Thunderbolts Forum

Space is "quantum foam"

Maybe adding to the discussion?
Fermi lab has this video "Space is quantum foam"

While it mistakes facts and fiction, it is interesting that mainstream science sees space as non-empty.
Would it interfere with light, causing redshift? Of course, but it is not mentioned..

It is mainly about virtual particles. The virtual particles are particles that pop in
and out of the physical world. Just like ghosts. And in my opinion these "particles" do not really exist
and are simply interactions with an extra dimension, which clearly explains all kind of quantum weirdness.

viscount aero
Re: Space is "quantum foam"

Zyxzevn wrote:
Maybe adding to the discussion?
Fermi lab has this video "Space is quantum foam"

While it mistakes facts and fiction, it is interesting that mainstream science sees space as non-empty.
Would it interfere with light, causing redshift? Of course, but it is not mentioned..

It is mainly about virtual particles. The virtual particles are particles that pop in
and out of the physical world. Just like ghosts. And in my opinion these "particles" do not really exist
and are simply interactions with an extra dimension, which clearly explains all kind of quantum weirdness.
I have mixed feelings about the study of quantum mechanics. On the one hand there is clearly another dimension to reality, a very tiny and "ghostly" one. Experiments have detected bizarre behavior of particles. But on the other hand, typical QM theories are all making love to the Big Bang with people like Michio Kaku and Stephen Hawking who believe in black holes and inflation and the Higgs boson. In my opinion these are all total pink unicorn fantasies. Michio Kaku is largely a warlock and magician and quantum foam is the catch-all secret sauce for anything they don't know. Abracadabra!

Re: Space is "quantum foam"

viscount aero wrote:
But on the other hand, typical QM theories are all making love to the Big Bang ..
The basis of QM is totally without any Big Bang, and is much more accurate as you can see in the video.
It may even proof that the big bang is invalid, as it did with the black holes. ;-)

viscount aero
Re: Space is "quantum foam"

Zyxzevn wrote:
viscount aero wrote:
But on the other hand, typical QM theories are all making love to the Big Bang ..
The basis of QM is totally without any Big Bang, and is much more accurate as you can see in the video.
It may even proof that the big bang is invalid, as it did with the black holes. ;-)
Sorry, mate, quantum foam, as I said, solves all problems for them. Big Bang is a quantum foam event. And if not that then it's M Theory.

Re: Does Space Insulate or Conduct?

Zyx, re quantum foam, milesmathis.com has a section on QM/QED. MM says a major error of QM etc is calling electrons, photons etc point particles with no radius. That screws up all their formulas just like what Crothers says about calculations for black holes are screwed up by dividing by zero. The video said virtual photons can have considerable mass. In reality real photons have mass. Conventional physics is wrong in claiming that they have no mass. They also say photons have no radius. Anything without mass or radius, it seems to me, cannot exist. Photons exist, therefore they have radius, and since they have effects on matter, they have mass. What fills space or the vacuum then is things like photons.

Re: Does Space Insulate or Conduct?

Adding my 2 cents.
We use the word "space" to mean an interval between 2 or more objects characterized by the absence of visible matter, formally referred to as a void. However, we now know that space, or the void, contains invisible matter: ie... gas, dust, plasma, electromagnetic fields, gravity, and who knows what else.

An electrical conductor guides the flow of electrons along a certain path. That guide could be a visible guide such as a copper wire, or, an invisible force such as electromagnetism.

An insulator is anything that disrupts communication between objects obstructing the flow of electrons.

So, it's not space itself that is the conductor or insulator, but the visible and invisible matter and forces contained in space.

To complicate things, invisible matter and forces, such as the supposed aether, may also influence communication between objects and affect the flow of electrons.

The question should be, what are the visible and invisible objects and forces in space that guide the flow of electrons or disrupt communication?

Re: Does Space Insulate or Conduct?

I don't understand why this has to be so complicated. I don't have any problem at all conceiving an object moving from point A to point B, without any obstructions, if it is traveling through empty space. Thus there will be no friction, nor electrical resistance, or anything else like that. I can also conceive a sparsely populated space, that might not look like there is anything there, but actually, there are molecules here and there to bump into, and thus there will be friction for neutral objects traveling through that space, or electric resistance for charged particles. I agree that space does have the properties of length/width/height. I'm not sure that this turns it into a "thing", but as a "thing" or not, it doesn't generate any friction, nor any electrical resistance. Nor does it have pressure, or mass, or its own electrical charge, or color, taste, or anything else like that. But objects can move through it, and so can certain forms of energy, such as EM waves, as well as certain forces, such as gravity and the electric force. I don't see why there has to be something there to transport stuff like particles, forces, or forms of energy, from point A to point B. Maybe I just don't understand the problem. But I certainly consider it to be a mistake to require that something be there to mediate these exchanges, and then to start assigning all kinds of properties to the medium that one might think would be there, when the measurements indicate that they're not.

Re: Does Space Insulate or Conduct?

I just watched this video:


It talks about the July 23, 2012, CME that was really large but earth wasn't in its path. They say it was probably bigger than the one in the Carrington Event.

They made a remark about how the big CME traveled extraordinarily fast because its path had been cleared out by a previous CME.

Cleared out of what, I'm wondering? At any rate, it made me think of this discussion thread. It seems to lend credence to the idea that cleared-out space (to coin a phrase) conducts energy better than otherwise.

Re: Does Space Insulate or Conduct?

Charles said:
I don't understand why this has to be so complicated. I don't have any problem at all conceiving an object moving from point A to point B, without any obstructions, if it is traveling through empty space.
Yes, I agree, Most of this topic seems to be a semantic entanglement.

I agree that space does have the properties of length/width/height.
No, if empty space is empty(quantum tunneling notwithstanding) then "it" is empty. Therefore, empty space has no intrinsic dimensions. IMHO. There is the ability to put or find things in space, then to measure. But this is a different topic.

Re: Does Space Insulate or Conduct?

No, if empty space is empty(quantum tunneling notwithstanding) then "it" is empty. Therefore, empty space has no intrinsic dimensions. IMHO. There is the ability to put or find things in space, then to measure. But this is a different topic.

Dimensions of space are defined by those things outside of that space.
Is that what you mean?

Re: Does Space Insulate or Conduct?

Summary Highlights of AC/CD Thread
V.A. said: Please read thru this thread on AC/DC in electric universe:
Okay. I looked it over. The following seem to be the main points (which I numbered up to 46 and included links to each post), without going into many details. So which of these best explains that electric forces in space can involve AC, or impedance, resonance, harmonics etc?

Postby Solar » Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:43 pm
_1_ There are in actuality two forms of "electricity".
Alternating Currents (alternating current, cycles)
Direct Current (direct current, "scalar", no variation "unidirectional" or non-alternating)
Impulse Currents (Tesla, spark gap, early days of wireless)
Oscillating Currents (Tesla, spark gap, early days of wireless)
_2_ The Four Quadrant Theory of Electricity is
alternating current + direct current are transverse electromagnetic
impulse and oscillating current are longitudinal di-electric – Eric Dollard: PESWIKI
_3_ Endothermic and Exothermic Electric Discharges

Postby Jarvamundo » Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:38 pm
_4_ The type of electricity used to form a galaxy is the same as the tiny noise ripple that exists when you flick the switch of your AC or DC system.
It is neither AC nor DC. Both these forms of electricity are continuous in function.
Galaxies are transient electrical phenomena. Transient is the natural form of electricity... as Solar points out in blue...
_5_ There also exist other complex forms of these currents, depending on the electrical constants of the circuit, and in an electrical universe mediated by non-linear plasma, these can become incredibly complex to analyze. That is... a circuit element may not participate in a phenomena until a threshold is reached, these electrical thresholds can also be harmonically reached. Hannes Alfven's early work was in these types of electrical power systems, a terrestrial example is an exploding rectifier when due to transient instabilities at the point of interruption the entire power line and all it's surrounding-ly stored energy decides to participate in a local phenomena... the vaporizing of the substation. BOOM! Alfven then moved onto describe cosmic phenomena with these electrical engineering analytical techniques (the rectifier interruption becomes a solar flare).
_6_ Eric Lerner wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH6XAacQuRs#t=288s
Phenomena of the cosmos are essentially transient phenomena, it's funny to think of a galaxy lasting billions of years as a transient phenomena.
Read the first 3 pages of chapter 1:
Theory and calculation of transient electric phenomena and oscillations (1909) - Charles P Steinmetz (Chief theoretical engineer of General Electric)

Postby seasmith » Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:18 pm
_7_ Alfvén proposed that interstellar space could contain sufficient plasma to carry electric currents that would produce the required field locally. Only much later was the existence of the galactic magnetic field confirmed, and, ...

The 'Other Electricity' Part One
Postby Solar » Sat Sep 22, 2012 2:36 pm
_8_ Pulsed Plasma
The Sounds of Pulsars
That is Pulsed Plasma. So I think consideration of the glow discharge and "cathode"/"anode" relationships in pulsed plasma regimes needs to be had. If its DC out there in space then all the better.
_9_ Stationary Waves:
Now, let's consider Tesla's recognition of "stationary waves" owing to storms during his time at Colorado Springs. Its a familiar story but I want to highlight some things:
_10_ 'Individualized' Longitudinal Magneto-Dielectricity
"Tesla's Longitudinal Electricity" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4m82cvThd8
Cold electricity Lighting a Bulb http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MchjJy1GOs

The 'Other Electricity' Part Two
Postby Solar » Sat Sep 22, 2012 2:50 pm
_11_ The Difference between Impulse Currents in AC and DC Systems
"Art of reducing attenuation of electrical waves and apparatus therefore"
"Standing Wave Oscillations in an Electrocatalytic Reaction"
"Outline of Theory of Impulse Current"

Postby Jarvamundo » Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:39 pm
_12_ this configuration in the Pupin diagram
_13_ So back to our LMD setup and standing waves. (This is where i like the general concepts of the Thornhill-Sansbury electro-gravity dipoles).

Postby seasmith » Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:49 pm
_14_ I think you've opened the door to Phase.
Incidently is there a notion of "resistance" longitudinally ?

Postby Solar » Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:12 pm
_15_ "distributed capacitance on the surface".
_16_ Theta-pinch accompanying the Z-pinch with galaxies "Starburst Galaxy M82"
_17_ junglelord wrote:I think of the sun as a phase conjugate four wave mixer.

Postby seasmith » Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:27 am
_18_ Found this in Chapter 21 Segregation: Tesla
"pendulum" analogy
Instead of Pupins's EM configured approach, which I botched, Tesla reduced the EM and accentuated the LMD oscillations by pulsing the system.
"Longitudinal Waves and Transverse Waves tests" http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/lmdtem.htm
the longitudinal Magnetic and Dielectricity can be differentiated from the transverse electromagnetic wave energy. A different form of "electricity" then arises which 'compresses radially' 'inward' as it robs heat from the environment. Its activities are the Impulse and Oscillating currents.

_19_ Solar wrote:The 'nodes' are where "tensions" of the overall oscillating system are 'released' or 'relax'. Thus planets, serving as resonant 'nodes', would bear the scars of large scale "transient" electrical activities.
_20_ Dollard mentioned that Heaviside had a term "Law of Continuity of Energy"
_21_ Solar wrote: I'm more interested in this 'other electricity' and its potential as a contribution to gravity, or gravity as a contribution to it

Postby seasmith » Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:00 pm
_22_ planets did form at the nodes of standing electromagnetic waves which have the same periods as solar oscillations

Postby kiwi » Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:47 pm
_23_ [Orbits] http://www.schillerinstitute.org/fid_97-01/982_orbit_ceres.pdf

Postby Solar » Thu Sep 27, 2012 5:15 pm
_24_ kiwi wrote: http://www.schillerinstitute.org/fid_97-01/982_orbit_ceres.pdf
Johannes Kepler discovered that the solar system was ordered according to certain harmonic principle.
So, from the standpoint of "stationary waves" (Tesla's terminology) as applied to the solar system

Postby Jarvamundo » Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:30 pm
_25_ Eric Dollard wrote:E: When you take the planets like Mercury and Jupiter, which are the real activity generators

Postby kiwi » Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:17 pm
_26_ If we replace the 24-inch copper pipe with an equivalent length of steel pipe, the steel pipe rolls in the opposite direction!

Postby Solar » Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:51 am
_27_ bi-directional longitudinal "flow" of electricity
21st Century, Fall 1996, "The Atomic Science Textbooks Don't Teach
Conventional Flow vs Electron Flow http://www.rare-earth-magnets.com/t-conventional-vs-electron-flow.aspx

Postby Solar » Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:32 pm
_28_ Sprites in Slow Motion with VLF-ELF Radio Emission – Ashcraft http://vimeo.com/39703535
NASA STS-120 Lightning from Space 05/11/2007
_29_ A numerical study of the Schumann resonances in Mars with the FDTD method
Human Metabolism Meets Cosmic Metabolism

Postby Jarvamundo » Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:40 pm
_30_ I wonder to what extent the distributed circuit constants (giant orbiting electrets) will affect the guided energy to be received by the sun

Postby Solar » Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:59 pm
_31_ The plasma sheath known as the heliosphere

Postby Solar » Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:59 pm
_32_ Merv Opher now at Boston University http://physics.gmu.edu/~mopher/
Images and Movies About the Interaction of the Solar System with the Interstellar Medium
A strong, highly-tilted interstellar magnetic field near the Solar System
ftp://space.mit.edu/pub/plasma/publicat ... e08567.pdf
Giant Ribbon Discovered at the Edge of the Solar System

Postby Solar » Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:28 pm
_33_ seasmith wrote: Light relays charge back to the aetheric bank on a vast~infinitesimal scale (a process only lately become obvious as lasers are routinely used to manipulate charge). - Source

Postby Jarvamundo » Sat Nov 10, 2012 7:50 pm
_34_ Paper: Is there a planetary influence on solar activity?
Picture a Saturnian system entrance affecting the transistor "gate", the flare ups would be profound.
the Solar transistor gate.

Postby Jarvamundo » Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:30 pm
_35_ Don Scott:
Paraphrasing: "I'm not saying it's like that [a transistor]... I'm saying it is [a transistor] what is happening."

Postby Solar » Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:48 pm
_36_ oscillating 'systems
"Loading Theory" and its proposal of a "trigger action" (gate)

Postby Jarvamundo » Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:13 pm
_37_ Kepler's harmonics

Postby Solar » Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:34 pm
_38_ cosmic superimposition effect: take a low pressure gas (in a bulb) and place it in two superimposed dielectric fields then you get spiral formations
http://www.tuks.nl/pdf/Eric_Dollard_Document_Collection/Functional%20Thinking%20-%20An%20Interview%20with%20Eri c%20Dollard%20by%20Tom%20Brown(OCR).pdf

Postby Solar » Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:39 am
_39_ a point charge is , in a sense, not entirely localizable
"What the Electromagnetic Vector Potential Describes"

Postby seasmith » Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:29 pm
_40_ two charged bodies he has pinioned in magneto-dielectric proximity
a nascent bar galaxy forming

Postby seasmith » Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:43 pm
_41_ Dipolar double layers form at domain boundaries. Magno-dilectric

Postby Jarvamundo » Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:14 pm
_42_ Principles of superposition... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DovunOxlY1k

Postby celeste » Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:07 pm
_43_ On Sept 23, Solar wrote, [] electrical formation of spheres
discharging would be to make an object spherical

Postby Jarvamundo » Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:06 am
_44_ Electrons are secondary artifacts
further electric waves may exist in order to 'hold together' a coherent world (the velocity of gravitational propagation).

Postby kiwi » Fri May 31, 2013 8:13 pm
_45_ Kepler's rejection of a reductionist treatment of the inverse square law of gravitation

Postby justcurious » Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:04 am
_46_ galactic scale AC currents
the sun's cycle and flipping of magnetic field
would appear as DC to us due to the enormous timescales

viscount aero
Re: Does Space Insulate or Conduct?

^^^ wow you've been busy :o

This is getting thick 8-)

Re: Does Space Insulate or Conduct?

I said:
No, if empty space is empty(quantum tunneling notwithstanding) then "it" is empty. Therefore, empty space has no intrinsic dimensions. IMHO. There is the ability to put or find things in space, then to measure. But this is a different topic.
Sparky asked:
Dimensions of space are defined by those things outside of that space. Is that what you mean?
Sort of, but not quite.
I do not know what "outside of that space" means. My idea is that empty space is a complete void. I think there can be no "dimensions" in space unless there is(are)matter. You need something to measure. This comes from my response to ideas of "extra" dimensions. I don't think there are "Extra Dimensions" because I don't think there are ANY dimensions intrinsic to space itself. In my work I use tape measures all the time. I have no problem with x,y, and z as we use them, but they are only measurement tools.

In a similar manner I do not think empty space has any conductivity or resistance in agreement with others above.

Re: Does Space Insulate or Conduct?


As Charles showed, the more matter there is in a volume of space, the less conductance it has.

And as I pointed out earlier, if space had no dimensions of length there would be no distance between material objects.

Re: Does Space Insulate or Conduct?

My idea is that empty space is a complete void
Well, I do understand that. And it could very well be.

My only argumentative thought would be from the greater macro on down to what we can determine is the micro, there is something that resides in an environment that appears to take up space, though finding that matter is mostly space is disconcerting.

The spaces between matter's bits and pieces does seem to be of vast quantity. :?

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