Understand the divergent nature of scientific exploration.
Please note that on the fringes of any discipline, there is little consensus, and that's by definition. If we fully understood all of this, we would all agree. But in the process of extending the light of knowledge, we must explore, and everybody goes in different directions. Insistence on consensus in exploration would defeat the purpose. So one can expect many, mutually-exclusive theories, and it's a mistake to think that everybody on the frontier is of like mind. Rather, nobody on the frontier is of like mind. Some pioneers have even been known to move further into the wilderness when more people start showing up.
So there is not one theory here — there are many. Some people are attempting to develop rigorous scientific theories that solve problems within the existing paradigms, while others freely entertain wild speculation that clearly violates well-known principles of physics, potentially causing more problems than they solve. Telling the difference isn't always easy. On such a frontier, it's up to the individual to decide what is right. But there is no guilt by association out here, because there is no association. ;)

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