© Jeffrey J Wolynski

Scientists think carbon is the "organic" molecule. I think this is incorrect. They seem to believe the simpliest organic molecule is methane, or one part carbon and four parts hydrogen. I think the organic molecules are ones that are intimately connected to life itself, and are not dependent on what "elements" they are comprised of. The arbitrary nature of classifying organic versus inorganic is shown even on the bastion for censorship of new scientific ideas, wikipedia:

"The distinction between organic and inorganic carbon compounds, while "useful in organizing the vast subject of chemistry... is somewhat arbitrary."

Water is the first organic molecule, without it, there is no life. Water's dipolar properties make it arrange all other organic molecules and can sustain life itself. It is vital, basic, and ignored as cast aside by establishment chemists as being "inorganic". It is one part oxygen and two parts hydrogen. The ignoring of basic reality is also ignored by establishment chemists as well. This is not surprising, they are not taught to think for themselves.

A simple way to look at this:

Take a bacteria and put it inside pure methane gas absent all water and see if it survives. Then take that same bacteria and put it in a tiny pool of water absent all methane gas and see if it survives. It is hypothesized that the bacteria will live considerably longer in the water than in the methane gas (carbon + hydrogen).

I do not have the resources to do this experiement on a pure basis, but hopefully there are others who will read this and a light bulb will go off. What I'm saying is that to detect life, all we have to do is find water. If there is water, then 100% there is life, because water itself is the very first arrangement of life itself in the universe. Water is the very first/simplest organic molecule, not methane. 

Another way of looking at this, has there ever been life found absent water? Has there ever been life found absent methane? It is therefore a challenge to any scientist reading this to find any experimental results in which life is formed/exists without water and/or methane. My point should be obvious. Students of chemistry need to pay attention.

Further along in this page I will go over basic inconsistencies in chemistry. There are thousands. Its almost as if chemistry as well as physics has undergone petrification (organic matter/human brains turned to stone).

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