Moderating a Forum
Since you own the forum, it's your responsibility to keep it clean. If you do not, people will get tired of it, and go elsewhere.
  1. Threads that don't belong in your forum should be cut. If they're legitimate threads, they should be pasted into the appropriate forum, or the Miscellaneous forum if all else fails.
    1. Click the Action Menu icon (), and select the Cut Link option ().
    2. Whenever you cut somebody else's material, you get a dialog box asking you why. Select the appropriate option and click Submit. The first two options will result in the site administrators being notified, who might take additional action.
      1. spam, user should be banned immediately
      2. bad info, and does not belong anywhere
      3. good info, but do not know where it belongs
      4. great info, going to paste it where it belongs
    3. To paste the thread into another forum,
      1. Navigate to the other forum.
      2. Click the Action Menu icon (), and select the Paste Link option ().
  2. If the same user keeps creating garbage threads in your forum, you can block the user. See Altering the Properties for more info.
  3. If you see garbage posts in any of the threads,
    1. you can send a warning messsage to the authors.
      1. Click the Action Menu icon (), and select the PM the Author option ().
    2. You can also PM the owners of the threads, recommending that they cut the offending posts, and possibly even block those users.
    3. In extreme cases, you can PM the site administrators, including examples of garbage posts by a user, and recommending that the user be banned altogether.
  4. You can organize the threads into sub-forums if you want.
    1. Click the Action Menu icon (), and next to the Metadata option (), click edit.
    2. In the Rights group, in the Adders field, set the button text to Start New Forum.
    3. Click Submit. Now your "forum" has become a "forum folder".
    4. Click the Start New Forum button to create the new sub-forums you want.
    5. Then you can cut-n-paste threads into their respective sub-forums. You can do this one-by-one with the Action Menu, or to do a lot of threads all at once,
      1. Edit the forum folder.
      2. Cut all of the threads.
      3. Save the forum folder.
      4. Edit the sub-forums.
      5. Paste the threads.
      6. Save the sub-forums.

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