
Re: Photon Models & Simulations


Mathis' Model of Photon Stacked Spins

Basic photon motion is axial spin and forward motion 90o to spin axis.

First stacked spin is illustrated above. The photon (red violet) revolves around the center of a spatial sphere (light blue) twice the diameter of the photon, while traveling from left to right in a cycloid wave motion. The side view (in color) shows the wave motion best. Five frames are shown from one wavelength of travel. The Top and Front views help visualize the 3-D motion.

I think the second stacked spin makes a similar but longer cycloid wave and the third makes a long helical wave motion.



Give me page and verse saying that the photon spin must be at right angle to the forward motion. This longitudinal spin stabilization, like a rifle bullet, is just one of the many possible spins. If the spin is as you say, how can the spin exert any h-component in a forward collision? 

Why can't the spin can be in any direction?

My favorite photon moves like a Frisbee. Forward or backward release. I aim by aligning the spin toss to a line on the target for maximum power transfer, including the h-component. Or toss it with your way in mind to make floaters - spinning at right angle to gravity. But I'm being just a little less limited than you. There's end over end etcetera. 

Must photon paths be straight? Please tell me if you think they can curve. My discs curve because of air pressure and gravity. There is nothing to cause a photon to curve


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