
Purposes and Reasons for Study
© Jeffrey J Wolynski

For people who are interested, and for those who possess the capacity to consider ideas that are far beyond the capacity of current scientists, a purpose will be stated to study superconductivity.

1. Interplanetary/interstellar/intergalactic space travel.


If electrical current persists at a specific temperature indefinitely, then how about making some sort of propulsion that uses this phenomenon? In other words, I think for future vehicles (of course way into the future), the source of fuel will not be required, but that the craft themselves will use the property of the very material its made of to propel it. Is not outer space incredibly cold?

I think the craft itself will become the source of energy for propulsion. In modern science, it is goes:

1. Craft, engine, fuel

In the future I think it will eventually be:

2. Craft = engine = fuel

As it is well known matter itself is THE sea of energy, we all know this via crude experiments in which critical mass uranium is smashed against another critical mass of uranium to make a nuclear explosion. That very same type of energy exists in the very seat you are sitting on, only the mass is not "critically radioactive". I guess what I am saying is that the future of propulsion will require that we make regular/non radioactive matter, such as carbon, and hold it in a critical state so that it will move with just as much force as is produced by the unruly nuclear fissioning of uranium/plutonium.

I think the path to this understanding is in the study of superconductivity, as solid state transitions in which the crystal structure does not change but its properties change is incredibly important.

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