Start/Span/Stop Times
  • Here you can manually edit the start/span/stop times. Note that at least one of them has to be set to something other than firm in order to change anything.
  • The firm/flexible settings affect more than just the date math when editing an event — it also affects how QDL handles event conflicts. One typical workflow involves days that are partially filled with fixed events, such as meetings, and then there is the in-between time, which is filled up by working on projects on demand. And the project time isn't necessarily in solid blocks — it can get carved up into a variety of different chunks, depending on how things go. To keep track of time spent on various projects as you go, you can click the "now" button (i.e., the little red triangle in the daily and weekly SVG calendars), and create an event for the project you're going to work on. It will automatically set the start time to now, and the span/stop times to "flexible". If you save this event, the stop time will float, until you create another event for the next project that you work on, or until the time gets to the beginning of an event that was already created. If the current event is set to float (i.e., stopTime = "or later"), and if the next event is set to float (i.e., startTime = "or later"), it looks at the priorities of the items, and goes with whichever is higher in priority, or if they're the same priority, it just continues floating the current event. But if the next event is "or earlier" or "fixed", the current event is stopped, and the next event is started. If that isn't what you wanted, you'll have to manually straighten it out later.
  • Show start time on calendar
    • Except for the daily calendar, where the start time is designated graphically, this prepends the start time to the title.
  • Remind
    • Set this to something other than 0 to get an alert before an event starts.
  • Priority
    • This helps QDL determine how to handle floating event conflicts.

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