												© Charles Chandler
											$earthRadius_m = $solSys->earth->radius_mean_km * 1000;
											$v['*** GRAVITY ***'] = '';
											$v['lunar gravity (near)'  ] = Gravity_n(1, $solSys->earth->moon_kg, ($solSys->earth->moon_orbit_km * 1000) - ($earthRadius_m));
											$v['lunar gravity (center)'] = Gravity_n(1, $solSys->earth->moon_kg, ($solSys->earth->moon_orbit_km * 1000));
											$v['lunar gravity'         ] = $v['lunar gravity (near)'] - $v['lunar gravity (center)'];
											$v['solar gravity (near)'  ] = Gravity_n(1, $solSys->sun->mass_kg,   ($solSys->earth->orbit_mean_km * 1000) - ($earthRadius_m));
											$v['solar gravity (center)'] = Gravity_n(1, $solSys->sun->mass_kg,   ($solSys->earth->orbit_mean_km * 1000));
											$v['solar gravity'         ] = $v['solar gravity (near)'] - $v['solar gravity (center)'];
											$v['lunisolar gravity'     ] = $v['lunar gravity'] + $v['solar gravity']; // N/kg at surface
											$v['lunisolar gravity / 2' ] = $v['lunisolar gravity'] / 2;
											$v['lunar over solar'      ] = $v['lunar gravity'] / $v['solar gravity'];
											$v['*** ELASTICITY ***'] = '';
											$v['granite density'       ] = 2650; // kg/m3
											$v['granile col vol'       ] = $earthRadius_m; // surface-to-center column, section of 1 m2
											$v['granite col mass'      ] = $v['granite density'] * $v['granile col vol']; // mass of granite column
											$v['granite col force'     ] = $v['granite col mass'] * $v['lunisolar gravity / 2'];
											$v['modulus of elasticity' ] = 50 * pow(10, 9); // pascals
											$v['compression ratio'     ] = $v['granite col force'] / $v['modulus of elasticity'];
											$v['maximum elasticity'    ] = $v['compression ratio'] * $earthRadius_m;
											$v['*** THROWS ***'] = '';
											$v['throw semidiurnal'     ] = (384.83 + 179.05 + 73.69 + 48.72) / 1000;
											$v['throw diurnal'         ] = (191.78 + 158.11 + 70.88) / 1000;
											$v['throw near'            ] = $v['throw semidiurnal'] + $v['throw diurnal'];
											$v['throw near / 2'        ] = $v['throw near'] / 2;
											$v['throw missing'         ] = $v['maximum elasticity'] - $v['throw near'];
											$v['throw near percent'    ] = ($v['throw near'] / $v['maximum elasticity']) * 100;
											$v['throw far percent'     ] = 100 - $v['throw near percent'];
											$v['*** INERTIA ***'] = '';
											// a = d / (.5 * t2)
											$v['half time squared'     ] = .5 * (6 * 60 * 60) * (6 * 60 * 60);
											$v['granite col accel'     ] = $v['throw near / 2'] / $v['half time squared'];
											$v['granite col inertia'   ] = $v['granite col mass'] * $v['granite col accel'];
											$v['*** MOHO ***'] = '';
											// Find the amount that the EDP threshold shifts, given the fluctuation in pressure.
											$v['lunisolar / earth'     ] = $v['lunisolar gravity'] / $solSys->earth->surfaceGravity;
											$v['edp shift'             ] = $v['lunisolar / earth'] * $earthRadius_m;
											$v['gravity to match'      ] = $v['granite col force'] * ($v['throw semidiurnal'] / $v['maximum elasticity']);
											$v['*** ELECTRICITY ***'] = '';
											// Find the number of electrons necessary to generate the electrostatic
											// repulsion such that the Coulomb force equals the force of gravity.
											$v['electrons per m3'      ] = 5.125 * pow(10, 15);
											$v['actual coulomb force'  ] = Electricity_n($v['electrons per m3'], $v['electrons per m3'], $v['edp shift']);
											$v['atoms in granite m3'   ] = $v['granite density'] / p;
											$v['ions per neutrals'     ] = $v['atoms in granite m3'] / $v['electrons per m3'];
											// Find the total current that is flowing.
											// So how am I going to figure the coulombs/second? I guess I could just figure that the electrons
											// in the near side bulge circumnavigate the globe once a day. But I still don't know the resistance,
											// so I can't figure the watts.
											$v['volume of sphere'      ] = VolumeOfSphere($earthRadius_m);
											$v['volume of ellipsoid'   ] = VolumeOfEllipsoid($earthRadius_m, $earthRadius_m, $earthRadius_m + $v['throw semidiurnal']);
											$v['volume of bulges'      ] = $v['volume of ellipsoid'] - $v['volume of sphere'];
											// Figure the total coulombs as the charge density in just one of the bulges,
											// because the other bulge has a deficiency of that many electrons.
											$v['total coulombs'        ] = $v['electrons per m3'] * ($v['volume of bulges'] / 2);

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