Anomalous Fossils
© Lloyd, Charles Chandler
Table 2: Anomalous C-14 Dates for Various Dinosaurs and Other Fossils
Bennett/Miller,12/27/07 users.rcn.com/robert.bennett/BennettrevRB122708v2.doc
Nr. | Fossil ID, year Analyzed, sample Preparation method |
| Radiocarbon Date in Years BP/ Equipment Used | Geologic Stratum/ Assumed Age x 106 years | PMC's corrected |
Bone collagen from interior of femur of
Triceratops/2006, [30 mg, Modified Longin method]
Montana Badlands/
Kline / 2004
30,890 ± 200
Upper Cretaceous
2.16 +/-0.05
Total organic carbon of exterior bone femur
Triceratops/2006 [pretreated]
Montana Badlands
Kline / 2004
33,830 +2910/-1960 conventional
Upper Cretaceous
1.38 +/-0.41
Wood (peat) from Equisetum, rush (?), creek bed / 2006 (pretreated)
Montana Badlands /White / 2005
45,190 +9300/-4200 conventional
Upper Cretaceous
0.36 +/-0.25
Wood, (mummified) on
Surface/2004, [pretreated]
Same sample as 4 but different lab/2001
Ellef Ringness Is.
C. Felix / 1970s
> 45,700
52,820 +3680/-2510 AMS, alkaline res.
17,580 +/-90 humic acid
Eocene /Cretaceous
40 – 65
Tree, 2 ft. diameter, 38 m deep in permafrost / 2004 [pretreated]
Prudhoe Bay / Oil Geologist / 1987
43,380 ± 380
Cretaceous (?)
0.45 +/- 0.02
Bone fragments from Acrocanthosaurus, 1990 [bone apatite]
Glen Rose formation, 1984, Baugh
>32,400 Conventional, bone apatite
Lower Cretaceous, ~100
CO2 gas from # 7 above
25,760 +/- 270 AMS
Surface scrapings from another bone of Acrocanthosaurus/1990
23,760 +/-270
Bone fragments of Allosaurus [bone apatite]/ 1990
Colorado, 1986, Hall
16,120 +/220 conventional
Carbonized wood in limestone with dinosaur & human-like prints/2005 [pretreated]
Glen Rose formation / 2004
≈ 108
Carbonized tree bark on petrified logs / 2005 [pretreated]
Colorado hillside /White; Guthrie
44,200 ± 2100
> 100
Alkaline fraction from
dinosaur bone fragment; humic acid fraction from same sample/1998 [pretreated]
Alaska Coleville River/Whitmore et al.
31,050 +230/-220 AMS; 36,480 +560/-530 AMS
2.10 +/- 0.06
1.07 +/- 0.07
Amber, #2961 / 2001 *
Saxony, Germany Ceranowicz
AMS (a)
0.08 +/- 0.07
Amber, #2962 / 2001 *
Sambian Pen. Russia/ Ceranowicz
-0011 +/-0.0010
Amber, #2963 / 2001 *
Wyoming / Miller et al.
0.15 +/- 0.08
Young amber colophony *
Bay of Gdansk,
620 ± 30
Bison bone collagen, 8.3 gm cored from bone **
Yukon territory, Canada
30,810 +/- 975
Pleistocene, [1000's of years BP]
Bone collagen from interior of Hadrosaurus femur bone/2007 (3.1 mg Modified Longin Method)
Montana Badlands,/Kline, 2004
23,170 +/-170
Upper Cretaceous
*(Ceranowicz et al. 2001), ** (Harrington and Morlan, 2002)
(cf. Steen-McIntyre et al. 1981; Table 2). San Bartolo Mammoth bone M-776 ,9670 ± 400 14C Organics 14,700 ± 280 14C Peat 4 12,900 ± 400 14C Santa Lucia mammoth I — 23,900 ± 600 14C Santa Lucia mammoth II — 11,170 ± 1650 Camel pelvis 245,000 ± 40,000 230Th Mammut molar, 280,000 230Th Mud 600,000 ± 340,000 Fission track Ash 370,000 ± 200,000 Fission track Mollusk shell 21,850 ± 850 14C proboscidean vertebra 21,500 ± 1500 230Th, 231Pr Bone 26,000 ± 530 14C A unifacial tool 21,850 ± 850 (14C)
Carbon Dating and Fossils
Now that Noah's Ark has most likely been found http://www.wnd.com/2010/04/146369/ Chinese-explorers-stand-by-claim-of-Noah-s-Ark-find-in-Turkey and related links, evidence of a world-wide Flood is almost everywhere on earth. Wherever fossils are found, it is evidence of a Flood. Fossils only form when plants and animals are quickly covered with deep sediment so they cannot decay. Nuclear decay of radioactive Isotopes and Carbon 14 dating as explained by forbidden knowledge in Section 3 takes it back to the time of the Flood. Almost everywhere on earth where layers of fossil fuels and sedimentary rock are found is evidence of the Flood. These sedimentary rocks usually contain an abundance of fossils. Sedimentary layers of rock found all over the world are attributed by evolutionists to the melting of a glacier at the end of the ice age. My bias tells me that these sedimentary layers are the result of flood waters scouring across the land. It also tells me that the glaciers were formed by the catastrophic eruption of the fountains of the deep spraying water into the stratosphere where it froze and return to the poles in the form of an enormous ice dump that instantly froze mammoths now found in the Arctic that were feeding on tropical plants.
Dinosaurs and MammothsEvidence of the Flood is given by the disappearance of the dinosaurs and mammoths all over the earth. The bias of evolutionists describe the disappearance of dinosaurs as the result of an asteroid or meteor striking the earth 65.5 million years ago and somehow selectively destroying and fossilizing the dinosaurs all over the earth while not affecting all the other plants and animals. In 2006 the paleontologist Mary Schweitzer found soft, fresh-looking tissue inside the femur of a Tyrannosaurus rex. http://discovermagazine.com/2006/apr/dinosaur-dna Many others have found muscle tissue and have reported bad odors in dinosaur fossils http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/277/1680/423.full. Flesh totally decays in months to years, not 65.6 million years. The longest flesh could remain undecomposed is certainly 4350 years, back to the time of the flood of Noah.
On May 24, 2007 United Press International reported a 15- meter track of twelve dinosaur footprints found in sandstone in the bed of an ancient lake in northern Spain. The footprints are clawed scrapings as a result of the dinosaur trying to get out of the floodwaters. Evolutionists say this is factual proof that dinosaurs grew feet while swimming. My bias tells me that this is evidence of the Flood with a dinosaur scrambling to get out of the rising floodwater. This track was found at the Cameros Basin in Rioja. Dinosaur tracks have been found coexisting with human footprints. http://www.bible.ca/tracks/tracks.htm, takes us back to the flooding of the earth in 2350 BC.
Anyone can observe that dead plants and animals quickly return to the dust from which they were formed (Gen. 2: 7; 3: 19). Creation scientists argue that evidence of a catastrophic flood is everywhere. The fossil records contain considerable evidence that all creatures coexisted before the flood. All species are intermixed in the Grand Canyon, with a petrified tree extending from the bottom to the top of the plant and animal deposit. Several other places on earth have scrambled fossil species, while in other places, they are compacted in the vertical plane in which they lived in the water, or drowned. Footprints of man and dinosaurs are found together in an ancient bed of the Paluxy River in Glen Rose, Texas. The erosion rate and fossils in the Grand Canyon and the Badlands date back to the time of the great flood.
Other evidence shows a catastrophic flood occurred about 4500 years ago. The frozen mammoths in the Arctic regions that were flash frozen with tropical vegetation half masticated, still fresh in their mouths is one example. The craters from meteors, the sedimentary rock that is found abundantly all over the earth, loaded with fossils are a few of the hundreds of examples. The erosion of Niagara Falls ties the Ice Age back to the time of the flood 4500 to 10,000 years ago.