Code for Oscillating Hydrogen
												Code for Oscillating Hydrogen
												© Charles Chandler
												This finds the expected oscillation distance, given the particle
												speed, and the frequency of the photons generated by the oscillation.
												To get the particle speed, first we get the speed of sound for
												hydrogen at that temperature. Then we divide that by .62, which is
												the ratio between the speed of sound and the speed of the actual
											function SpeedOfSound($adiabaticConstant, $temperature, $molarMass) {
											$molarGasConstant = 8.3144621;
											return sqrt(($adiabaticConstant * $molarGasConstant * $temperature) / $molarMass);
											$v['H1 molar mass (kg/mol)' ] = .002015 / 2; // for H2, divided by 2 for monoatomic hydrogen
											$v['photosphere temp (K)'   ] = 5525;
											$v['speed of sound (m/s)'   ] = SpeedOfSound(7/5, $v['photosphere temp (K)'], $v['H1 molar mass (kg/mol)']);
											$v['particle speed (m/s)'   ] = $v['speed of sound (m/s)'] / .62;
											$v['dominant wavelength (m)'] = 500 * pow(10, -9); // 500 nm
											$v['dominant hertz'         ] = (3 * pow(10, 8)) / $v['dominant wavelength (m)'];
											$v['seconds per cycle'      ] = 1 / $v['dominant hertz'];
											$v['particle distance (m)'  ] = $v['seconds per cycle'] * $v['particle speed (m/s)'];
											$v['H2 atom spacing (m)'    ] =  0.074 * pow(10, -9);
												H1 molar mass (kg/mol):  0.0010075
												photosphere temp (K):    5525
												speed of sound (m/s):    7989.5939979209
												particle speed (m/s):    12886.44193213
												dominant wavelength (m): 5.0E-7
												dominant hertz:          6.0E+14
												seconds per cycle:       1.6666666666667E-15
												particle distance (m):   2.1477403220217E-11
												H2 atom spacing (m):     7.4E-11

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