
Re: Volcanism

Thanks for starting the Chronology thread. I hope you or someone else knowledgeable will join in discussing the data etc.

I-Phone Data Collection

Charles, have you started pursuing the iPhone idea? It looks like it would need at least 5 things:

1. A place online to post data.

2. Detailed instructions on a) how to use the iPhone for collecting data; and b) how iPhone users can post the data to the place online.

3. Project Info: a good explanation of the project and the rationale.

4. Reasonably popular places online to post the project info. There should probably be a list of best places made up.

5. Someone to collect and handle the posted data and explain the findings.

If those are sufficient, shall you or we or someone work on those? Will the expert and grad student likely be willing to help with any of those 5 things?

If I have time, I could probably work on steps 3 & 4. I mean I could help edit and compose the project info document. I might be able to do the whole thing, actually, if it doesn't have to be real fancy. And I could help post it to places online, but the posting would have to wait till 1 and 2 are finished.

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