
Re: The Herzsprung-Russell Diagram

If you look at it like the thing that all star types have in common is that they range from blue to red. No matter what size.

Another thing they have in common is that there are variable stars for all types and sizes. So any model has to take into account that all stars pulsate.

Pulsars is where you step out of solid stars and into plasma phenomena. 
I  understand the purpose of neutronium and I think you cant have it with push gravity for the same reason you can have an iron sun with push gravity.
I dont think there is a spinning sphere in the Crab pulsar.. Its a fast aether/capacitive oscillator pulse.  I think there must be density variations in the aether in space similar to plasma variations in space...

I believe this is an example of the Aether pulsing in a Joe Cell. Notice the extremely regular pulses. Almost a square wave. Not like the froth is causing the effect.
This is the same mechanism that is responsible for stars pulsing. 

There is a gating somehow that causes this action. In the Correa's work the pulsating action is a property of the work function of the electrode(the composition of the iron surface), gas pressure and electrical current flow(local aether density).

"During the same decade, investigation of externally pulsed electrodynamic anomalies in Russia was in full swing, with the objective of harnessing a new source of power (62) and, in 1989, the Novosti Press Agency released news of Prof. A. Chernetskii's design of a plasma reactor that operated with a "mysterious" regime which was termed by Chernetskii the "self-generating discharge", and which appeared to serve as a source of overunity energy, as it allegedly played havoc with the one megawatt substation driving it (63). "

"Our point of departure was a serendipitous observation - made while studying sustained X-ray production - of quasi-regular discontinuities in glow discharges having a minimal positive column at very high vacua (10E-5 to 10E-7 Torr) and at low to medium voltages (10-50 kV DC). These events, which were associated with X-ray bursts, spontaneously originated localized cathode discharge jets that triggered the plasma glow in a fashion quite distinct from the flashing of a photocathode or from an externally pulsed plasma glow. It would soon become apparent that these discontinuities were elicited by spontaneous electronic emissions from the cathode under conditions of current saturation of the plasma glow, and could be triggered with much lower applied DC field strengths. The discharge was distinct from the VAD regime in that the plasma channel was self-starting, self-extinguishing, and the regime was pulsatory (79)."


Pulsations show up in many phenomena that is an indicator of the presence of another unaccounted for energy source.

And Baron Von Reichenbach observed some other interesting aether effects. 


"In all of this, the Baron was progressively moving toward an astounding demonstration, which, he believed, would give an unequivocal explanation for the Aurora Borealis. 

An electromagnet, placed within a large hollow iron sphere, was examined in the darkroom under varying degrees of electrification. The Baron referred to the iron globe as his "terrella", or, "little earth". The electromagnet poised within this globe, he raised the rheostat in degrees. Sensitives clearly saw a very intensified color display, which proceeded from both poles toward the center. These intensely colored flames struck out across the outer globe surface in sharp, very bright flares. Observation taught that Od lights of such great extent did not adhere, but freely flowed over the surface of conductive materials."



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