Probable Major Science Errors
© Lloyd

Probable Major Science Errors
1. Authoritarian corruption of science, science media, math, education and political economy
2. False safety certification of medical treatments, industrial processes and consumer products
3. Some false history and false interpretation of myths, ancient documents and bibles
4. False dating of fossils, artifacts and rock strata
5. False Big Bang theory history of the Universe and formation of galaxies and galaxy clusters
6. Inaccurate calculation of cosmic distances
7. Incomplete Nebular Hypothesis of formation of star systems
8. False theory of Continental Drift
9. False theories of Earthquakes, Vulcanism and Meteor Impacts
10. False theory of Weather
11. False Greenhouse theory of Venus and Earth
12. False theory of Petroleum formation
13. False denial of Transmutation
14. False Quantum Mechanics

Science Errors Ranked by Importance
1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 14

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