
Re: Comments

Charles!.... when I saw this section on your blog you could have knocked me down with a feather! I assumed you were up to speed on this .... I quickly checked EU sites to find their opinions , and even the usually conservative Tallbot knows this is a fraud , although he nievly thinks that AL Gore and other politicians are being 'misslead by global warming scientists'.... Here is the bottom line , and this is not a maybe, or my oppinion, but 100% guaranteed.

 There is no global warming, anthropogenic or otherwise. The whole thing is a very carefully coordinated scam by the controlers. We're getting into conspyracy theory now. Basicallly the European royalty together with top bankers own the magority of wealth , and are in league with ,or control politicians. They also own all the main media outlets, and of course climate scientist understand if they wan't to keep their job they have to go along with the official story.

Al Gore, through his carbon trading company 'Blood and Gore' has personally made billions of dollars , he is just a mid level operative and gets peanuts, the main loot goes to the top controllers , behind the ceans .

 These controllers are about to make their big move and try to bring in global dictatorship ,police state. Things are about to get very uncomfortable , particularly in the US, you can expect a collapse of the banking system , an end to democracy, WWIII , masive terrorist attacks (off course 9/11 was an inside job); any or all of the above very soon, and its all planed by these controlers , to bring in a police state.

This is why I left the UK eight years ago for a safer location, but even here in the remote jungle of Thailand I have a very secure underground living area as the caos may even reach here . I understand this may sound totaly crazy to many, but I have been researching this for 15 years now , and really consider my self an expert on the truth movement . Please ask any questions you have, I'm sure you have many doubts about what I've said.....

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