
How This Works
This functionality is available to advanced users and above.
When you reply to an email, a contact record is automatically created for the address(es) to which you're replying. If you're "replying to all", this includes the CC addresses. These are put in the Incoming folder. Ones that you actually intend to use can be moved to the Favorites folder, and ones that you don't want to see again can be put in the Garbage folder. Once a contact record has been created, subsequent emails will not generate new contact records, as QDL will see that they already exist.
When authoring new emails, you can then specify the recipients by dragging contacts into the To, CC, or BCC boxes.
To send an email to someone who has not already emailed you, you have to create a contact record. The minimum amount of information that needs to be specified is just the name of the contact, and the email address.
Email contacts are vCard records. These can be uploaded as text files exported from another email program.

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