
When multiple hypotheses share some of the same components, they should be cross-linked, not copied.
There is much overlap between competing world views. Theories rarely re-invent the whole Universe, with unique explanations for everything. Rather, competing theories typically have a lot in common, but branch off into different treatments of particular topics.
Normally, this results in a great deal of duplication of material between competing theories. And there are a lot of lost opportunities when one theorist finds and solves a problem within a shared topic, without others realizing it.
World views should be represented as collections of ideas, and where ideas are shared between views, they should be cross-linked instead of copied. That way, any improvements to a sub-topic will improve all of the views that incorporate it. This also supports upstream navigation, where you might want to find out how many different frameworks incorporate a sub-topic. If the sub-topic is cross-linked instead of copied, this navigation is easy.

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