
Sample Survey
© Developer
This is an example of a survey that can be done in QDL. To take the survey, click the "Take Survey" button. When the survey page loads, give your answers, and click the "Submit" button. Then your username will appear in the parentheses next to the options that you selected. This allows everybody to see how everybody else voted. Note that you can come back at any time and re-take the survey, in case you change your mind.
  1. What are your favorite animals? (Check all that apply.)
    • Lions ()
    • Tigers (Charles Chandler)
    • Bears ()
    • Chimpanzees (Developer)
  2. What's your single most favorite color?
    1. Red (Developer)
    2. Orange ()
    3. Yellow ()
    4. Green (Charles Chandler)
    5. Blue ()
  3. Ricky Ricardo was married to:
    1. Phyllis Diller ()
    2. Jamie Lee Curtis (Developer)
    3. Lucille Ball (Charles Chandler, Jeffrey J Wolynski)
    4. Carol Burnett ()

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