Pasting Images
'13-07-18, 21:23

How do you paste in a picture?*9951 Like an actual picture and not a link. I've seen some folks do it and couldnt get it to work and I didn't see anything in the help files.

'13-07-18, 21:29
Baltimore, MD, USA
tharkun said:
How do you paste in a picture?

You should be able to copy a picture from somewhere else (i.e., another browser window, or a document open in another type of app) using the keyboard shortcut (e.g., on Windows, Ctrl-C), and then paste it into the QDL editor with the corresponding command (e.g., on Windows, Ctrl-V).

I'll bump up your space limit to 10 MB, if you promise not to abuse this capability. Registered users get 1 MB of space for free, which is plenty if you are only entering text, but doesn't leave much room for images. This is a necessary restriction, since I have to pay for space on the server, and I'd run out of space instantly if I allowed unrestricted image uploads for free. ;)

'13-07-19, 16:12

Ok thanks. I don't really need the 10mb of space, I just couldn't get cut-copy-paste to work before. Maybe the pic I was trying to paste was too big. I'll try it again sometime. Feel free to bump me back down if you need to. Thanks!


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