Scientific method
© zyxzevn

The scientific method: 

I assume that science tries to study reality

Logic: Any principle and method that restricts, does not target reality, but it targets only a part of the reality.

Scientific method and changes

Additionaly the scientific method is used to restrict the changes in science to small steps, by keeping old models and ideas. "Because they always worked". But sometimes very large changes are needed to correct the scientific models and ideas.


The problem of dimensions

If reality is 5 dimensional and we model it as 3 dimensional, the model does not include 60% of reality. It includes less than 0.1% of reality, but may still work 99% of the time. 
In the same sense: new, better models will not be accepted, because the old models still work most of the time. And this causes scientists to ignore the other part of reality that is only descrived by the better models.

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