.
Concretions are not a particular good model for fossilization, IMO, though a few concretions have been found to coagulate around bits of shell, etc. The charge separation required for their formation [as also with crystalization, both precipitate and evaporites] certainly has the polar molecules of water as a strong ally. This may have been a factor in the ancient formation of hematite spheroids on Mars, but the rapid sublimation of ices [whether CO2 or H20] could also create such a charge separation. ~webolife
I suppose you could keep charge separation in water as a possibility. Nevertheless, the success of lab created concretions shows much more promise and is repeatable:
The conventional theories, we noted, are based exclusively on chemistry and mechanics. But there is another phenomenon that produces spheres—electric discharge. In the plasma lab, electric arcs create tiny spheres that are often hollow, such as the hematite concretions seen above. Electric discharge tends to produce spherical layering and a distinct equator and pole, because the electromagnetic force "squeezes" perpendicular to the current that creates it. These characteristics are also found in the "natural" spherules. The Moqui balls pictured here (lower left) have both equatorial bulges and polar markings.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2005/ ... erries.htm
Ransom, C. J. & Wal Thornhill, "Plasma Generated Spherules", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Vol. 50, #2, April 2005, p. 78. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005APS..APRH11004R

The interesting thing is, an electrical cause for concretions also has implications for the layering of the soil, according to EU:
Dr. Ransom's experimental work has laid a foundation for a radical reassessment of planetary geology. If concretions can only be replicated by electric discharge, we can no longer view them—or the strata in which they appear—through the lens of prior theory.

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

I've been reading through the thread and I kept seeing things like this.
brigit wrote:
Hi Lloyd,

As you pointed out, for most of the electrical transmutation to work in the fossilization process, you need some added protons (or neutrons or whichever) to get to the silica or calcium or phosphorous, or iron. I am all for balancing the equations. But first, it seems to me, if I remember correctly, that the numbers given in the periodic tables are averages, so if you have the right isotopes of an element, you can get to silica more directly, or the Iridium from Iron. Next, the additional nuclear material needed to change one element to another could come from the air, without the need for the water.
You don't need to have an external source of protons or neutrons to work the transmutation, just add energy to an existing molecule. Everything happens inside.

Keep in mind that the atom is more like a bunch of dancing m&m candies--holding hands, or expanding to swallow each other like nested russian dolls--than billiard balls, and all of this will make sense.

When you think transmutation, remember that everything is in some molecular bond. That bond brings the nucleus of the atoms closer than what you remember from high school chemistry class.

Remember high school chemistry class, we played with tinkertoy like models; colored balls connected by sticks. It was a simple way to visualize what was happening but it creates a category error when we look at the real world. In reality the atoms are embedded in a common electron shell and can trade protons and neutrons under the right conditions.

In other words, atoms in molecules don't look like tinkertoys connected with sticks, they look like this:

180px-Nitrogen-3D-vdW.png (11.89 KiB) Viewed 4004 times


And this:

120px-Carbon-monoxide-3D-vdW.png (5.77 KiB) Viewed 4005 times

CO, carbon monoxide

At this level the molecule acts like a single atom, trying to fill its electron shell. (Pull up the page for Electron shells and have it sitting in another window so you can check back and forth. (You might want to read through it to get an idea of the concept; it's a short page, but key to many things.))

- Atoms join in chemical bonds to fill their electron shells. They want to complete their electron shells, to be stable.

Look at List of elements with electrons per shell

The Nitrogen molecule, N2, basically wants its electron shells to fill up and act like a single atom.

This is N2 from the table:

Nitrogen 2, 5
Nitrogen 2, 5

It breaks out to this:

Nitrogen 2, 2+3=5
Nitrogen 2, 2+3=5

And looks like this by shell and subshell:

Nitrogen K s 2, L s 2 + L p 3
Nitrogen K s 2, L s 2 + L p 3
Look at it using parentheses for the {shells} and (subshells) and |atom|.

The inner K-shell looks like this.

Nitrogen |{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 3)}|

The inner K-shell is contained in the L-shell, s-subshell.

Nitrogen |{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 3)}|

Then everything is within the (L p) subshell.

Nitrogen |{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 3)}|
So the Nitrogen molecule would start with two Nitrogen atoms:

Nitrogen |{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 3)}|
Nitrogen |{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 3)}|

The Nitrogen molecule has two first and second s subshells filled, and they each have half their p subshells filled. The molecule likes sharing the p subshell because that fills it. It acts as if it were one atom with the (L p 6) filled. It's those six electrons that wrap up the entire Nitrogen molecule making it chemically stable, that's why they store documents like the Declaration of Independence in a N2 gas filled container. The molecule acts like a Noble gas, in this case Neon.

Neon |{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}|.

Look at the two Nitrogen atoms with their electron shells spread out. See how the outer (L p) subshell wraps around both atoms and is filled with six electrons. Which means the whole molecule acts like it is an atom, which is why the bars "|" have been placed around the whole

Nitrogen molecule, N2, |{((L s 2 {K s 2})|({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}|
The inner K-shells looks like this.

Nitrogen molecule, N2, |{((L s 2 {K s 2})|({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}|

The inner K-shells are contained in the L-shell, s-subshell.

Nitrogen molecule, N2, |{((L s 2 {K s 2})|({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}|

Then everything is within the (L p) subshell.

Nitrogen molecule, N2, |{((L s 2 {K s 2})|({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}|
That's why the Nitrogen molecule looks like this.

180px-Nitrogen-3D-vdW.png (11.89 KiB) Viewed 4004 times



Now here is where things get strange:

- A Neutron lasts for only 15 minutes before it breaks down into a Proton, Electron, and Neutrino.

Keep something very important in mind:

- Even in the heart of the nucleus, the neutron last only 15 minutes.

Now this is where I get into trouble. When you read the Wiki pages they won't mention that. I've seen videos of the proton neutron switch many times on PBS, but I can't find a reference or the videos, so take this part with a large grain of salt until a solid reference is found.

Here's where the dancing m&m candies comes in to play.

250px-Quark_structure_proton.svg.png (19.82 KiB) Viewed 4001 times


250px-Quark_structure_neutron.svg.png (20.15 KiB) Viewed 4000 times


See how the only difference between the proton and the neutron is the red m&m changing from an up quark to a down quark. That's where the action is happening. Always remember that when you look at the picture of the dancing m&ms, there are not just three m&ms, there are other m&ms dancing around and inside acting as the forces--called strong and weak--that hold them together in their candy coated shell.

Now look at the simple example of Deuterium, which is an isotope of Hydrogen. The nucleus is a proton and a neutron, with one electron orbiting the whole. Every 15 minutes, the neutron decays to a proton-electron-neutrino and the proton becomes the neutron by absorbing the electron-neutrino from the decaying neutron, all the while the outer electron orbits.

There is no electron actually orbiting around the nucleus, the electron surrounds the nucleus in a shell. The nucleus is nested within the electron.

Put simply the red m&ms change up and down by having other m&ms swap back and forth, while the electron m&m wraps the nucleus inside a candy coated shell while other m&ms hold everything together.

This is the family tree of the various m&ms, all nested and dancing around and within each other.


Standard model of elementary particles

- Think about that simple example and the massive implications of it, because this is the engine that drives the transmutation.


Let's look at a couple of molecules and follow them through a transmutation based on their electron shells.

The Nitrogen molecule mentioned above is stable, calmly being N2. The thing about the electron shells, is that the electrons in each outer shell want to fall to the lowest energy possible, so when they get hit with photons of the right frequency they absorb energy and change their subshell.

- An important point, the electrons in a subshell have exactly the same level of energy, so when energy pumps into the (L p 6) subshell the whole subshell changes as one.

Left on their own, the electrons will dump the energy as a photon and fall back to the stable structure, but as mentioned far back in the thread biological interaction with the N2 molecule can change it from N2 to carbon monoxide, CO.

As you may remember, welders would fall sick from carbon monoxide poisoning yet air detectors would not see carbon monoxide around them, it only showed up in the blood. Yet clearly N2 was becoming CO when absorbed by the lungs.

If you look at the List of elements with electrons per shell, you can see how Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen relate.

6 Carbon 2, 4
7 Nitrogen 2, 5
8 Oxygen 2, 6

7 Nitrogen 2, 5
7 Nitrogen 2, 5
Total 14 proton/neutrons


6 Carbon 2, 4
8 Oxygen 2, 6
Total 14 proton/neutrons

We can break out the {shells} and (subshells) like before:

Carbon |{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 2)}|
Oxygen |{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 4)}|


Nitrogen molecule, N2, |{((L s 2 {K s 2})|({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}|


Carbon monoxide, CO, |{((L s 2 {K s 2})Carbon|Oxygen({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}|
The inner K-shells looks like this.

Carbon monoxide, CO, |{((L s 2 {K s 2})Carbon|Oxygen({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}|

The inner K-shells are contained in the L-shell, s-subshell.

Carbon monoxide, CO, |{((L s 2 {K s 2})Carbon|Oxygen({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}|

Then everything is within the (L p) subshell.

Carbon monoxide, CO, |{((L s 2 {K s 2})Carbon|Oxygen({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}|
Notice, CO still has the outer (L p 6) subshell filled.

The way this transformation occurs is when the N2 is absorbed by the lungs it becomes part of a larger molecule while still energized by the red hot metal and doesn't have the chance to lose energy by dumping a photon, and in the random play of protons and neutrons dancing in the nucleus--with the subshell disrupted--that energy has to go somewhere, so the nucleus takes the hit.

- In other words, all of the dancing m&ms get energized and do the unexpected.

This is like radioactive decay, it is random, and only a percentage of the excited N2 will transmute to CO, but a neutron and proton will end up moving from one nitrogen atom to the other; and what's really crazy is that they look like they jumped from one nucleus to the other without traveling the space in between. That of course seems impossible until you remember that electrons "jump" from one shell or subshell to the next instantly, without crossing in between.


Now lets look at the Oxygen molecule, O2 and see how it changes to Sulphur.


8 Oxygen 2, 6
8 Oxygen 2, 6
Total 16 proton/neutrons

16 Sulfur 2, 8, 6
Total 16 proton/neutrons

Oxygen |{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 4)}|
Oxygen |{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 4)}|

Notice, that each Oxygen atom (L p) subshell is already almost filled. When the two Oxygen atoms come together an interesting thing happens, the (L p) subshells come together, but it can't be (L p 8) it can only be (L p 6) which leaves two electrons to form a new shell around the whole molecule (M s 2).

Oxygen molecule, O2, |{({((L s 2 {K s 2})|({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)} M s 2)}|
The inner K-shells looks like this.

Oxygen molecule, O2, |{({((L s 2 {K s 2})|({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)} M s 2)}|

The inner K-shells are contained in the L-shell, s-subshell.

Oxygen molecule, O2, |{({((L s 2 {K s 2})|({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)} M s 2)}|

Then everything is within the (L p) subshell.

Oxygen molecule, O2, |{({((L s 2 {K s 2})|({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)} M s 2)}|

Then everything is within the M-shell.

Oxygen molecule, O2, |{({((L s 2 {K s 2})|({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)} M s 2)}|
This means the two oxygen atoms are embedded together within the electron L-shell and the M-shell. Electrons in the M-shell are a different shape and energy than those in the L-shell.

When the oxygen molecule is hit with a massive burst of energy the nucleus are fused together by everyones favorite z-pinch to make ionized sulfur. That ionized sulphur atom reacts with the surrounding oxygen to form sulphur dioxide.

100px-Sulfur-dioxide-3D-vdW.png (5.68 KiB) Viewed 4006 times

Sulfur dioxide, SO2

Sulfur |{(({(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)} M s 2) M p 4)}|
Oxygen |{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 4)}|
Oxygen |{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 4)}|

Sulfur dioxide, SO2, |{({(L p 6 (L s 2 {K s 2}))}Oxygen|Sulfur{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}Sulfur|Oxygen{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}Oxygen|Sulfur M s 2)}|
The inner K-shells looks like this.

Sulfur dioxide, SO2, |{({(L p 6 (L s 2 {K s 2}))}Oxygen|Sulfur{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}Sulfur|Oxygen{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}Oxygen|Sulfur M s 2)}|

The inner K-shells are contained in the L-shell, s-subshell.

Sulfur dioxide, SO2, |{({(L p 6 (L s 2 {K s 2}))}Oxygen|Sulfur{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}Sulfur|Oxygen{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}Oxygen|Sulfur M s 2)}|

Then everything is within the (L p) subshell.

Sulfur dioxide, SO2, |{({(L p 6 (L s 2 {K s 2}))}Oxygen|Sulfur{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}Sulfur|Oxygen{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}Oxygen|Sulfur M s 2)}|

Then everything is within the M-shell.

Sulfur dioxide, SO2, |{({(L p 6 (L s 2 {K s 2}))}Oxygen|Sulfur{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}Sulfur|Oxygen{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}Oxygen|Sulfur M s 2)}|
Notice that the two oxygen atoms want to fill their outer (L p) subshell and they get the four electrons they need from the outer (M p 4) subshell of the sulfur atom. The (L p) subshells of the oxygen do not connect with the sulfur (L p) subshell, each is completely filled. The (M s 2) subshell is what surrounds everything, but the four electrons from the (M p 4) subshell of the sulfur atom still "belong" to the sulfur.

If you look at the picture of the Sulfur dioxide molecule, you can see the oxygen atoms are close to each other. That may be based on the way the different subshells orbit. Look at the Orbital table and remember that three different geometries come together to form the final molecule. All the various forces shape and tug the molecule, but it still wants to act like a single atom with an outer (M s 2) subshell.


Now lets look at how the Nitrogen molecule, N2, can become Silicon, and ultimately Silicon dioxide, SiO2.

7 Nitrogen 2, 5
7 Nitrogen 2, 5
Total 14 proton/neutrons

14 Silicon 2, 8, 4
Total 14 proton/neutrons

In the example above we could see how the Nitrogen molecule looks as far as the electron shells go.

Nitrogen molecule, N2, |{((L s 2 {K s 2})|({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}|

When a lightning bolt hits, the same Z-pinch effect that crunched the Oxygen molecule into Sulfur can crunch the Nitrogen molecule into Silicon.

- With all that energy being pumped in, the m&ms go wild. A number of elements would be fused, transmuted, ionized, etc..., all in the same bolt of lightning.

And the Silicon ion joins with Oxygen to make Silicon dioxide, so we can keep Brigit happy.

Silicon dioxide, SiO2

Silicon |{(({(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)} M s 2) M p 2)}|
Oxygen |{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 4)}|
Oxygen |{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 4)}|

Silicon dioxide, SiO2, |{(L p 6 (L s 2 {K s 2}))}Oxygen|Silicon{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}Silicon|Oxygen{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}|
The inner K-shells looks like this.

Silicon dioxide, SiO2, |{(L p 6 (L s 2 {K s 2}))}Oxygen|Silicon{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}Silicon|Oxygen{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}|

The inner K-shells are contained in the L-shell, s-subshell.

Silicon dioxide, SiO2, |{(L p 6 (L s 2 {K s 2}))}Oxygen|Silicon{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}Silicon|Oxygen{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}|

Then everything is within the (L p) subshell.

Silicon dioxide, SiO2, |{(L p 6 (L s 2 {K s 2}))}Oxygen|Silicon{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}Silicon|Oxygen{(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)}|
Notice that all the electrons from the Sulfur M-shell moved into the Oxygen (L p) shell to fill them. You have three atoms with their L-shells filled. The M-shell has vanished, yet the electrons still "belong" to the Sulfur atom, tying them all together.


Now, If along the way you guys got totally lost, don't worry, I'm lost too, but this is close. It is going to take getting a handle on the geometries of the electron shells, understanding how the orbits change as energy is pumped in, to really pin any of this stuff down, but this is doable. If you work through the Wiki pages to get the concepts down, you will begin to see how this works.

As always, read the links and make up your own minds.

Wikipedia tabs opened:





Electron shell

Covalent bond

Molecular orbital theory

Hydrogen atom

Isotopes of hydrogen


Heavy water




Carbon monoxide


Sulfur dioxide

Silicon dioxide

Delocalized electron

Atomic orbital

Pauli exclusion principle

18-Electron rule

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

I was going to break out Gold next and see how it would come from Quartz, but it's too complex to lay out in text.

Gold {({((({(((({(({(({K s 2} L s 2) L p 6)} M s 2) M p 6) M d 10)} O s 2) O p 6) O d 10) O f 14)} P s 2) P d 6) P p 10)} Q s 1)}

79 protons, 118 neutrons = 197 particles

The last post I did took two days and almost drove me nuts, computing Gold and all the related elements/compounds by hand would kill me. This needs a computer program that can be tweaked like Dawkins' The Blind Watchmaker program to crank out the elements.

Look up the Wiki pages and see how not just Gold is made in a bolt of lightning but Silver, Palladium, Cadmium, etc... What's the smoking gun as far as I am concerned is that Silver has isotopes that break down in to Palladium and Cadmium which are found in common with Gold and Silver.

All this from something as simple as Quartz, which could be made from Nitrogen. Transmutation is real, and it's happening all around us, we just have to start paying attention.

BTW, the different isotopes of Palladium that are all mixed together could explain why people get different results when they use it for cold fusion.

I'm pooped.








Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

* Webolife, would you explain what "charge separation" process you were talking about, that relates to crystallization and concretion formation? I think concretions are mostly formed in the ground via underground lightning, which, I suppose, produce z-pinches, which is where spheroidal rock is formed. Crystals often form within geodes, which may be formed by the same process by which concretions are formed. And giant crystal caves are theorized by TB team members, such as Stephen Smith, to be formed in a similar electrical process as well. You were talking about CO2 and H2O forming crystals via charge separation, I think. Snowflakes are theorized by the team to be formed electrically as well, but I haven't heard them discuss CO2, dry ice, although I suppose that could make equal sense. Have you read the snowflake thread?

* Brigit said:
And a last musing--we have a mass extinction involving water, and a mass extinction involving thunderbolts (or comets striking earth), accompanied by a change in gravity (holoscience.com has a new column today about electric gravity and the history of the solar system!). - In both cases, fossils were created world wide. There must be something more common to the whole means of fossilization than water.
* And Allyn said:
When a lightning bolt hits, the same Z-pinch effect that crunched the Oxygen molecule into Sulfur can crunch the Nitrogen molecule into Silicon.
- With all that energy being pumped in, the m&ms go wild. A number of elements would be fused, transmuted, ionized, etc..., all in the same bolt of lightning.
- And the Silicon ion joins with Oxygen to make Silicon dioxide, so we can keep Brigit happy.
* Carbon and water are common to all Earthly organisms and comprise quite a bit more of the mass than does nitrogen. Nitrogen probably does play a significant role in fossil transmutation, but carbon and water, or oxygen, should play a larger role. Nitrogen makes up about 78% of air, but it doesn't penetrate organisms to the extent that carbon and water comprise them. Nitrogen enters lungs and roots, but it doesn't enter bloodstreams or cells much, except as part of amino acids.
* Allyn, although N2 can form silicon as you say, I think it's likely that C and O within organisms form most of the N2 by transmutation, which then forms the silica.
* That's a very interesting line of thought you worked out on transmutation, Allyn. It looks like something that should be investigated by more of our members. I'll try to see if I can interest others in reading it. Have you read the transmutation thread?

* Brigit said:
I would like to be taken as someone who is just having a conversation at a coffee counter.
* Yeah, that's what most of us are doing, I'd say. I don't have much scientific "training" or work experience myself, just a year of college physics and what I've read on my own. I like to see everyone join in the discussions, even kids. We can all learn from each other.

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

Thats awesome allynh, no wonder you are pooped! As you say, transmutation is all around us. If you are recovered enough, I have a question for you. Do you think that these transmutations must occur within resonant cavities?

Reading this:

http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/g ... n99242.htm

the experts seem to think that hot water and steam cause the fissures where quartz is found, and that the gold is carried in the solution. However, in my observation of quartz in the rock around here, most of the veins will dead-end, so how do you have a 'flow' through the fissures?

I prefer a view of the energy bolt finding the path of least resistance through the rock, with the gold formation being more or less instantaneous. No rush, allynh, you deserve a day off!

Re: Mummified Dinosaurs / electric fossilization...?

Start with the charge separation produced in the presence of polar water molecules and whatever substance is suspended or dissolved in it.
I'm out of time for now, but this thread is amazing!
Yes I contributed to the snowflake thread.

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