												© Charles Chandler
											// See http://scs-inc.us/Other/QuickDisclosure/?top=7105 for more info.
											// Note that this code requires private utilities to run. This is being
											// made public just so people can so how the numbers were crunched.
											define('kAtomicMassKG', 1.660538921E-27);
											$fontFile = '2ndParty/Images/Charles/Sun/Elements/Font.ttf';
											$imgFile  = '2ndParty/Images/Charles/Sun/Elements/Elements.png';
											if (kIsPublic) { $elePgID = 7083; $layPgID = 7085; $abuPgID = 7106; }
											else           { $elePgID = 8804; $layPgID = 8810; $abuPgID = 8814; }
											// Read the elements table.
											$eleArr = array();
											$elePg = GetPageByID($elePgID);
											$tmp = TableToArray($elePg->contents);
											// Skip the field names in the first row.
											for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($tmp); $i++) {
											$eleArr[] = array(
											'num' => $tmp[$i][0], // element number
											'sym' => $tmp[$i][1], // abbreviation
											'nam' => $tmp[$i][2], // element name
											'per' => $tmp[$i][3], // period
											'grp' => $tmp[$i][4], // group
											'boi' => $tmp[$i][5], // boiling point (K)
											'mas' => $tmp[$i][6], // atomic mass
											'den' => $tmp[$i][7], // density (kg/m^3)
											'a/v' => $tmp[$i][8], // atoms per m^3
											// Recalculate the number of atoms per volume.
											for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($eleArr); $i++) {
											$massOfAtomKG = $eleArr[$i]['mas'] * kAtomicMassKG;
											$numAtoms = $eleArr[$i]['den'] / $massOfAtomKG;
											$numAtoms = round($numAtoms / pow(10, 24));
											$eleArr[$i]['a/v'] = ($numAtoms) ? $numAtoms : '';
											// Regenerate the elements table.
											if ((0) and (!kIsPublic)) {
											$rows = MinimalWhiteSpace('
												<th class="right">#</th>
												<th class="left">ab</th>
												<th class="left">name</th>
												<th class="right">b.p. K</th>
												<th class="right">a.mass</th>
												<th class="right">kg/m<sup>3</sup></th>
												<th class="right">at<sup>24</sup>/m<sup>3</sup></th>
											for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($eleArr); $i++) {
											$rows .= Row(
											Cell(1, $eleArr[$i]['num'], 'right').
											Cell(1, $eleArr[$i]['sym']).
											Cell(1, $eleArr[$i]['nam']).
											Cell(1, $eleArr[$i]['per'], 'center').
											Cell(1, $eleArr[$i]['grp'], 'center').
											Cell(1, $eleArr[$i]['boi'], 'right').
											Cell(1, $eleArr[$i]['mas'], 'right').
											Cell(1, $eleArr[$i]['den'], 'right').
											Cell(1, $eleArr[$i]['a/v'], 'right')
											$table = Table($rows, 'standard');
											if (0) {
											$clonePg = clone $elePg;
											$elePg->contents = $table;
											UpdatePage($elePg, $clonePg, 'me');
											} else echo $table.'<br />';
											// Read the abundance table.
											$abuPg = GetPageByID($abuPgID);
											$abuArr = TableToArray($abuPg->contents);
											// Skip the field names in the first row.
											// Regenerate the abundance table.
											if ((0) and (!kIsPublic)) {
											$rows = MinimalWhiteSpace('
												<th class="right">#</th>
												<th class="left">ab</th>
												<th>set 1</th>
												<th>set 2</th>
												<th>set 3</th>
											for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($abuArr); $i++) {
											$rows .= Row(
											Cell(1, $abuArr[$i][0], 'right').
											Cell(1, $abuArr[$i][1]).
											Cell(1, $abuArr[$i][2], 'right').
											Cell(1, $abuArr[$i][3], 'right').
											Cell(1, $abuArr[$i][4], 'right')
											$table = Table($rows, 'standard');
											if (0) {
											$clonePg = clone $abuPg;
											$abuPg->contents = $table;
											UpdatePage($abuPg, $clonePg, 'me');
											} else echo $table.'<br />';
											// Select the abundance field to use.
											// 2: Anders & Grevesse (1989)
											// 3: Manuel (noble gases)
											// 4: Manuel (B2FH)
											$abuFld = 4;
											// Calculate the volume of each element (as the abundance
											// divided by the atoms per volume), and find the total volume.
											// Note that this block contains the heuristically-derived
											// correction factor, for getting the overall density right.
											$totVol = 0;
											for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($abuArr); $i++) {
											if ($abuArr[$i][$abuFld]) {
											if ($abuFld == 2) { $correction = 0; } // Anders & Grevesse (1989)
											else { $correction = 5.014441 / $eleArr[$i]['mas']; } // Manuel
											$abuArr[$i][$abuFld] += $correction;
											$abundance = pow(10, $abuArr[$i][$abuFld]);
											$eleArr[$i]['vol'] = $abundance / $eleArr[$i]['a/v'];
											$eleArr[$i]['vol'] *= 100000000; // shift the decimal point a few times
											$totVol += $eleArr[$i]['vol'];
											// Knowing the total volume, we can now calculate the overall density.
											if (0) {
											$avgDen = 0;
											for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($abuArr); $i++) {
											if ($abuArr[$i][$abuFld]) {
											$decOfTotVol = $eleArr[$i]['vol'] / $totVol;
											$avgDen += $decOfTotVol * $eleArr[$i]['den'];
											echo 'average density: '.$avgDen.'<br />';
											echo 'density of Sun: 1408 kg/m<sup>3</sup><br />';
											// Create the layers array.
											$layArr = array();
											for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($abuArr); $i++) {
											if ($abuArr[$i][$abuFld]) {
											$layArr[] = array(
											'num' => $eleArr[$i]['num'],
											'sym' => $eleArr[$i]['sym'],
											'nam' => $eleArr[$i]['nam'],
											'den' => $eleArr[$i]['den'],
											'a/v' => $eleArr[$i]['a/v'],
											'abu' => $abuArr[$i][$abuFld],
											'vol' => $eleArr[$i]['vol'],
											// Now we figure out the radii of the core, and of each concentric shell.
											// To do this, we sort by density, and find the innermost element, which
											// will have settled to the bottom because of its greater density. Then
											// we add that to the volume of the next element to get its outer radius.
											function SortByDensity($a, $b) {
											$numA = floatval($a['den']);
											$numB = floatval($b['den']);
											return ($numB > $numA) ? 1 : -1;
											usort($layArr, 'SortByDensity');
											$runVol = 0;
											for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($layArr); $i++) {
											$runVol += $layArr[$i]['vol'];
											$runRad = RadiusOfSphere($runVol) * 20;
											$layArr[$i]['rad'] = $runRad;
											// $runRad is now the total radius, so we can
											// rewrite the radius as a decimal of the total.
											for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($layArr); $i++) {
											$layArr[$i]['rad'] = $layArr[$i]['rad'] / $runRad;
											// Regenerate the layers table.
											if ((0) and (!kIsPublic)) {
											$rows = MinimalWhiteSpace('
												<th class="right">#</th>
												<th class="left">ab</th>
												<th class="right">volume</th>
											for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($layArr); $i++) {
											$rows .= Row(
											Cell(1, $layArr[$i]['num']).
											Cell(1, $layArr[$i]['sym']).
											Cell(1, $layArr[$i]['den'], 'right').
											Cell(1, round(           $layArr[$i]['a/v']), 'right').
											Cell(1, sprintf('%1.3f', $layArr[$i]['abu']), 'right').
											Cell(1, round(           $layArr[$i]['vol']), 'right').
											Cell(1, sprintf('%1.3f', $layArr[$i]['rad']), 'right')
											$table = Table($rows, 'standard');
											if (0) {
											$layPg = GetPageByID($layPgID);
											$clonePg = clone $layPg;
											$layPg->contents = $table;
											UpdatePage($layPg, $clonePg, 'me');
											} else echo $table.'<br />';
											function PlaceText($img, $x, $y, $text, $foreColor) {
											global $fontFile;
											$fontSize = 14;
											$bbox = ImageFtBBox($fontSize, 0, $fontFile, 'A');   $y -= $bbox[5] / 2;
											$bbox = ImageFtBBox($fontSize, 0, $fontFile, $text); $x -= $bbox[4] / 2;
											ImageFtText($img, $fontSize, 0, $x, $y, $foreColor, $fontFile, $text);
											// Generate the solar radii image, and
											// display a list of elements in each group.
											if (1) {
											$imgWide = 200;
											$imgTall = 400;
											$img     = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgWide, $imgTall);
											$violet  = ImageColorAllocate($img, 138,  43, 226);
											$blue    = ImageColorAllocate($img,   0,   0, 255);
											$green   = ImageColorAllocate($img,   0, 100,   0);
											$yellow  = ImageColorAllocate($img, 255, 255,   0);
											$orange  = ImageColorAllocate($img, 255, 185,   0);
											$red     = ImageColorAllocate($img, 255,   0,   0);
											$black   = ImageColorAllocate($img,   0,   0,   0);
											$white   = ImageColorAllocate($img, 255, 255, 255);
											$violetNames = array();
											$blueNames   = array();
											$greenNames  = array();
											$yellowNames = array();
											$orangeNames = array();
											$redNames    = array();
											$blackNames  = array();
											$cx = $imgWide / 2;
											$cy = $imgTall;
											$layArr = array_reverse($layArr); // draw the arcs from the outside in
											for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($layArr); $i++) {
											if     ($i > 83) { $color = $violet; $violetNames[] = $layArr[$i]['nam']; }
											elseif ($i > 78) { $color = $blue;   $blueNames  [] = $layArr[$i]['nam']; }
											elseif ($i > 76) { $color = $green;  $greenNames [] = $layArr[$i]['nam']; }
											elseif ($i > 69) { $color = $yellow; $yellowNames[] = $layArr[$i]['nam']; }
											elseif ($i > 36) { $color = $orange; $orangeNames[] = $layArr[$i]['nam']; }
											elseif ($i > 35) { $color = $red;    $redNames   [] = $layArr[$i]['nam']; }
											else             { $color = $black;  $blackNames [] = $layArr[$i]['nam']; }
											if (kIsPublic) {
											$r = $layArr[$i]['rad'] * $imgTall * 1.5;
											ImageFilledArc($img, $cx, $cy, $r, $r, 180, 0, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
											function TmpOutStr($label, $array) {
											if (0) { echo $label.': '.implode(', ', $array).'<br />'; }
											$result = array_shift($array);
											if ($array) { $result .= ' ~ '.array_pop($array); }
											return $result;
											$violetNames = TmpOutStr('violet', $violetNames);
											$blueNames   = TmpOutStr('blue',   $blueNames  );
											$greenNames  = TmpOutStr('green',  $greenNames );
											$yellowNames = TmpOutStr('yellow', $yellowNames);
											$orangeNames = TmpOutStr('orange', $orangeNames);
											$redNames    = TmpOutStr('red',    $redNames   );
											$blackNames  = TmpOutStr('black',  $blackNames );
											if (kIsPublic) {
											PlaceText($img, $cx, 150, $violetNames, $white);
											PlaceText($img, $cx,  15, $blueNames,   $blue);
											PlaceText($img, $cx,  35, $greenNames,  $green);
											PlaceText($img, $cx,  55, $yellowNames, $yellow);
											PlaceText($img, $cx,  75, $orangeNames, $orange);
											PlaceText($img, $cx, 283, $redNames,    $white);
											PlaceText($img, $cx, 385, $blackNames,  $white);
											ImagePNG($img, $imgFile);
											echo '<img src="'.$imgFile.'" />';

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